
Lin Qingsen: The Russo-Ukrainian War – Looking at it differently, I experienced unexpected and reasonable shock

author:Qin'an Strategy

【Editor's Note】This article is the first part of Lin Qingsen's nearly 20,000-word masterpiece by Lin Qingsen, a researcher at the "Qin'an Strategic Think Tank", and the full text will be published in 6 parts to show his in-depth thinking on the current Russian-Ukrainian war, and this part profoundly explains the understanding of the nature of the Ukrainian crisis: "Capital is the work, Biden leads, the Russo-Ukrainian war starts, and the target is China", which is conducive to us seeing the essence, taking precautions, and taking practical measures to let more than 1.4 billion Chinese people have more sense of gain, happiness and security.

First, capital is at work, Biden is leading, the Russo-Ukrainian war has started, and the target is China

To dissect the essence and trend of the Russo-Ukrainian War, without adopting the Marxist scalpel of capital, it is impossible to draw a new tumor of the Russo-Ukrainian War, which is infiltrated by capital factors layer by layer and with complex phenomena, let alone clarify its essence and direction.

Lin Qingsen: The Russo-Ukrainian War – Looking at it differently, I experienced unexpected and reasonable shock

Today is April 28, 2022, and the Russo-Ukrainian War has reached its 64th day. War has ruined life, and mankind prays for peace! But the Biden administration wants the Russo-Ukrainian war to last a decade, even if only one Ukrainian remains. Biden took the lead in seducing Zelenskiy into killing Russia with thousands of Ukrainian flesh and blood.

The Biden administration provoked the Russian-Ukrainian war, in addition to isolating Russia and then destroying Russia, at least let Russia fall into the quagmire of war and long-term bottomless sanctions. Is there anything else? My answer is: Yes! As long as you look at it differently, it is not difficult to find that many US administrations have regarded China as the number one threat, so why didn't the Biden administration first force China, but first go to Russia? It should be unexpected, but it makes sense. Although China's strength (and oil and water) is far greater than Russia's, it is precisely because of this that the Biden administration has adopted a strategy of first making it easy and then difficult, first disabling Russia, so that it has no time to look east, and China will lose russia to the greatest extent possible, and it will be able to subvert China without any worries and go all out. It's cool.

At the same time, the domestic crisis of the US Empire must also be passed on to the outside world through war. There are even more demands of capital monopolies to obtain huge profits through war, and the US president, as a political puppet of capital, must be satisfied.

Lin Qingsen: The Russo-Ukrainian War – Looking at it differently, I experienced unexpected and reasonable shock

The speed of China's all-round rise, its large size, its high quality, its complete categories, its wide range of fields, and its unprecedented influence on the world are increasingly recognized by the US Empire as the number one threat to the eventual insecurity of its world hegemony (in fact, the international capital monopolies are increasingly recognizing that the red capital under Chinese characteristics is the gravedigger of their black capital). Especially in the Biden administration, not only has the China threat theory been hyped up, but also the strategy and means to solve the so-called China threat have been upgraded as never before - and even formed an upgrade strategy to subvert China and a tailor-made model. This can only be seen from the provocations of the United States and the West in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, and the overall situation is becoming more and more intense.

The Biden administration provoked the Russo-Ukrainian war, which clearly showed signs of experiments tailored to subvert China. Verifying new war strategies and models through actual combat is not biden's initiative, but as a politician, Biden's treatment of war in this way still shocks some people. On April 27, the Global Network headlined "British Media: Blinken Will Soon Elaborate on the National Security Strategy to Deal with china's Rise"," reporting that Blinken will detail the U.S. national strategy for China in the coming weeks. Blinken reportedly said at a hearing before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee: "I think soon in the coming weeks I will have the opportunity to speak publicly about the strategy and talk about some details about the strategy." Politics cannot believe in coincidence, the Biden administration has been in office for more than a year, why should it openly talk about the details of the China strategy? There is only one explanation, that is, to wait for the verification results of the strategy and model tailored specifically for China in the Russo-Ukrainian War.

Lin Qingsen: The Russo-Ukrainian War – Looking at it differently, I experienced unexpected and reasonable shock

In short, the Russo-Ukrainian war led by Biden was the beginning of an unprecedented war venture in human history by the US government for the monopoly capital behind it. In the past, the capitalist monopolies saw that war profits could be normalized, so today they have opened an upgraded version of war profits - using the new model of mixed war to grab larger-scale windfall profits, and at the same time, to continue the life of The United States' world hegemony. (In fact, they also see that it is on their home field (e.g., the WTO), according to their market rules, and with the blessing of black whistles, and when they are both referees and athletes, Chinese red capital can attack the city and the ground, which triggers their fear of China and the impulse to change to war play.)

Marx said: "Capital comes into the world, and every pore from head to toe is dripping with blood and dirty things." ”

Another famous indictment of Marx about capital is: "Capitalists are afraid of no profit or too little profit, just as nature fears a vacuum." Once there is a proper profit, capital is bold. If there is ten percent profit, it is guaranteed to be used everywhere; twenty percent profit it comes alive; fifty percent profit makes it desperate; for one hundred percent profit it dares to trample on all human laws; with three hundred percent profit, it dares to commit any crime, even risk hanging. ”

Lin Qingsen: The Russo-Ukrainian War – Looking at it differently, I experienced unexpected and reasonable shock

When capital reaches the monopoly stage, it naturally develops a capital monopoly group, and the military-industrial complex of the US Empire is its typical representative. Its monopolistic nature inevitably gives rise to the desire and behavior to dominate the world, and domination of the world is the last resort for monopoly capital groups to grab larger profiteers. Capital not only dares to commit any crime for the sake of profit, but has long escalated to the point of using the state as a criminal instrument. The militaristic nature of states that have become instruments of such crime is particularly acute. The United States of America is such a country, and it is super.

