
May 2, 2022 Zodiac Horoscope Broadcast, Good Luck Old Yellow Calendar

Daily motto: Success is the crystallization of effort, and only hard work will lead to success.

May 2, 2022 Zodiac Horoscope Broadcast, Good Luck Old Yellow Calendar

Gregorian calendar: Monday, May 2, 2022

Lunar calendar: Lunar calendar 2022 April (small) the second day of the first month

LiXia(May 5) Xiaoman(May 21)

Stem Branch: 壬寅 甲辰 乙卯 丙子

Gold book gold covered with lights, big stream water, stream water

Genus: Tiger

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Lucky Zodiac Sign: Bulls and Tigers

Unfavorable Zodiac Signs: Rabbit Day Punching Chicken (Hexa unitary)

On this day, the unitary opposition, that is, the rabbit and the chicken are opposed, and the ground branch is the unitary chicken, according to the old yellow calendar, it is not very beneficial for the person who belongs to the chicken, and it is not appropriate to do major things. Today is not very favorable for people who belong to the chicken (hexyl). God is in the West, be careful what you do to the West.

Increase the luck of the suggestion: today with the rat torture, with the chicken collision, with the dragon harm, with the pig, the sheep three, with the dog six.

Increase luck suggestion: Zodiac rabbit in the career work more with the snake friends to communicate, in the emotional life need to chat with the pig friends more.

Yi: Moving, opening, getting married, entering the house, obtaining a permit, starting a move, moving, traveling, engaging, burying, opening up, opening a tourism, breaking the ground, opening a market, marrying a wife, and migrating

Taboo: Pray for blessings and sacrifices

Lunar Festival: A day of public loss

Peng Zubai taboo: B does not plant a thousand plants, does not grow, does not penetrate the well water spring is not fragrant

This day is dry for B, it is best not to plant, it is not easy to grow. Do not dig a well, otherwise the water quality of the well will be poor.

Chong: Chong chicken (己酉) 煞西

Stars: Fire Monkeys

Julius Day: 2459707.5

Zodiac: Gochan (Sopranos Day)

Yoshijin: Tenen Mukura Goku-kuro Kaneki Honji Dog Pair

Evil God: Wandering Evil

Yang Guishen: Southwest

Yin Gui Shen: True North

Fortuna: Northeast

Hi God: Northwest

Blessed God: Southwest

Fetal God: Just east of the mill gate

Monthly Order: Kotatsu

Month name: Meng Xia

Phenology: Dai Sheng descended on Sang

Moon phase: both synodic moons

Koda: Goushi Kota

Water Control: Eight Dragons Control Water

Gold: Seven days to get gold

Split: Two people split the cake

Liu Yao: Daan

In the morning, the fierce "first to win" means the first to win, so on this day, people do everything to speed up.

The Twelve Gods: Closed to the throne

Everything is fierce on this day, but things like building embankments are auspicious. There are openings and closures, new entrepreneurship needs to be closed behind closed doors, so that new pioneering is more ideal, the rest and planning period is the most taboo to take advantage of the false sneak attack, so it is necessary to build embankments and dams, strengthen defenses, so "closed" days are conducive to thinking behind closed doors, strategizing, and building embankments. ...

Twenty-Eight Stars: Southern Zhang Yuelu - Auspicious Day Star

Zhang Xingri made Longxuan, saw Zhuang Tian every year, buried soon after the promotion to an official position, acted as an official in front of the emperor, opened the door and released water to attract wealth, marriage and happiness, tian silkworm people full of warehouses, all kinds of smooth self-safety.

River Tuluo Book Nine Stars: Yibai - Taiyi Star (Water) - Ji Shen

Tai Yiming in the door, the star official greedy wolf, the windfall is happy, and the marriage is auspicious. Born to the West, the day after tomorrow to the north

There is no obstacle to entry and exit, see the sage, this trip is three or five miles, black clothes do not yin and yang. The House of the Greedy Wolf its name is Wenchang

Mother Earth Sutra: Poetry: Too old to be a year, high and low are abundant. Spring and summer are sweet, and autumn and winter are everywhere. Silkworm mulberry ripe Wudi, Gumai Yi Jiangdong. Mulberry leaves are not expensive, but silk is half abundant. Looking at the three autumns, the grains of rice are heavy. Although the people were happy, the six animals were slaughtered.

Bu Yue: The head of the tiger is worth the age, and it is in the field seedlings. The mulberry leaves are expensive, and the silkworm lady is free from sorrow. The rice is more fruitful, and the cultivator does not have to worry.

Today's Gua Xiang: Lin Gua

Elephant: The king has no way of hanging upside down, often wants to see the clouds and the blue sky, fortunately the Ming Lord is benevolent, and he lives in peace and nature again. This gua is a different gua (lower to upper kun) superimposed. Kun is the ground; the exchange is the ze, the ground is higher than the ze, and the ze is accommodated in the ground. The Yu monarch personally came to the world, ruled the country and the country, and was harmonious from top to bottom.

Career: It is an excellent time to succeed, we must seize it and do not lose a good opportunity. However, we must not be satisfied with this, the times will soon disappear, we must consider the long term, pay attention to summing up experience, unite others, and jointly open up new fields.

Business: it will be very smooth and rewarding, but it is necessary to pay attention to market trends at any time, work diligently, prevent unexpected accidents, and especially properly handle interpersonal relationships.

Seeking fame: Your own efforts have reached the harvest season, you should be more humble, strict with yourself, and carefully achieve your goals. Accidents are likely to occur, and we should calmly deal with them with a strong will, and if we are too weak, we will lose the opportunity.

Go out: Act now when you are well prepared and do not have to hesitate any longer.

Marriage: step up and go all out, both parties treat each other with integrity, happiness and harmony.

Decision-making: flexible mind, good at interacting with others, and has an opinion and leadership ability. We must strengthen the all-round cultivation of individuals, treat others with integrity, and establish a good personal prestige, especially with a broad vision and long-term planning, which can ensure the development of the cause and the bright future. What he did, even at the risk of saving the situation. If necessary, be patient and wait for the opportunity.

Daily Proverbs: Whoever makes the moment like eternity, who makes the future like the past. Years are like a fleeting glance, how many years are understated.