
is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

author:Carved liver

Recently, the movie "Rifle Hotel" starring Huang Xuan, Liu Yan and others was released.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

In the play, Huang Xuan plays a "street bastard", once Huang Xuan went out to eat with his friends, and saw a few hooligans bullying the little girl, and he had a strong sense of justice, so he went up and pulled the other party away.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

Who would have thought that the strength was not well controlled, Huang Xuan directly injured the other party, but when it came to the trial, the little girl was unwilling to testify in court on the grounds that she was getting married immediately, and finally Huang Xuan was sentenced to ten years in prison.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

On the other hand, Fan Wei also released a work on May 17, which was directed by Zhang Guoli and produced by Han Sanping, called "Morning Clouds and Twilight Rain".

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

Fan Wei plays an honest farmer in the play, who was sentenced to ten years in prison for manslaughter, and after being released from prison, he was sentenced to 17 years in prison again for helping others carry drugs, adding up to a total of 27 years.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

One has been in prison for ten years, and the other has been in prison for twenty-seven years, and when you look at the labor prisoners played by Huang Xuan and Fan Wei together, you can see that it can be described as textbook acting.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

Huang Xuan - "Rifle Hotel"

The character played by Huang Xuan in the play is called "Li Qingrang", who was sentenced to ten years in prison for negligent wounding, which is enough to change everything, and it is during this period that Li Qingrang realizes the importance of "home".

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

After being released from prison, Li Qingrang immediately returned to his "hometown", but his father was not here, and when he looked through the "Family Portrait" album, he found that all the photos about himself on it had been burned.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

But he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, and with great difficulty, Li Qingrang found his father, and it could be seen from his cramped and uneasy expression that he really wanted his father's approval.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

Who would have thought that the first time his father saw him, he subconsciously avoided it, and then immediately closed the door.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

His father's performance made him very sad, but Li Qingrang didn't say anything, but turned back to the old house, wanting to numb himself through work and forget everything at the beginning.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

After learning that his father was hospitalized, Li Qingrang secretly asked others to help him take care of his father and buy him various nutritional products.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

Sometimes Li Qingrang will secretly watch his father at the door of the ward, and from his longing eyes, it is enough for the audience to experience her longing for father's love and home.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

In order to make his father's condition get better quickly, Li Qingrang also made a dumpling for his father, and he also put a coin in the dumpling, which is a blessing from Li Qingrang to his father as a child.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

When Li Qingrang learned that his father was about to die, he could only rely on alcohol to numb himself, hoping to relieve his spiritual pain in this way.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

When he was drunk and met the police, Li Qingrang was subconsciously scared and ran away.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

When being interrogated by the police, Li Qingrang unconsciously said his number when he was in prison, and also made a gesture of holding his head with both hands, all because of the impact of prison life on him.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

When the police wanted to check his ID card, Li Qingrang couldn't help but cry with a headache.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

The four words "I miss home" kept crying in his mouth, and his years of prison life have had a great impact on Li Qingrang, and now he only wants a home and a safe, stable and stable life.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

Before his father died, he finally saw Li Qingrang, he took out the key to the house and gave it to him, Li Qingrang cried again when he saw that the key was a complete family photo.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

Huang Xuan's acting skills vividly show the various changes of a "misguided" teenager after he was released from prison, and his textbook acting skills are "concretized" at this moment. ”

Fan Wei - "Morning Clouds and Dusk Rain"

Fan Wei played an honest farmer "Lao Qin" in "Morning Clouds and Twilight Rain", but after 27 years in prison, Fan Wei's whole personality has completely changed.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

In prison, Lao Qin always looked "timid" in the face of the prison guards, and the prison guards kicked the stool for him to sit, he would not get angry at all, and even greeted him with a smile and said thank you.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

When he was released from prison, he didn't dare to raise his head all the way, his hands were clenched into fists, his eyes were empty, his body was tense, and at this moment he was released from prison, Lao Qin was excited, and similarly, he was also very nervous.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

After being released from prison, in the face of the prison guard's preaching, Lao Qin's whole person was so frightened that he "trembled", and his eyes did not dare to raise a little, looking very inferior and timid.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

When the prison guard lit a cigarette for him with his own hands, Lao Qin's hands trembled uncontrollably.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

But when the prison guard turned around and left, Lao Qin's whole expression immediately changed, as if he was no longer the honest "Lao Qin" he was back then.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

In the next second, Lao Qin directly picked up the "rice bowl" in his hand and threw it to the ground, as if he was venting the dissatisfaction in his heart over the years, an honest person, after twenty-seven years of prison life, has completely lived into two faces, honest on the surface, and a ruthless villain behind him.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

When Lao Qin was released from prison, he came to the marriage agency to find a marriage, but after spending a lot of money, he found out that all this was a scam by the other party, and the owner of the marriage agency also humiliated Lao Qin as just a labor prisoner, and even spat in his face.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

The reason why the boss of the marriage agency did this was because he felt that Lao Qin was an honest man, but nearly 30 years in prison had changed Lao Qin's character.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

I have to say that Fan Wei's acting skills show a "two-faced" labor prisoner to the fullest, honest on the surface, but actually ruthless, this acting skill can be called textbook level.

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

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Source: Movie Story's official Douyin account on June 11, 2024 about "Kindness can warm others".

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

The video about "From This Moment" was released on June 28, 2024 by the official Douyin account of Movie Rifle Hotel

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

The video about "Dad never says I'm sorry" released on June 28, 2024 by the official Douyin account of the movie Le Fu Hotel

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

The video about "Li Sanqing after coming out" was released on June 29, 2024 by the official Douyin account of the movie Rifle Hotel

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

A video about "27 years in prison" released by the official Douyin account of the movie Chaoyun Duyu on May 8, 2024

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

A video about "His Last Look" released on May 15, 2024 by the official Douyin account of the movie Chaoyun Duyu

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

The official Douyin account of the movie Chaoyun Duyu released a video on April 29, 2024 about "changing your face in one second and scaring your guts".

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

A video about "honest people going crazy" released on April 30, 2024 by the official Douyin account of the movie Chaoyun Duyu

is also acting as a labor prisoner who was released from prison, and after watching Huang Xuan and Fan Wei, he knew what textbook acting was

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