
In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

After many questions, the treasure hunter insisted on his opinion

On October 19, 2012, in the studio of Beijing Television, the cultural relics appreciation program "Collecting the World" was underway.

At this time, the program has entered the end, and the three experts at the scene have already inspected a pair of "sweet white glazed pressed hand cups" displayed by the treasure collector Fu Changyong, and everyone is waiting for the identification results.

Because there is a rule in "Collecting the World", if it is identified as a fake, then the treasure collector's collection will be smashed by the "treasure hammer".

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

In fact, whether the collection is true or false, it is a treasure cherished by the treasure collector, in order to protect the collection, the host Wang Gang asked Fu Changyong: "The treasure protection hammer has been invited out, and now there is still a chance to quit. ”

Fu Changyong replied, "Signed." ”

Wang Gang continued to tentatively ask, "It's too late to quit now, otherwise I'll smash it as soon as the results come out." ”

Fu Changyong hesitated a little at this time, and he asked, "By the way, is it to smash one or both?" ”

"Smash one, or will you discuss it with your family?" At this time, Wang Gang was still persuading Fu Changyong to quit, but Fu Changyong was very firm and said that there was no need to consult with his family.

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

Looking at the confident Fu Changyong, Wang Gang was still confirming Fu Changyong's attitude, and Wang Gang continued to ask, "Have you thought about it?" ”

"I think it's all right!" Fu Changyong's answer was very firm.

At this time, the guests and the audience on the field also had different opinions, and many people said that they should retire. Wang Gang took a look at the reaction at the scene, and then advised: "Looking at everyone's reaction, it seems that they should retreat, and at this time, in addition to not being able to get the gold medal provided by "Collection World", there is actually no loss. Isn't it great that you take the glass home and have time to take it out and have a drink with your friends? ”

In the face of Wang Gang's repeated exhortations, Fu Changyong still replied: "Do not retreat!" ”

Looking at Fu Changyong, who had already made up his mind, Wang Gang didn't say much more, and he finally confronted Chang Yong and said, "You don't retreat after three more words." ”

Fu Changyong quickly replied: "No retreat, no retreat!" ”

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

Soon, the results came out, and the three experts all believed that the experts believed that the texture and shape of the cup were strange, but the texture was too dull and not flexible. Then there is the handling of the tire quality of the cup is too rough.

Therefore, the identification result is that the cup is a modern imitation.

After hearing the identification results, people could clearly see the loss on Fu Changyong's face.

Because in the "World Collection" program, as long as there is an expert who is not sure whether the collection is fake, then the collection has value and will not be smashed.

According to the rules, the pair of "sweet white glazed pressed hand cups" identified by experts as fakes were smashed by Wang Gang with a "treasure protection hammer".

Looking at the broken cup fragments, Fu Changyong's face was gloomy. Afterwards, he took the cloth to put away the remaining cups and picked up the scattered pieces of cups.

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

The unwilling treasure hunter again identified the results as surprising

After the end of the program on the same day, Wang Gang and the staff of the "Collection of the World" program team ended their work.

For Fu Changyong's collection was smashed, the host Wang Gang did not pay attention to it, because he saw more about smashing the collection in the program, and before going on the show, the two sides signed an agreement (that is, the "life and death document" that Wang Gang said before).

However, no one expected that this matter was not over, and Wang Gang and the program team would also be involved in a lawsuit that lasted for several years. And the person who took them to court was this Fu Changyong.

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

Why Fu Changyong will sue Wang Gang in court, whether Wang Gang smashed the wrong antiques, whether the appraisal of the program experts is really wrong, to clarify these problems, we have to call back some time.

In 2012, it was the hottest year for China's antique treasure hunting programs, and satellite televisions around the world launched related programs.

Beijing Satellite TV's "Collect the World" attracted the attention of most viewers because of the fame of host Wang Gang and the rule of "smashing treasure if it is a fake".

Although there is a risk that the collection will be smashed, there are many treasure collectors who sign up for "Collecting the World", and Fu Changyong is one of them.

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

In September 2012, Fu Changyong's Chinese medicine practitioner was attracted by the wonderful program after watching "Collecting the World".

While watching, he suddenly remembered his collection. After some searching, Fu Changyong found the pair of collections.

Fu Changyong's collection is a pair of "sweet white glazed hand cups", which were given by one of Fu Changyong's patients to express gratitude after his illness.

The patient told Chang Yong that this was something from the early years of the Ming Dynasty, but Fu Changyong did not understand antiques and did not know what the value of the cup was, so after accepting it, he put the cup on the shelf and only occasionally took it out to enjoy.

