
In 2009, she gave birth to 8 twins and raised 14 babies, and now she is still single, and the children have grown up

In 2009, the Washington Post reported:

Nadya Suleman, who lives in California, had a caesarean section at 31 weeks.

With the help and care of 46 paramedics, Nadeya gave birth to 6 boys and 2 girls, the most successful since IVF techniques were done at the time, breaking the world record.

Nadeya was an ordinary single mother who had six children before that.

With those eight children, she had fourteen children.

That means he will also break the city of Los Angeles' record for "most mothers raising children."

In 2009, she gave birth to 8 twins and raised 14 babies, and now she is still single, and the children have grown up

For a time, major media rushed to interview him.

However, as the news broadcast did not last long, another piece of news followed.

Nadeya was able to conceive octopuses not out of pure personal will, but due to a mistake by the doctor during ivory fertilization.

In other words, the birth of these 8 children is simply a "medical dispute".

It also makes one wonder what's going on behind Nadeya and her children. In this big family full of love and warmth, what kind of delicate and complicated relationship do they have? After Nadeya became a mother, how did the children's lives change? What contradictions exist between them? Will Nadeya insist on raising these children?

A surgical accident led to the birth of octopuses

From a medical point of view, pregnant women conceiving multiple babies, especially octopuses like Nadeya, is not something to celebrate, or even dangerous.

In the photo, Nadeyalong can be seen taking up a huge baby, meaning she herself is in danger during her pregnancy.

She not only had to endure the oppression of her organs by the fetus, but also had to deal with the inconvenience of pregnancy.

Given that Nadeya is also a single mother, even the slightest accident, such as a fall, can have serious consequences for both mother and child.

In some cases, pregnant women are forced to miscarry after giving birth to multiple babies simply because of stress concentration, stomach rupture and bleeding caused by going to the toilet.

In addition, in the case of multiple births around the world, there are often cases of embryos dying due to insufficient nutrition.

Multiple births are dangerous for both pregnant women and babies, and inadequate oxygen delivery and umbilical cords around the neck can lead to infant death.

In the past, there have been cases of all deaths of multiple twins, and even if the birth is successful, the malnutrition rate is also very high.

There is even the problem of trying to miscarry after multiple births.

Thus, we can see that the doctors who caused Nadeya to become pregnant with multiple babies, due to poor surgery, were by no means a "crooked good job." ”

On the contrary, it was a great irresponsibility to the patient, and her mistake put Nadeya in a high-risk situation during the 8 months of pregnancy.

Therefore, as soon as the matter was exposed, the California Medical Council launched an investigation into Michael, Nadeya's attending physician and a well-known fertility expert in the United States. Michael Karras' investigation because he was a controversial scientist was one of his reasons in court. However, in this incident. Who, exactly? Karlram tentatively said.

After some investigation, the California Medical Board gave the full picture.

In 2009, she gave birth to 8 twins and raised 14 babies, and now she is still single, and the children have grown up

Around 2008, Nadeya went to a local hospital to request artificial conception, and Michael Carram took over Nadeya's surgery.

At first, Nadeya said she wanted twins.

However, while operating on Nadeya, Michael. However, Carram accidentally discovered a secret: 12 embryos were taken from his body by a man named Carram. Neither Nadeya nor Kalram knew what to do. However, Karram accidentally implanted 12 embryonic cells in Nadeya's womb.

Due to improper handling, 8 of the 12 embryonic cells eventually survived.

Meanwhile, Nadeya didn't even know she was pregnant with twins.

It wasn't until Nadeya was 17 weeks pregnant that she discovered she had 8 more children during a ultrasound test.

Nadeya herself was, if not encouraged, by the news.

Because I love children, just a few more.

But that's not to say Michael. Karlram narrowly escaped.

According to Nadeya's personal circumstances, only two or three embryos can be implanted at most, Michael. Karlram was the first to implant a human embryo and successfully conceive. But his wife Mary. Neither Rama nor her son, Karram, was pregnant. During the operation, Nadeya accidentally discovered a fatal defect , a heart malformation. Calram's mistake was a serious violation of medical ethics.

In general, if the circumstances are serious, they may even be sentenced to "malfeasance" or "intentional injury".

But instead of admitting his mistake, the doctor countered that Nadya had asked him to do so.

But after being questioned by the police, Nadeya was overwhelmed.

She herself didn't know that there were so many medical problems, how could she force the doctor to do such a dangerous examination for her?

Not to mention that his first thought was to have twins, and what Dr. Michaels said was completely untrue.

Eventually, in 2011, after two years of trial investigation, the California Medical Board formally expelled Michael. Karl ram qualified as a doctor and expelled him from the law firm. Meanwhile, Michael. Karlram was sentenced to death with a suspended life sentence. Before this judgment. Karram's license to practice medicine.

How to raise children in the future becomes difficult

Nadya didn't mind having a few more children, even though the hospital and unit where Michael Karram worked gave Nadya some compensation.

However, the issue of child support remains a conundrum.

Nadeya, herself a single mother, divorced her husband in 1997 and has not resumed her relationship ever since.

Around 2000, Nadeya received $165,000 in compensation for her injuries and decided to give birth to several children through IVF surgery.

In 2001, Nadeya underwent her first IVF and gave birth to her first boy.

In 2002, she had a second daughter through surgery.

Perhaps because she loved taking care of her children so much that over the next six years, Nadeya underwent three IVF operations and had four children.

One of the children is a fraternal twin.

