
Catherine: I knew Weinstein was a "wolf king," but I went into his room anyway


As the earliest world entertainment center, although Hollywood is the place that many artists yearn for, when it comes to the actual situation, this stage built by capital is also a typical place of "eating people without spitting bones".

As we all know, there are many transactions in Hollywood, and the old white men who hold the power will use their power to oppress the actresses or exchange various conditions.

Speaking of which, there may be children's shoes that say that it is also the choice of these actresses themselves, and it is not worthy of sympathy.

Having said that, it's actually not that simple, because in fact, these so-called transactions, behind them, are actually a contest between human nature and desire.

It is true that there are some strong-willed people who will not compromise with these things, but what needs to be known is that most people in this world are ordinary people, and there is a saying that do not test human nature.

Of course, there are also some means of those old white men, and an American actress named Catherine O'Burdy once said that the hollywood elites have taken various means.

Catherine was born in Los Angeles in 1984, and her parents and sister are also actors, which can be said to be an acting family.

However, this acting family obviously belongs to the powerless and powerless.

Catherine decided to join the show business like her family when she was very young, which was actually a very normal choice, although the family did not mix well in this industry, but they also had experience or something.

Catherine: I knew Weinstein was a "wolf king," but I went into his room anyway

However, the ideal is very beautiful, the reality is very cruel, Catherine has begun a dragon set career since her appearance in the TV series in 2002, basically belonging to the marginal small coffee, the kind that does not have this person.

It wasn't until 2009 that Catherine accompanied her sisters to events and premieres related to the movie "Shameless Bastards", where Catherine was targeted by a "wolf king".

Yes, this "wolf king" refers to Harvey Weinstein, who once had a powerful position in Hollywood and violated countless women.

It has to be said that Weinstein is indeed an old fritter, he understands what the young actors want, and he is also very good at breaking through their defenses step by step.

What kind of person is Catherine? From the age of 18 until she was 25 at the time, she was a marginal actor struggling in the industry.

For such an artist, if there is a big coffee, a person with great influence in the industry throws an olive branch to her, what will happen?

Catherine: I knew Weinstein was a "wolf king," but I went into his room anyway

Of course, not sure whether Catherine was a strong-willed woman or an ordinary girl like the general public, Weinstein was not impatient.

Initially, Weinstein was disguised as a big name in the industry who admired Catherine, and after exchanging contact information with each other, Weinstein also sent a lot of related video tapes.

Catherine: I knew Weinstein was a "wolf king," but I went into his room anyway

These videos are about film shooting, and there are all kinds of emails, scripts and the like.

For a small actor, the big names in the industry value themselves so much, anyone will have a kind of "my luck is coming?" " idea.

But it's important to know that this is not a transaction involved in the beginning.

One is that at that time, the wolf king was still wearing a coat, and everything behaved normally and did not cross the line, so it would give people the illusion that the other party appreciated their talents and abilities.

Both, even if you have thought of all kinds of deals, but in layman's terms, fringe actors like Catherine, who are struggling, like to deceive themselves.

Catherine: I knew Weinstein was a "wolf king," but I went into his room anyway

Catherine kept in touch with Weinstein, chatting as often as old friends, and later, feeling that the century was ripe, he offered to invite her out to dinner in the evening.

Generally speaking, in this case, the sense of crisis comes out, and Catherine is aware of it, so at first she refuses, explicitly telling Weinstein that they can go for a drink together, but you don't expect me to go to your room.

However, there are some things that don't mean you want to be what you want, and Weinstein constantly attacks her defenses during the meal, and later becomes the point of going into the room to discuss the script, and Weinstein says that some shots need to be seen in the room.

Catherine: I knew Weinstein was a "wolf king," but I went into his room anyway

Catherine, of course, was repulsive, and in fact she knew exactly what it meant, but she kept thinking of luck.

What if people really like my acting skills?

What if people really want to talk to me about a movie?

In fact, everyone in the industry at that time knew what kind of person Weinstein was, and when he invited you, there was no fluke, all he wanted was to trade.

Catherine: I knew Weinstein was a "wolf king," but I went into his room anyway

Initially, Catherine's agent and some friends were also advising her not to go.

However, under the great temptation of Weinstein's promise of "success", Catherine, who originally did not want to go, finally wavered.

Until at the door of the hotel room, Catherine was still thinking that there was still a glimmer of a chance, maybe Weinstein had only taken a fancy to her talent rather than her body.

Catherine: I knew Weinstein was a "wolf king," but I went into his room anyway

But the truth is harsh, and although Catherine initially has a refusal mentality, under Weinstein's candy offensive, coupled with the promised interests, she begins to waver.

Especially after being a dragon set for so many years, under the temptation of being famous, it is difficult for many people to persist.

Catherine also said that when all the doors of a hotel are closed, but one of them is open, as an ordinary person, it is really difficult to resist that temptation a lot of times.

Catherine: I knew Weinstein was a "wolf king," but I went into his room anyway

Of course, in any case, this is their own choice, and it is very normal to resist the temptation of fame and success, especially in the case that they have been in the mix for many years and still cannot make a trace, this line of defense is indeed very fragile.

After all, not everyone has that kind of strong will.

But interestingly, the old white men of capital often promise only empty checks.

What does this mean?

Normal trading, is what you give me what you want, I will give you what you need, just like buying and selling, one hand to pay, one hand to deliver, clear price, you think it is worth buying, feel that it is not worth it.

Catherine: I knew Weinstein was a "wolf king," but I went into his room anyway

But for hollywood's capital old white men, what they love most is to reduce prices.

For example, you were promised 10 points at the beginning, but after you fulfilled their request, the reward was reduced from 10 to 5, or even 3 or 2.

At first, they promised you to play the role of some big movie, but in the end they will find that they are actually playing the dragon set in the small movie.

Catherine: I knew Weinstein was a "wolf king," but I went into his room anyway

There may be doubts about children's shoes, is he not afraid that people will expose this matter and break the net?

The answer is that she is really not afraid, because the small actor herself belongs to the powerless group, even if she is really exposed, how big a storm can she set off?

At the same time, the old white men of capital will continue to use various interest tactics, such as what will still be resources for you in the future, but if you have to turn the other cheek with us now, then in the end you will not get anything.

Catherine: I knew Weinstein was a "wolf king," but I went into his room anyway

In layman's terms, it is the so-called one sugar and one whip, soft and hard, using interests to tempt at the same time, but also to let the other party know that if it is hard, it will only get nothing in the end.

In this case, the little actors are likely to compromise.

In fact, this method is not only Weinstein, but all the directors in Hollywood who have a little power or something like this set to pit one girl after another who wants to be an actor.

Catherine: I knew Weinstein was a "wolf king," but I went into his room anyway

Admittedly, these are also their own choices, but again, people do not say that black and white, they may not stick to their bottom line in the end, but that is also because of the means of the old white men.

Your defense line is 100, and they know what means to make this number go from 100 to 80, and then to 50, 30, and it is worth finally becoming 0.

This is also the so-called do not test human nature, although no desire is rigid, but their own will 120 points of firm people, really only a minority, most people belong to the kind of general situation has their own creed and adhere to the principle.

Catherine: I knew Weinstein was a "wolf king," but I went into his room anyway

They are good and principled girls without external forces, but under the great interests or other entanglements, the defense line collapses.

Weinstein is a thing of the past today, but similar phenomena are not going away in Hollywood.

After all, this is the favorite game played by the old white men of capital.

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