
Magnolia this night! The sophistication of human feelings and the status of the rivers and lakes are vividly reflected in Liu Yifei

author:Gossip Oreo
The Magnolia TV series awards event once again detonated the heat of the entertainment industry. This is not only a contest of awards, but also a feast of pop culture. Can you imagine? Celebrities who are usually only seen on TV screens are now standing on the red carpet, even more glamorous than on TV!
Magnolia this night! The sophistication of human feelings and the status of the rivers and lakes are vividly reflected in Liu Yifei

Wang Ou, who has always been known for his low profile. This time, she appeared in a retro hair twist and a diamond bandeau dress, which made everyone's eyes shine.

Magnolia this night! The sophistication of human feelings and the status of the rivers and lakes are vividly reflected in Liu Yifei

The huge rose-red sleeves stand out against the green background, and they look like a walking Venus. Wang Ou's appearance not only reminds people of the classic character "Wang Manchun" she once created, but also highlights the cross-era aesthetics.

Magnolia this night! The sophistication of human feelings and the status of the rivers and lakes are vividly reflected in Liu Yifei

Then there is Lin Yun, whose bright yellow dress with black lace embroidery makes her look elegant and energetic. Every time she turns around, it is a moving painting, unbelievably beautiful. Lin Yun's outfit and her performance made it impossible to ignore her brilliance in the starlight that night.

Magnolia this night! The sophistication of human feelings and the status of the rivers and lakes are vividly reflected in Liu Yifei

But did you think there was only a costume show on the night? Then you couldn't be more wrong. The highlight of the Magnolia Award is the award ceremony, which is so high that people can immediately feel the weight of the award. Of course, where there is a game, there will be wins and losses, and the joys, sorrows, and stories behind the rivers and lakes are the soul of this event.

Magnolia this night! The sophistication of human feelings and the status of the rivers and lakes are vividly reflected in Liu Yifei

The choice of opening guests was also dramatic. is not a veteran star, but a new young student. His performance is amazing, solo guitar singing, short film performances, and all forms of expression have pushed him to the forefront. His appearance is not only a personal victory for him, but also an affirmation and encouragement for newcomers in this industry.

Magnolia this night! The sophistication of human feelings and the status of the rivers and lakes are vividly reflected in Liu Yifei

Let's talk about Wang Yibo, although the focus of the nomination was not present, it caused a small storm on the Internet. His fans, who supported him to the end on the Internet, made his absence a kind of existence. Wang Yibo's absence has only deepened his status in the hearts of fans.

Magnolia this night! The sophistication of human feelings and the status of the rivers and lakes are vividly reflected in Liu Yifei

Liu Yifei's night was a different story. She served as the guest of honor. Each of her works is a masterpiece with a high score of more than 7 points, and her success is the result of years of perseverance and refinement. Liu Yifei's achievements not only reflect her strength, but also a symbol of her status in the industry.

Magnolia this night! The sophistication of human feelings and the status of the rivers and lakes are vividly reflected in Liu Yifei

Another eye-catcher at the event was Chen Xiao, whose bald head was surprisingly eye-catching. With the help of his bald head, his facial features are more angular, like a realistic version of a handsome tough guy. Chen Xiao not only brought visual surprises to the audience, but also ushered in new development opportunities on the road of acting.

Magnolia this night! The sophistication of human feelings and the status of the rivers and lakes are vividly reflected in Liu Yifei

This Magnolia TV Drama Award event is not only a red carpet show or awards ceremony, but also a grand event in the TV drama industry. It brings together excellent works and outstanding talents from all walks of life, showing the power and charm of TV drama as a cultural form.

Magnolia this night! The sophistication of human feelings and the status of the rivers and lakes are vividly reflected in Liu Yifei

These stories and the characters behind them make this Magnolia TV Drama Award not only glamorous on the surface, but also a deep cultural display.

Magnolia this night! The sophistication of human feelings and the status of the rivers and lakes are vividly reflected in Liu Yifei
In this year's Magnolia Awards, who do you think is the most memorable?

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