
There were so many great poets in the Tang Dynasty, why did Du Fu choose Li Bai as an idol?

Mr. Wen Yiduo once said that in our thousands of years of history, there have been two very important meetings, one is the meeting of Lao Tzu and Confucius, they are the two most revered sages of Taoism and Confucianism, respectively, and the collision and fusion of the two great ideas is certainly of great significance. Another time was the meeting between Li Bai and Du Fu, two great poets, who had a brief exchange of hearts and a spiritual exchange.

In the hearts of future generations, Du Fu is mostly a steady and humble Image of a Confucian elder, but in fact, he also has an arrogant side, and this arrogance comes from his confidence in his own talents. When Du Fu was young, he read many books, and he said to himself that "reading books broke through ten thousand volumes", and in the Tang Dynasty, when poets were born, he also proudly wrote such words as "poetry is my family's poetry".

Although the name of his poems was not obvious at that time, there were also people with unique visions who highly respected Du Fu, using Du Fu's own poems, that is, "Li Yong asked for knowledge, and Wang Han wished to be a neighbor." "Perhaps many poets at that time scoffed at Du Fu's bold words, but in the end time proved everything, the name of the poet, the mountain was raised. Although he was proud, he regarded Li Bai as his idol.

There were so many great poets in the Tang Dynasty, why did Du Fu choose Li Bai as an idol?

There are also Liang Song Tours, Fang Period Picking Yao Grass.

When Li Bai was given the gift of gold, he met Du Fu in Luoyang, and for the first time in his life, Du Fu wrote such a poem, saying that he was willing to follow Li Bai around, but at that time, because there were elders in the family who died, Du Fu needed to rush to the funeral, and the two hurriedly separated. Later, Du Fu and Li Bai met again, and the two traveled with Liang and Song, and later with Gao Shi to Qi and Lu.

There were so many great poets in the Tang Dynasty, why did Du Fu choose Li Bai as an idol?

After the separation, Du Fu did not lose his thoughts about Li Bai, and always expressed his emotions with poetry: "When to bottle wine, heavy and fine papers." "Du Fu really wanted to be able to drink and write poetry and talk about literature with Li Bai again." The old man entered my dream, and I remembered it", even in the dream, Du Fu was worried about Li Bai's situation.

At that time, there were many poets whose reputation was no less than That of Li Bai, so why did Du Fu have a special love for Li Bai? I think there is a key reason:

Li Bai's personality, Du Fu very much appreciated.

There were so many great poets in the Tang Dynasty, why did Du Fu choose Li Bai as an idol?

In the environment at that time, Du Fu was inevitably influenced by Taoism, so he had a self-satisfied side, and often acted spontaneously, "singing wildly in the Lang officials, and often lying drunk in the cabinet of the Chancellor". At the same time, he is also very advocating "frankness" and likes to make friends with people with such a personality.

From the intention of the qi, straight to the temperament of the true. However, I love the most crazy guests, and I have not seen each other a hundred times.

These are Du Fu's criteria for making friends, he thinks that those who can match his spirit must be that kind of temperament, and the latter poem is even more bluntly saying that he loves Qing fanatics the most, such friends, no matter how long they stay together, will not get bored. The "Eight Immortals in Drinking Song" written by him, the eight people are all of this kind of personality, and Li Bai's frank personality is particularly prominent, and Li Bai has done a lot of free things, which Du Fu is very admired. Therefore, he very much wants to become close friends with Li Bai.

There were so many great poets in the Tang Dynasty, why did Du Fu choose Li Bai as an idol?

Of course, a pair of close friends have both certain factors and fate.

Du Fu's friendship with Li Bai is not something that can be summed up for this reason, so rather than Saying that Du Fu regards Li Bai as an idol, it is better to say that Li Bai's fan base is so large that there is a Du Fu who can keep pace with him.

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