
Cheng Fangyuan: This is what it looks like now! Many years later, Wang Gang said guiltily that I was ashamed of Yuanzi

author:Go to and from the place of inquiry
Cheng Fangyuan: This is what it looks like now! Many years later, Wang Gang said guiltily that I was ashamed of Yuanzi
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Cheng Fangyuan: This is what it looks like now! Many years later, Wang Gang said guiltily that I was ashamed of Yuanzi

In 2001, on a cold night in Europe, actor Wang Gang was rushed to the hospital due to excessive drinking. Outside the operating room, his wife, Cheng Fangyuan, looked anxious, tears rolling in her eyes.

This sudden accident became a turning point in Wang Gang's life, and it also made him have to face his own problems.

After the operation, the weak Wang Gang clasped his wife's hand, his eyes full of apology and pleading. However, Cheng Fangyuan gently withdrew his hand, his eyes revealing tiredness and determination.

It was at that moment that Wang Gang realized that their marriage might have come to an end.

Cheng Fangyuan: This is what it looks like now! Many years later, Wang Gang said guiltily that I was ashamed of Yuanzi

This life-and-death experience made Wang Gang reflect deeply on his actions and their marriage. What he didn't know, however, was that the accident was not only a wake-up call for his health, but also a prelude to the end of his relationship with Cheng Fangyuan.

In 1948, Wang Gang was born in Changchun City, Jilin Province, in an ordinary worker family. As the only child in the family, he shoulders the expectations of his parents. In childhood, by chance, the young Wang Gang heard Chairman Mao's voice on the radio, and a strong sense of admiration surged in his heart.

He came up with a bold idea: to write a letter to Chairman Mao. Although the parents thought it was a naïve move on the part of their children, it was surprising that Wang Gang received a reply.

This experience not only strengthened his determination to pursue his dreams, but also planted the seeds of his love for the performing arts.

Cheng Fangyuan: This is what it looks like now! Many years later, Wang Gang said guiltily that I was ashamed of Yuanzi

In 1969, with his enthusiasm for art, Wang Gang was successfully admitted to the Art Troupe and officially embarked on the road of acting. Here, he met his first love, Du Xiaojuan.

Wang Gang's humor quickly won Du Xiaojuan's heart, and the two became an enviable pair in the art troupe. However, as his work became increasingly busy and his acting career gradually took off, Wang Gang neglected to take care of his family.

Eventually, the marriage broke down in the first year of the child's life.

Despite the emotional setbacks, Wang Gang was not defeated. He put all his energy into his career and worked hard to hone his acting skills. His dedication was rewarded, not only was he fortunate to host such an important program as the Spring Festival Gala, but also became famous in 1994 with the role of He Shen in "Prime Minister Liu Luoguo".

Cheng Fangyuan: This is what it looks like now! Many years later, Wang Gang said guiltily that I was ashamed of Yuanzi

In "Prime Minister Liu Luoguo", Wang Gang vividly interpreted He Shen's cunning wit and humor, which won unanimous praise from the audience. His superb acting skills not only made the role of He Shen deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but also won him the honor of Best Supporting Actor at the 14th China TV Golden Eagle Awards.

Since then, Wang Gang's acting career has been booming. He has created a number of classic roles one after another, especially playing He Shen again in "Iron Tooth Bronze Tooth Ji Xiaolan", which has consolidated his status as a "professional household of He Shen".

The audience was impressed by his nuanced performances, and each of his works was highly anticipated.

However, behind the brilliance in the spotlight, Wang Gang's emotional life has experienced ups and downs. Despite his great success in his career, he is still groping in the emotional world to find his own happiness.

Cheng Fangyuan: This is what it looks like now! Many years later, Wang Gang said guiltily that I was ashamed of Yuanzi

Wang Gang's love life is as full of ups and downs as his acting career. His first marriage began during the Art Troupe, and his love with his first love Du Xiaojuan was like a romantic movie.

The two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love. Wang Gang's humor won Du Xiaojuan's heart, and their love story became a good story of the art troupe. However, the good times did not last long, and with the development of his career, Wang Gang gradually neglected his family, and this marriage only lasted for a year before it came to an end.

