
Original God: The gameplay is not as good as Zelda, a thousand people have 10,000 ways to play, no exaggeration!

The king of the pen in the game, living by playing games every day, playing online games also has 20 years, I have my own unique insights, as a 10-year old player who does not get out of the pit, if the article is written in any problems, please re-spray! If everyone thinks it's good, please forward and like! Thank you so much!

The original god play is not as good as Zelda, a thousand people have 10,000 ways to play, no exaggeration!

Original God: The gameplay is not as good as Zelda, a thousand people have 10,000 ways to play, no exaggeration!

Zelda 1,000 people have 10,000 ways to play, such as I have a crippled hand, the shield is too high to fail, just like, the centaurs set fire, I fly up, the bow and arrow shoot the head, land, ride the centaurs, chop a few times, repeat. The essence of this game is that you can torture the boss in any way you want.

Original God: The gameplay is not as good as Zelda, a thousand people have 10,000 ways to play, no exaggeration!

Many players feel that Zelda needs to be too much to operate. The original god should be simpler and more comfortable to play. And the original god can be online, which is great.

Zelda has no strength to speak of, need to operate, cut a few times, he will burst in, and then dodge, shoot a few times, try to shoot the head, shoot the dizzy, ride up to cut, no stun is okay, he will set fire to the mountain, take advantage of the fire to open the paraglider to rise, open the bow and arrow into the Link time shooter, land, and then ride up to cut, quickly wake up and run. There are unlimited ways to make bows and arrows, you can see the tutorial, as long as there is a bow and arrow, Helaru will do whatever I want.

Original God: The gameplay is not as good as Zelda, a thousand people have 10,000 ways to play, no exaggeration!

Now I need the fault tolerance rate, the ren king, the wolf, the hollow knight I have passed, the hole knight five doors are really unable to beat, the five doors have to fight a boss battle for an hour continuously. You also believe that you can pass the level, why are you so confident in the Puxin man in the game industry?

Original God: The gameplay is not as good as Zelda, a thousand people have 10,000 ways to play, no exaggeration!

In fact, social is also one of the attributes of the game, Zelda played for two hundred hours, playing to the end more and more lonely, is the kind of loneliness in the game, rampant in the continent of Hailaru, but a hundred years ago the partners are gone, recommended that you play double trip.

Soul games, there is no way to stack values, or the kind of games that do not become stronger by spawning monsters and upgrading. You can only fight after a few deaths and become familiar with the boss's moves. Whoever can say that once you can pass the soul game, I don't believe it, and some places trap are deliberately disgusting.

Original God: The gameplay is not as good as Zelda, a thousand people have 10,000 ways to play, no exaggeration!

Zelda does have some tricks, but even if you don't know them, you can still pass the level. Nothing is required at all. People who feel the need to operate are playing too few games.

In fact, I think it would be nice if the original god could do the imaging legend series and the Dragon Quest series, but many people don't know why domestic companies with some fame like to do online games.

Original God: The gameplay is not as good as Zelda, a thousand people have 10,000 ways to play, no exaggeration!

You should know that the most profitable place for single-player games is abroad, and it is difficult to make money in China. Therefore, domestic manufacturers can only engage in online games, which directly ask for money. This is no longer a technical problem, but a market economy problem. Even if it is difficult to make a lot of money abroad even if it develops excellent stand-alone works in China, after all, people still have various protection and monopoly means. So it's not that domestic game companies can't do it, but there are other grievances. However, this situation is also improving, and now everyone is slowly willing to spend money to buy stand-alone works, so we must seize this opportunity to launch excellent products.

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