In 2009, she gave birth to 8 twins and raised 14 babies, and now she is still single, and the children have grown up

By the time she had Dr. Michael's surgery, she had already had six children.

Nadeya's own family was not poor, but it was not rich enough to raise eight other children in one go.

As more and more children receive food in hospitals, while Nadeya is psychologically acceptable, how to raise them financially becomes a challenge.

After all, the biological fathers of these children are technically unidentified "sperm donors."

A mother of 14 children still doesn't spend much.

To make matters worse, the birth of the octets took even more damage to the pregnant woman herself, and Nadeya's spine was severely damaged, preventing her from doing her normal work.

At one point, the extended family was cut off from its source of subsistence.

While Nadeya's community offers some volunteer care and financial assistance, it's just a drop in the bucket when it comes to large expenses.

In addition to the financial pressure, another problem weighed heavily on Nadeya's mind, and that was the strange eyes around her.

In 2009, she gave birth to 8 twins and raised 14 babies, and now she is still single, and the children have grown up

After Nadia gave birth to octopuses, her community paid her a hefty stipend of $10,000 a year.

The move caused a lot of anger.

You know, back then, in the midst of an economic crisis, Nadeya didn't have to do anything, didn't have to spend that much money, and didn't have to argue online about the purpose of having 8 kids.

For many, Nadeya is completely irresponsible for having so many children without her own money.

There's no need for her community to spend taxpayer money to back it up, and there are even "fanatics" who email death threats to Deya.

This keeps Nadeya in constant fear.

At the same time, Nadeya's life is not very good, although the city gives her a certain subsidy every year, but when she gave birth to octopus less than 6 months, Nadeya's personal savings were spent.

He filed for bankruptcy protection himself and his property was disposed of by auction by the local court.

Nadeya suddenly found that, at this rate, her eight children, not to mention her future studies, had become a problem just by eating.

If he doesn't change, the family will be completely cornered.

Nadeya now has so many parenting responsibilities that it's almost impossible to leave work.

As a result, she was deeply confused about how to raise her children in the future.

Squatting down to work and raise children

In the end, under the pressure of realistic pressure, Nadeya made the choice to enter the pornography film and television industry.

The industry is a legitimate industry in the United States.

Nadeya herself has been pregnant many times, but her beauty, combined with her fame, makes it possible for her to follow this path.

In the days that followed, Nadeyari took out all her savings, had a facelift, had a breast augmentation, and started a new job.

Unexpectedly, Nadeya achieved amazing success in her career;

It didn't take long for her to win a large number of fans, and even won four awards in the year-end judging of the American Adult Channel that year.

The original heavy financial burden was solved at once.

Nadeya herself had almost no "moral corruption."

She even paid a high price for fertilization surgery after her divorce in 1997 instead of finding a new man.

The job was undoubtedly a torture for her.

But under pressure from her family, she had no choice.

She had to grit her teeth so that her 14 children could grow up healthy.

Years later, when it came to the experience, she made no secret of her disgust for the job, even using the word "disgusting."

What made Nadeya die work was simple.

Once, after work, she saw one of her daughters wearing high heels and skirts, imitating a beauty pageant on a television set.

This aroused her deep concern, and she began to realize that her choices could have a negative impact on her children.

In the end, Nadeya did not hesitate to choose to quit.

Later, she took a job as a family health teacher and private consultant and started her new life, despite the difficulties, she never complained.

In 2009, she gave birth to 8 twins and raised 14 babies, and now she is still single, and the children have grown up

Fortunately, after learning of Nadeya's exploits, a television station signed her up for a reality show.

A program tailored for her and her children.

This attracted some attention in the United States, earning Nadeya a handsome signing fee, enough to support her children.

For a time, Nadeya became the heart of the United States, and the family moved into a new three-bedroom apartment, where living conditions gradually improved.

Condition of 14 children

Now that Nadeya's children have grown up, her eldest son and daughter are now attending college in the area, occasionally doing odd jobs to supplement the family's income.

Now that the octopus is 14 years old and in high school, Nadeya herself doesn't have to worry too much.

Nadeya now wakes up at 6 a.m. every morning, prepares breakfast for the kids, and drives her own pickups to take them to different schools one by one.

After that, he went back to work on his own, because his house had only a small three-bedroom apartment and not as many beds.

Older children will take the initiative to make or sleep on the sofa, let the younger siblings sleep in the bed, and the family life is very warm and happy.

In 2009, she gave birth to 8 twins and raised 14 babies, and now she is still single, and the children have grown up

Nadeya now regularly shares her daily routine with her children at ins.

From her dynamics, we can see that the family plays games together, watches TV together, and the brothers and sisters get along very well.

Today, almost all of the first octets are healthy, except for their youngest son, Anda, who has autism.

Did you know that no octopus has lived so long?

In this regard, Nadeya was a great mother.

In Nadeya's ins update, children can be seen taking online classes on their computers at home during the epidemic.

They were arranged in such an orderly manner, like a small classroom, and this scene was perhaps the greatest reward Nadeya received.

In 2009, she gave birth to 8 twins and raised 14 babies, and now she is still single, and the children have grown up

Nadeya was interviewed and asked how she would confess her past to her children.

Nadeya's attitude was admirable, she said: "Between her and the child, you can say anything. After all, we've been through these difficult times together and I'll be honest with them in the future, but I'll also tell them, 'Luckily, we got through it.'" ’”

Nadeya is still single now, but she clearly has no plans to find another boyfriend.

For her, these children were her world.

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