Despite this, Wang Gang still fulfilled his father's obligations dutifully, paid child support on time, and visited his daughter in his spare time.

In 1991, Wang Gang's life ushered in a turning point. He began to serve as the host of "Zhengda Variety Show", and met Cheng Fangyuan, who was already a superstar in the music industry at that time, in the show.

Cheng Fangyuan: This is what it looks like now! Many years later, Wang Gang said guiltily that I was ashamed of Yuanzi

Although the two have a 10-year age difference, they both have had a marriage experience, which has only shortened the distance between them. Wang Gang was attracted by Cheng Fangyuan's energetic image, while Cheng Fangyuan admired Wang Gang's talent and humor.

In getting along day and night, the two sparked a spark of love.

In 1996, Wang Gang and Cheng Fangyuan entered the marriage hall hand in hand. However, life after marriage is not as good as imagined. Wang Gang hoped that Cheng Fangyuan could teach his husband and children, but the independent Cheng Fangyuan felt that he had lost his freedom.

What's even more troublesome is that Wang Gang's drinking problem is getting worse and worse, and he often gets into arguments with Cheng Fangyuan because of drunkenness. Although Cheng Fangyuan worked hard to maintain this relationship, he finally chose to let go.

Cheng Fangyuan: This is what it looks like now! Many years later, Wang Gang said guiltily that I was ashamed of Yuanzi

This five-year marriage ended with Wang Gang's accidental hospitalization during a performance in Europe.

Three years after divorcing Cheng Fangyuan, Wang Gang's emotional life ushered in a new turn. In 2004, he received an email from Zheng Yandong, a university teacher.

Zheng Yandong expressed his appreciation for Wang Gang's acting skills in the email and attached a photo of himself. Through frequent email exchanges, the two quickly established a deep friendship.

Despite the age difference of 19 years, this did not prevent their relationship from warming. Wang Gang was attracted by Zheng Yandong's beauty and temperament, while Zheng Yandong was moved by Wang Gang's mature charm.

Cheng Fangyuan: This is what it looks like now! Many years later, Wang Gang said guiltily that I was ashamed of Yuanzi

After only four dates, Wang Gang proposed to Zheng Yandong, and the two tied the knot in 2006. Wang Gang held a grand wedding for Zheng Yandong to express his cherishing of this relationship.

This marriage of an old husband and a young wife brought unexpected surprises to Wang Gang. In the second year after marriage, 58-year-old Wang Gang was happy to have a noble son, which made him excited and burst into tears.

For Wang Gang, who is close to his sixtieth birthday, being able to have his own child is an unexpected gift, and it also makes him re-experience the joy of being a father.

However, when he was immersed in the happiness of his newlywed, the regrets and guilt of the past always lingered in his heart. Especially for Cheng Fangyuan, Wang Gang was full of apologies, and he wrote in his autobiography: "It was I who failed Yuanzi.

Cheng Fangyuan: This is what it looks like now! Many years later, Wang Gang said guiltily that I was ashamed of Yuanzi

This sentence is not only a reflection on the past, but also a belated apology for Cheng Fangyuan.

Wang Gang and Cheng Fangyuan's marriage seems to be an enviable story from the outside, but in fact it is full of challenges and contradictions. Both are artists with distinct personalities and successful careers, and this similarity has become a stumbling block to their marriage.

After marriage, Wang Gang got used to being sought after in the outside world, and when he returned home, he naturally wanted to dominate everything. However, Cheng Fangyuan is an independent and enterprising woman who struggles to fully embrace traditional family roles.

Although Cheng Fangyuan tried to compromise in order to maintain the marriage, the inner struggle could not be quelled.

Cheng Fangyuan: This is what it looks like now! Many years later, Wang Gang said guiltily that I was ashamed of Yuanzi

The most unbearable thing for Cheng Fangyuan was Wang Gang's growing drinking problem. Every time Wang Gang returned drunk, the two would break out into a fierce quarrel. Once, Wang Gang lost control of his emotions after drinking and even tried to jump out of a moving car, which deeply pierced Cheng Fangyuan's heart.

