
Starry Night Talk|Li Bai, Du Fu and Su Shi, who will you choose to travel with?

author:Women's Voices of the All-China Women's Federation
Starry Night Talk|Li Bai, Du Fu and Su Shi, who will you choose to travel with?

Recently, a map of Su Shi's social relationships has attracted a lot of discussion. Netizens sighed, knowing that Su Shi was popular, but they didn't expect him to have so many friends!

As a famous E person in the Northern Song Dynasty, many people who know Su Shi can't get out of the "Su Shi circle", because he is too charismatic. If you are lucky enough to meet such a friend in your life, please cherish it.

A meal partner with a high level of interest

Starry Night Talk|Li Bai, Du Fu and Su Shi, who will you choose to travel with?

Su Shi loves to eat and knows how to eat, and is a rare "self-laughing life" excellent rice partner.

Even if you are embarrassed, you can find a way to satisfy your cravings with very little money.

Living in Huangzhou, he invented fat pork with great enthusiasm, "don't urge him when he is ripe, and he is beautiful when he is full";

Living in Huizhou, he took the opportunity to create another private dish - "fire-roasted lamb backbone". Even if he was poor at that time and couldn't eat mutton, he could only buy some mutton bones, roast them slowly over low heat, and then carefully remove the meat crumbs on the bones to eat, he actually ate the taste of crab meat.

Others made puffer fish at home to entertain him, and saw him chewing silently for a long time, thinking that he didn't like to eat, and was disappointed and sad, Su Dongpo suddenly put down his chopsticks and said:

It's so delicious that you want to die!

"Dongpo suddenly threw himself and sighed loudly: 'It is also worth dying!' So they rejoiced. ”

With such a "foodie" friend, the mood should not be much worse.

Insightful, footprints all over the north and south

Starry Night Talk|Li Bai, Du Fu and Su Shi, who will you choose to travel with?

Su Shi's life is like a tenacious seed wandering in the wind, floating through many places.

Meishan, Kaifeng, Huangzhou, Huizhou, Danzhou, Fengxiang, Dingzhou, Yangzhou, Fuyang, Luancheng, Hangzhou, Zhucheng, Xuzhou, Huzhou, Yixing, Penglai, Changzhou, Jiaxian.

Whether you are forced to go or take the initiative to travel all over the world. He has interpreted a spirit: life is like a reverse journey, and I am also a pedestrian.

In the years of wandering, you will meet new friends, and you will continue to face parting with friends, Su Shi's attitude is open-minded: "Life is like knowing everywhere, it should be like Feihong stepping on the slush." ”

What is it like to run around all your life? It should be like Feihong stepping on the snow, occasionally leaving a few paw prints, and in the blink of an eye, he will go his separate ways.

Friends are open-minded and chic, what they want is not to meet every day, but to "have confidants in the sea, and the end of the world is like neighbors", not seeking fetters, but seeking to know each other.

The soul is interesting and full of energy

Starry Night Talk|Li Bai, Du Fu and Su Shi, who will you choose to travel with?

People who are close to Su Shi can always get some strange energy. This energy is mostly infected by his interest in life:

He is a person who likes to toss and turn, and he can't be idle. He made his own ink, made his own wine, loved architecture, dug fish ponds, built dams, raised poultry, and more often than not, he read, practiced calligraphy, wrote poetry, and sang harmony with friends.

On a snowy day, the year was cold, and it was inconvenient for people to meet each other, so he built a house on the slope and named it "Snow Hall", which was specially used to entertain friends.

He has a "hot" vitality in him, and he can always create a lively and warm environment for his life.

No wonder the poet Yu Guangzhong said:

"If I want to travel, I don't want to be with Li Bai, he is irresponsible and has no sense of reality; With Du Fu, he is too bitter haha, I'm afraid he's too serious; But Su Dongpo is very good, he can be a good friend, because he is really a very interesting person. ”

The heart is straightforward and has something to say

Starry Night Talk|Li Bai, Du Fu and Su Shi, who will you choose to travel with?

I am not tired of getting along with Su Shi, because he doesn't have so many curves, he has something to say, and he doesn't hide it.

He said with great frankness:

"Words come from the heart and rush to the mouth, spit out is against others, and Ru is against the rest. thought that he would rather rebel against others, so he vomited it. ”

My words come out of my heart, they rush out of my mouth, and I may offend others by spitting them out, but I sin myself by swallowing them. I'd rather offend the other party than spit out the truth.

He practiced calligraphy with his friend Huang Tingjian.

Su Shi said, although your Huang Luzhi's recent handwriting is very clear, but your gesture is too thin, like hanging a snake on the treetops, lifeless.

Huang Tingjian replied, Su Shi, although I don't dare to discuss your words easily, but sometimes I feel that the characters are flat and shallow, very much like a stone pressing a toad.