After monopoly capital saw that the vast majority of the elite in the world were infected by the magic of capital, it bowed to capital and prayed for the blessing of capital ten thousand times more pious than it did to pray to God and gods, and could not help but be overjoyed to the point of bursting self-confidence. At the same time, the development route of capital politics is widely popular around the world, and the human elite infected by the magic of capital is indispensable. Scholars, experts, politicians, think tank people, media people, cultural lackeys, cultural spies, etc. serving the US Empire are the elites of such elites, because they can beautify the war crimes of the US Empire to the point where they seem to have taken it for granted, "rules-based international order" + Freedom, democracy and human rights of Western universal values + playing with double standard discourse power from the position of strength, double standard "law enforcement", double standard defense = hegemony is natural, and it is also their invention for capital monopoly and monopoly capital to open the way. It's a special contribution.

The development of capitalism to this day has grown high-tech and the so-called "rules-based international order" pair of wings. As a result, the international capital monopolies are like tigers, freely above the world, ready to harvest the wealth of other countries in the form of eagle-like hegemony, and enjoy the joy of enslaving mankind. I wonder how Marx theoretically grasped the demonic nature of capital after the Spirit of Heaven saw the evolution of capital from dominating the human world to the stage of demonizing the human world.

Lin Qingsen: The Russo-Ukrainian War – Looking at it differently, I experienced unexpected and reasonable shock

In particular, after the magic of capital has long transformed the US government into a super tool and a super-first-class home for many international capital monopolies, the US president has also completely transformed into the role of a big devil manipulated by the international capital monopolies. Although the candidates who can be qualified for this role are from the democratic and republican parties and are elected according to the traditional four-year cycle routine of "democracy", the criteria that must meet the role of the big devil are formulated and strictly controlled by the international capitalist monopolies behind their backs. If it were not the leaders of the republican and democratic parties, it would be difficult for them to obtain the qualifications for competitive recruitment, to be competent in operating the super instrument of the US government, and to manage this home for the use of the international capitalist monopolies. Those who are not good in the role of the big devil in the drama really cannot play the super tool of the US government and do not manage this super-first-class home well, which will directly affect the scale and efficiency of the international capital monopoly group in harvesting world wealth, chasing huge profits, enslaving the world, and even affecting the safety of capital and capital monopoly groups.

For example, after Biden became the president of the United States, the role of the big devil was very fast, worthy of being a master who had been a second devil for eight years, compared with the previous Trump who made everything bad was the overlord hard bow, Biden's vicious laughter was particularly prominent, and the old Ginger of the US Empire's political circles was really hot. Obviously, China has been fixed as the number one enemy of the US Empire, but in the video call with the Chinese government, he has smiled and squinted at the wonderful promise of "four noes and one intention" in a seductive and conspicuous place, which is used to test the reaction of the other side for the purpose of making decisions behind China' backs; mingming is a new alliance that feeds China, and Biden, the big devil, entertains the political leaders of Western countries with a drug-sucking and bloodthirsty party. And cunningly presupposes the first venue of this big party in Ukraine at the east gate of Europe.

Ukrainian President Zelenskiy, a little demon boy, was flattered to hear the news, and at the cost of scorching his own land, turning the citizens of the country into props and sacrifices for this big party, and using the national army as cannon fodder, he also had to win a drugged and bloodthirsty party entry roll (joining NATO) from the big devil. Putin, the head of a Russian family in Ukraine's close neighbor, saw biden want to open a party of demons dancing at the west gate of his home, and everyone knew that demons and ghosts always want to eat people, which is too threatening to the safety of the home. So Putin sent his family to smash the Devil's Ukraine to the ground, stopping the momentum of the drug-sucking and bloodthirsty Demon Demon Party on russia's doorstep.

The big devil Biden and the demons looked at the big party field and let the Russians smash it, saying that they would not do anything, pushing Zelensky and Russia to fight for their lives, this desperate war is inevitable, it has been 59 days since the fight, and the final victory and defeat have not been divided. Biden and the goblins, the big devils who were in the battle, were not idle, handing zelenskiy a knife and arrow, while sanctioning Russia to death, and forcing countries to re-take sides.

Lin Qingsen: The Russo-Ukrainian War – Looking at it differently, I experienced unexpected and reasonable shock

Looking at the Russo-Ukrainian war, Russia once again said no to NATO's sixth eastward expansion after its five eastward expansions. The first time it said no, the strategic initiative enabled it to win back a Crimea from the hands of the United States and NATO, and this second strategic initiative will win more of it, at least for now, it has completely broken the strategic deployment of the US NATO troops into Ukraine, and won the necessary buffer zone for Russia's security defense in the west. But there is no one who can win real security and long-term development time and reliable wealth for the country and the nation, and there is no one who does not make considerable sacrifices for immediate interests.

Putin knows too much about capital, crimea, Donbass, the southern coastal regions of Ukraine, once incorporated into Russia's territory, it is equivalent to accumulating or possessing raw capital of immeasurable value for Russia. The land is the basis of all the economy of a country, because it is the most primitive capital, a capital that cannot be obtained without war.

I believe that the netizens of the world have witnessed more in the process of paying attention to the Russo-Ukrainian war, which is more the madness and arrogance of the UNITED STATES, NATO and western blocs during the Russo-Ukrainian war. However, this is only the beginning, by provoking proxy wars, using mixed means to isolate, group fight, sanction Russia, and thus finally collapse Russia, which is undoubtedly a 1.0 version of a new war strategy. It will be upgraded by the US Empire to subvert China's version 2.0.

Lin Qingsen: The Russo-Ukrainian War – Looking at it differently, I experienced unexpected and reasonable shock

Well, well, that's the first part, to be continued.