When he took out the pair of cups again, Fu Changyong carefully admired them for half a day, and he found that the shape of the cup was simple, and the pattern on the cup was a dark dragon pattern.

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

In terms of texture and shape, this is a very rare cup.

After searching for relevant information, Fu Changyong believes that the "sweet white glaze pressed hand cup" should be a cultural relic in the early years of the Ming Dynasty. He then took the cup and went to ask some experts, and the conclusion was the same.

For this pair of cups, Fu Changyong likes it more and more the more he looks at it.

In order to prove the ultimate value of the "sweet white glazed hand cup", Fu Changyong decided to take the pair of cups to the "World Collection". Although he was told that it was risky to go on this show, out of confidence in the collection, Fu Changyong signed up.

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

He decided to claim compensation from Wang Gang and the program team

On October 19, 2012, before the program began, the program staff came up with an agreement as usual, and there were two copies of the agreement.

One is the "Document of Life and Death - Collection Appraisal Agreement" and the other is the "Treasure Collector's Commitment", which clearly states that the treasure collector approves the connoisseur's appraisal opinion on the collection and agrees that Wang Gang, the holder of the treasure, will smash the collection that has been identified as a fake on his behalf.

After thinking that his cup might be smashed, Fu Changyong hesitated, but he still signed his name.

At the time of valuation, because he did not understand the market of cultural relics, Fu Changyong valued the pair of cups at 20,000 yuan.

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

After the show began, Fu Changyong showed the pair of "sweet white glazed pressed hand cups" in the "Bright Treasure" session and introduced the origin of the cups.

This pair of "sweet white glazed hand cups" has indeed aroused the curiosity of experts, because this kind of cup is really rare.

Perhaps it is the praise of experts that makes Fu Changyong more confident in his cup.

Therefore, when the host Wang Gang asked whether to quit many times, Fu Changyong would not withdraw one after another, and then the scene at the beginning of the article occurred.

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

After returning home, looking at the broken cup, Fu Changyong thought that the appraisal results of the experts of the program group could not be fully trusted.

Soon after, Fu Changyong sent the remaining cups and fragments to the famous cultural relics appraisal agency Yingfangzhai for identification.

Soon, the identification results came out, and the report showed that although the cups were fired in the style of imitation official kilns, the carbon-14 measurement showed that the cup was indeed something hundreds of years ago, in short, the cup was indeed an ancient cup.

Later, according to the report of Yingfangzhai, some experts valued the "sweet white glazed pressed hand cup", and experts believed that the porcelain cup from 600 years ago was a rare treasure, worth about 200 million yuan today.

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

After being rejected, the two sides went to court

After seeing the appraisal results and the experts' appraisal opinions, Fu Changyong believed that because of the mistakes of the program group, he suffered a lot of economic losses, he found the staff of the program group, showed the appraisal report and the expert's valuation to the program team staff, and then he proposed a compensation request of 150,000 yuan to the program group.

In the face of Chang Yong's claims, the program team staff immediately reported to the station leaders, and after discussion, Fu Changyong's claim was rejected.

For the statement of the program group, Fu Changyong said that he could not accept it. In early 2013, Fu Changyong sued the program group and host Wang Gang on the grounds that the program group's misidentification caused damage to his precious "sweet white glaze pressed hand cup" and demanded 150,000 yuan in economic compensation.

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

Because this lawsuit involves the celebrity Wang Gang, coupled with the huge amount of money involved, the media is highly concerned about it.

At that time, many reporters went to interview the parties, and for the reporters, Wang Gang and the program team did not explain too much.

Fu Changyong, on the other hand, was interviewed, told reporters about what had happened, and also highlighted the mistakes of the program team.

Fu Changyong believes that among the experts of the program, except for Wang Chuncheng, the other two are only antique dealers, and one of the experts even speaks Chinese, so this expert group is not authoritative.

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

In the regular news media, reporters have described the events more comprehensively.

However, on the network where rumors were rampant at the time, all kinds of messages filled the Internet forums.

Although there are rational voices on the Internet, but affected by rumors, there are still many people who do not know the truth who point the finger at Wang Gang, believing that he, as the host, has an unshirkable responsibility, and many people also scold him for "smashing 200 million antiques with his own hands."

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

Interpret court decisions from a legal perspective

In the course of the trial, the court staff also found it a little tricky for court staff in such cases concerning cultural relics.

After a year of investigation and evidence collection, the Chaoyang District Court of Beijing issued a judgment in October 2014. The first-instance judgment paid Chang Yong lost the case, and the program team and Wang Gang did not need to compensate him.

Through the interpretation of the judgment of the case, we can understand that for antiques that are difficult to distinguish between true and false, and the price fluctuates, the court did not focus on whether the "sweet white glaze hand cup" was true or false, but took the "principle of fault" as the basis for trial.

