
The original god linkage with the change of ice cream, pulling Paimon as emergency food, Tivat hero all on the head!

A while ago, the popular game "Original God" linked up with Mengniu "with the change" ice cream, sent out a messenger Ara Taki a bucket, anytime and anywhere to take out an ice cream, after eating and have to play a handsome in the mouth, but also contributed a bucket of ghost king golden broken sticks, in the shivering winter day set off a winter ice-eating frenzy.

The original god linkage with the change of ice cream, pulling Paimon as emergency food, Tivat hero all on the head!

Now that temperatures have warmed up, most parts of the country have begun to live a summer life, and the demand for ice cream is even greater than in winter. No, the original god looked at everyone's steaming appearance, and then began to stir up a second linkage with the accomplient ice cream, this time inviting Paimon, a well-known foodie of Tivat, to participate in the linkage.

The original god linkage with the change of ice cream, pulling Paimon as emergency food, Tivat hero all on the head!

As we all know, Paimon is played by everyone as "emergency food", and now an ice cream in the summer has really become an emergency food hammer, and has also attracted countless players to hoard ice cream madly, and said that "it is a qualified emergency food!" ”

The original god linkage with the change of ice cream, pulling Paimon as emergency food, Tivat hero all on the head!

Speaking of which, every time the original god sends out a character linkage, it is very suitable for the character's personality. For example, in the past, Aratagi Ichidou was a character who liked to hold a lollipop with a stick of sweets, so now it is quite normal to hold ice cream. And Paimon is also a well-known snack food in mainland Tivat, indulging in "this delicious, that delicious" every day, so this time her favorite food is certainly not bad.

The original god linkage with the change of ice cream, pulling Paimon as emergency food, Tivat hero all on the head!

The linkage between Tivat snack Paimon and accomplement ice cream has also aroused the whole heart of countless proto-god players. Some players "Chen Yanan" drew the outer chapter of Ichidou Araratsu and Paimon's QiaoBingqi Brigade, and the two of them nibbled on ice cream while traveling around the Tivat continent, so loving!

The original god linkage with the change of ice cream, pulling Paimon as emergency food, Tivat hero all on the head!

The hand-painted god "Meat Bag Cat" is a full set of emojis for Paramount to nibble on the optional ice cream, looking at Paimon's big eyes of anticipation in order to eat ice cream, do you travelers feel that the ice cream in your hand is more fragrant?

The original god linkage with the change of ice cream, pulling Paimon as emergency food, Tivat hero all on the head!

Paimon's love for adaptive ice cream also spread to other characters in the Tivat Continent, such as "There is a cat in the basket family" and several other cosers cosified into characters such as Carved Qing and Gan Yu, and performed on the spot what is called "the charm of adaptive ice cream is unstoppable"!

The original god linkage with the change of ice cream, pulling Paimon as emergency food, Tivat hero all on the head!

The giant promotional poster of Paimon x Issadose Ice Cream online has also become the best background board for Internet celebrities to shoot. There are also millions of fans of the Internet celebrity Creamy under the huge background board of Paimon, teaching fans how to combine to make a beautiful blockbuster, no matter what posture concave shape is very powerful.

The original god linkage with the change of ice cream, pulling Paimon as emergency food, Tivat hero all on the head!

Finally, to send you a well-known painter "Reliable de Vodka" brought by the "how to get the emergency food guide", want to let Paimon obediently go with you, do not use a little trick is not enough, the key is to rely on sweet and delicious optional vanilla ice cream!

The original god linkage with the change of ice cream, pulling Paimon as emergency food, Tivat hero all on the head!

I don't know what interesting "Original God" x with the change of life have you seen?

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