While carefully comforting her husband, she held back tears, her heart full of helplessness and pain.

As time went on, Wang Gang's drinking problem became more and more serious. Not only does he drink a lot when he goes out, but he often invites friends to his home for a drink. Whenever this happens, Cheng Fangyuan politely says hello and leaves alone, immersing himself in his work, trying to escape the suffocating atmosphere.

She felt that she was gradually losing herself in this marriage, and the pain in her heart deepened.

Cheng Fangyuan: This is what it looks like now! Many years later, Wang Gang said guiltily that I was ashamed of Yuanzi

When Wang Gang recovered, while the two were walking in the hospital garden, Wang Gang held his wife's hand and begged Cheng Fangyuan to give him a chance to mend his ways. He promised that in the future, he would wholeheartedly obey his wife's arrangement and work together to run the family.

However, at this time, Cheng Fangyuan's heart was already full of despair. Without hesitation, she withdrew her hand and firmly stated that the marriage had made her lose herself and could not continue.

Cheng Fangyuan's resoluteness made Wang Gang fall silent, and also made him realize how much harm his actions had caused to his wife. He begins to deeply regret his alcoholism and feels guilty for his bad attitude towards his wife.

However, this awakening came too late.

Cheng Fangyuan: This is what it looks like now! Many years later, Wang Gang said guiltily that I was ashamed of Yuanzi

From the marriage of Wang Gang and Cheng Fangyuan, we can see that even if two people who love each other, if they cannot understand each other and grow together in life, it is difficult to maintain a long-term relationship.

Their story is a typical case about the need for love to be managed with care. It tells us that marriage requires not only passion, but also understanding, tolerance and joint efforts of both parties.

When two independent individuals come together, how to maintain themselves while still thinking about each other is a topic that every couple needs to face.

After the divorce, Wang Gang and Cheng Fangyuan both chose to redevote their energy to their beloved careers, opening a new chapter in their lives.

Cheng Fangyuan: This is what it looks like now! Many years later, Wang Gang said guiltily that I was ashamed of Yuanzi

Wang Gang continued to shine in the entertainment industry, and he once again successfully portrayed the classic role of He Shen in "Ji Xiaolan with Iron Teeth and Bronze Teeth", and played this cunning and witty corrupt official to the fullest.

The audience was impressed by his delicate and nuanced performance, and the reputation of "Heshen Professional" became even louder. Each of Wang Gang's works is highly anticipated, and his acting career has reached a new peak.

Cheng Fangyuan returned to his beloved music career and continued to write and sing songs that touched people's hearts. Despite her age, she still retains her love and passion for life.

In his spare time, Cheng Fangyuan likes to travel alone to the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, feel the magnificent mountains and rivers of the motherland, and find inspiration for music creation. She enjoyed her own free time and lived an independent life.

Cheng Fangyuan: This is what it looks like now! Many years later, Wang Gang said guiltily that I was ashamed of Yuanzi

However, the passage of time made Wang Gang feel deeply guilty about Cheng Fangyuan. In his autobiography, Wang Gang sincerely wrote: "It was I who failed Yuanzi, I spent time with others, but I was addicted to alcohol, it is really undeserved!" This sentence is not only a reflection on the past, but also a belated apology to Cheng Fangyuan, reflecting his cherishing and regret for this relationship.

The story of Wang Gang and Cheng Fangyuan has left us with many deep thoughts about marriage and love. Their experience has taught us that marriage requires not only passion, but also understanding, tolerance and joint efforts of both parties.

When two independent individuals come together, how to maintain themselves while still thinking about each other is a challenge that every couple needs to face.

Wang Gang finally realized his mistakes, and this spirit of introspection is worthy of recognition. However, the breakdown of a marriage is often not an overnight event, but the result of accumulation.

Cheng Fangyuan: This is what it looks like now! Many years later, Wang Gang said guiltily that I was ashamed of Yuanzi

This story reminds us that we must cherish the present moment and manage our feelings with our hearts, so that the flowers of love can always bloom and remain undefeated in the years.

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