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

The reason why the authenticity of the "sweet white glaze pressed hand cup" is not taken as the main consideration is because the antique does not have a statutory authoritative appraisal agency, and the Yingfang Zhai that Fu Changyong is looking for is not a state organ, and its appraisal results will not be used as the basis for judgment.

According to the first paragraph of article 6 of the Tort Liability Law of the People's Republic of China, the perpetrator shall bear tort liability for infringing on the civil rights and interests of others due to fault. The court held that Wang Gang and the program team were not at fault.

The court held that the program process of "Collecting the World" was open and clear, and Fu Changyong himself was well aware of this.

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

When the relevant agreement was signed, it was also stated that the consequences of the collection being firmly established as a fake.

And in the course of the program, the host Wang Gang also informed the relevant consequences many times and advised Chang Yong to quit. Therefore, the program team and Wang Gang did not have any deception and misleading, so there was no fault.

After receiving the first-instance judgment, Fu Changyong was not satisfied and chose to appeal.

In March 2015, the Beijing Municipal Third Intermediate People's Court conducted a second-instance trial of the case, and the results of the second-instance trial upheld the original judgment of the first instance. At this point, Fu Changyong could only choose to accept it, and finally had to pay the legal fees out of his own pocket.

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

It was a lose-lose outcome

Although the lawsuit was won, the lawsuit was overall a lose-lose situation. After falling into controversy, the popularity of the show dropped significantly, and a discussion on the Internet about whether antique artifacts should be on variety shows was also set off.

Soon after, the "World Collection" program had to be discontinued.

For Wang Gang, after falling into the "smashing antiques" incident, it had a certain impact on his career, but after the storm passed, Wang Gang quickly appeared on the TV screen and continued to provide us with wonderful programs.

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

Over seventy years old, he is still running for his family

In the past two years, Wang Gang has still been doing shows and filming everywhere. In 2021, Wang Gang participated in the production of Beijing Satellite TV's large-scale cultural program "China in Calligraphy and Painting".

At the beginning of April this year, Zhang Guoguo, Wang Gang and Zhang Tielin "Iron Triangle" met again and began to shoot "Old Guy".

Entering 2022, Wang Gang is already 73 years old. Generally speaking, a 70-year-old person should have been nursing a long time ago, but for Wang Gang, he cannot raise a long life like other elderly people.

He also has a young wife and a young son, in order to give his wife and son a better future, Wang Gang chose to continue to run in the ancient rare years.

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

The story of Wang Gang and his current wife, Zheng Yandong, can be called a beautiful fate.

Wang Gang had two marriages when he was young, and although he and his first wife gave birth to a daughter, Wang Tingting, both marriages ended in failure.

After separating from his second wife, Cheng Fangyuan, in 2001, Wang Gang entered a multi-year window of emptiness.

Zheng Yandong, a music teacher at the university, has always been a big fan of Wang Gang.

In 2005, the two met while recording a show. Although the age difference between the two is 20 years, after more than a year of getting along, the two chose to get married.

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

In August 2008, Zheng Yandong gave birth to a boy named Wang Yiding for Wang Gang, although the difference between father and son was 60 years old, but Wang Gang was excited and felt the warmth of the long-lost family.

In the same year, Wang Gang's daughter Wang Tingting also added a grandson to him.

By now, Wang Gang's son Wang Yiding is already a junior high school student. From the photos, the son's height is close to his father's. For his son's education, Wang Gang is also dedicated.

In addition to giving his son the best school, when Wang Yiding was seven or eight years old, he often went on various programs with his father, which won him a lot of exposure.

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees

Today's life is ordinary and comfortable

But with the increase of age, Wang Yiding's academic pressure has also begun to increase, and now Wang Gang has rarely brought his son to the show, and the family has lived an ordinary life.

Not long ago, some netizens also bumped into Wang Gang's family of three out shopping. From the point of view of dress, the Wang Gang family did not deliberately dress up, and the family looked no different from ordinary people.

Today's Wang Gang, while continuing to shoot, enjoys the joy of heaven.

In his spare time, he would bring his family to the courtyard to enjoy his collection of antiques, and life could be said to be full and moist. (Wang Gang is a veteran antique collector who has a courtyard in Beijing dedicated to antiques.) )

In 2012, Wang Gang's program "accidentally smashed" 200 million antiques, and collectors angrily sued him in court and paid for the legal fees


From the details of the court's judgment, we can see the beginning and end of Wang Gang's smashing treasure case in "Collection" magazine

"Wang Gang" Baidu Encyclopedia

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