Then they laughed and felt that their teammates' words hit the nail on the head. But the two of them are just joking, and neither side gets angry, and both feel that the other party really pointed out the fault.

It is an opportunity and a blessing to meet a friend who is straightforward and has no city government.

Healing is a miracle doctor who comforts people

Su Shi spoke straightly, but people are not stupid, and they understand emotional value. When a friend really needs comfort, he is not ambiguous at all.

Knowing that his friend Cao Jiuzhang was demoted, he must have been depressed in his heart, and he comforted him with his predicament.

"Although the floating light of the county is like an arrow, you don't get tired of it, and you should beat me for three years."

Boating on the Yangtze River with his friends, his friend suddenly came to him with sadness and asked him: Handsome men like Cao Cao and Zhou Yu will not be there if they are not there; Aren't little people like us more like a drop in the ocean?

Su Shi said that when you look at it from the perspective of change, everything is a matter of an instant; But when you look at it from the perspective of immutability, all things and ourselves are eternal. Don't worry and enjoy the moment we have.

"But the breeze on the river, and the bright moon in the mountains, the sound of the ear, the color of the eye, the inexhaustible, is the endless hiding of the Creator, and I am suitable for the Son."

You see, a few words can clear the fog of sorrow in your heart, who doesn't want to have one.

Late-night wanderers, create surprises

Starry Night Talk|Li Bai, Du Fu and Su Shi, who will you choose to travel with?

Su Shi is a veteran night traveler and a wanderer on moonlit nights.

Lao Su, who is in his 40s, still has flexible legs and feet, bright vision, and sufficient courage, and dares to go up and down between the red cliffs and rocks at night. "The night is dustless, and the moonlight is like silver. When pouring wine, it must be 10 points. ”

The world is beautiful, he plays by himself, it's not enough, and he often pulls in friends. No, one night in October 1083, Su Dongpo was about to fall asleep, when the moonlight came in, beautiful. So I went to Chengtian Temple to find my friend Zhang Huaimin, "Huaimin has not yet slept", what a wonderful surprise!

Some netizens said that in fact, we misunderstood, it wasn't Su Shi's insomnia at night, it was obviously Huaimin who couldn't sleep.

Treat people sincerely, without discrimination

Starry Night Talk|Li Bai, Du Fu and Su Shi, who will you choose to travel with?

Making friends, I am most afraid of meeting snobbish people, Su Shi is very simple and sincere in this regard.

His circle of friends includes both prominent celebrities and country woodcutters, in his own words, "You can accompany the Jade Emperor from the top, and you can accompany the beggars of the Sad Courtyard below." ”

What is important is not the identity and status of the other party, but the comfort of getting along and the fact that we can talk.

In the "Answer to Uncle Li Duan", he wrote, "Flat boats and grass shoes, wandering between mountains and rivers, and woodcutters and fishing, are often pushed and scolded by intoxicating people......"

Living a simple life every day, getting along with the people at the bottom, and even being pushed by a drunk, is not annoyed, this is probably the legendary innocence.

Energetic, super optimistic

Starry Night Talk|Li Bai, Du Fu and Su Shi, who will you choose to travel with?

Lin Yutang described Su Shi as a "fire life", focusing on a "vigorous and vibrant life".

Although his life is full of ups and downs and twists. He was once an official in a high position, but he was also relegated to a desolate place. However, no matter what the circumstances, he was always able to take pleasure in suffering with a detached attitude.

His poems, like his life, not only have the heroism of "the great river goes east, the waves are exhausted, and the romantic characters of the ages", but also the tenderness of "I wish people a long time, thousands of miles together", and the free and easy tranquility of "returning, there is no wind and rain and no sunshine".

With such friends around you, you will feel that your difficulties are not so difficult. There will be wind and rain, but there will always be a time when the storm will be calm.

The love that is given out will bounce back

Su Shi loves his friends, and his friends also return this love to him, and when they mention him, they are full of praise.

Huang Tingjian praised him for his good eyebrows and eyes, "the eyebrows are open and the moon is quiet"; Kong Wuzhong praised him for being tall, "eight feet tall", which is 1.84 meters when converted; praised Su Dongpo himself proudly: "Thirty years ago, I was handsome. The painter Wen Tong praised him for knowing his heart, "The world ignores me, but the son sees my wonders." ”

not only boasted, but also treated him very well. was demoted to Huangzhou, and many friends came to visit him at the risk of losing their wealth, official position, and even their lives. On the day he left Huangzhou, a full 19 people came to see him off.

If you have given sincerity to your friends, and your friends have responded to you with double sincerity, this is probably the touching thing about friendship.

Source/CCTV News "Night Reading"

Editor/Liu Bin


Executive Producer/Qiao Hong

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