
The members of the Fulu Shou band were sentenced to a year in prison for drug use, and only after they were released from prison were exposed, and their company was not banned?

author:Mr. Thirteen Y

Recently, Du Xueer, a member of the well-known girl band Fulu Shou who once participated in "Summer of the Band", nicknamed Pinch Pinch, was sentenced to 1 year in prison for drug smuggling. Since she was arrested on January 29 last year, she has completed her sentence.

The members of the Fulu Shou band were sentenced to a year in prison for drug use, and only after they were released from prison were exposed, and their company was not banned?

It can be said that the matter of celebrities involved in drugs is not new, but Du Xueer's matter, there are two points worth noting:

First of all, when she was exposed, she had already completed her sentence, and from the time she was arrested to now for more than a year, the company could not have known what had happened, and her related works had not been banned, and it was said that she planned to make a comeback, which caused many netizens to question.

Secondly, drug smuggling is a very serious crime, why was she sentenced to only 1 year in prison?

The members of the Fulu Shou band were sentenced to a year in prison for drug use, and only after they were released from prison were exposed, and their company was not banned?

Dusher insisted she was not smuggling drugs

From the verdict, it can be seen that Du Xueer purchased a prohibited drug called "LSD" from abroad, which is highly secretive, is in the form of letter paper, and is smuggled directly into the country by mail. When the LSD was delivered to DuCher's residence, the police arrested him on the spot.

After being arrested, Du Xueer denied that she smuggled drugs, on the one hand, she claimed that she did not know that LSD was a drug, only that it was a drug used to enhance creativity. On the other hand, the drugs seized are only 0.13 grams, which is a trace amount, and if you really want to smuggle, you will not smuggle that much.

However, in the investigation of the case, the witnesses confessed that Du Xueer could not have been unaware of what LSD was, and that marijuana reagents were found in her home, and that witnesses confirmed that she had purchased marijuana on several occasions.

The members of the Fulu Shou band were sentenced to a year in prison for drug use, and only after they were released from prison were exposed, and their company was not banned?

Therefore, through these evidences, it can be basically judged that Du Xue'er has a history of smoking contraband, and secondly, her purchase of LSD may not be for smuggling profits, but it does constitute the fact of smuggling crimes, so the court finally sentenced her to one year in prison.

So the question is, its artists have such a big thing, the company has been hiding, it is said that it still wants to comeback?

According to netizens, after Du Xueer's arrest, her company announced to the outside world that she had gone to practice. After she was released from prison, she still planned to hide the incident, and she was still working intensively to prepare for a new album and tour.

The members of the Fulu Shou band were sentenced to a year in prison for drug use, and only after they were released from prison were exposed, and their company was not banned?

Good guys, once other artists are involved in drugs, they are immediately cool, this company is good, and it plans to hide the sky and cross the sea, seize the time to dig for gold.

They may have different views on whether Du Xue'er is smuggling LSD, and even feel that they have been wronged, but the testimony says that she has bought marijuana many times, that is, she did not run, and the police also found the transfer record.

This alone is enough to characterize Du Xueer as a bad artist, and it is really interesting that she and her company can still act as if nothing has happened.

The members of the Fulu Shou band were sentenced to a year in prison for drug use, and only after they were released from prison were exposed, and their company was not banned?

Du Xueer graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music and also has a postgraduate degree

Du Xueer's Fulu Shou is a girl band, and the members of the band are triplet sisters, and they are all high-talented students of the Central Conservatory of Music, of which Du Xueer is still a graduate student.

In the show "Summer of the Band", Fu Lu Shou received a lot of attention, and their "Jade Zhen" was very popular. The scene is all rock fan's big brother and big sister, and the three sisters' painting style is completely different, a little fresh.

The members of the Fulu Shou band were sentenced to a year in prison for drug use, and only after they were released from prison were exposed, and their company was not banned?

The three sisters have good looks, attitudes and musical talents, and it is reasonable to say that the future is bright.

It's just a pity that Du Xue'er didn't expect du Xue'er to end her acting career in such a way.

However, to be involved in drugs is to violate the red line, even their fans, they say that they can't accept it, this has nothing to do with talent, this is the bottom line of principle.

The members of the Fulu Shou band were sentenced to a year in prison for drug use, and only after they were released from prison were exposed, and their company was not banned?

De-stressing and finding creativity are not excuses for making mistakes

There are a lot of artists who take drugs, they all give similar arguments, some people say that it is stressful, some people say that there is no inspiration to need drug help, but to be honest, this is all an excuse, I have not heard of drugs can enhance creativity.

Drugs are not shallow, anti-drug work is a high-risk work, and there is no trace of extenuating drug use.

It is rumored that artists have always been the target of drug dealers, and drug dealers often tempt them to tell them that drugs can reduce stress and bring creative inspiration. These artists eventually fell to a ruined future, but they could not resist the temptation.

The members of the Fulu Shou band were sentenced to a year in prison for drug use, and only after they were released from prison were exposed, and their company was not banned?


Do you know anything about the band Fulu Shou? What do you think of her sentence for mail-order LSD? Feel free to chat in the comments section.