
In the spring, travel to and from Gangnam

In the spring, travel to and from Gangnam


Spring, I remembered

Author: Yu Guangzhong

Reader: Shu Xin

In the spring, travel to and from Gangnam

Spring, I remembered

Jiangnan, Jiangnan in Tang poetry, when he was nine years old

Pick mulberry leaves in it, catch dragonflies in it

(Can go back from Keelung Port)


Little Du's Gangnam

Sue's little Gangnam

Then I thought of the lake of Duolian, the lake of Duoling

Crab-rich lake, lake-heavy Gangnam

A small battlefield for King Wu and King Yue

(That war was beautiful enough)

Escaped Xi Shi

Missing Fan Li

Missing in the wine flag display

(Three hours from Matsuyama)

Jiangnan of the Qianlong Emperor

In the spring, travel to and from Gangnam

In the spring, I think of Jiangnan, where willows are everywhere

Remember, a fishing port on the shore of Taihu Lake

Remember, so many cousins

Walking through the willow causeway, those many cousins

That's how old Ren Yi is

Ren Yi is old, in Gangnam

(Jet cloud three hours of Gangnam)

Even when we met, they wouldn't accompany me

Accompany me to pick lotuses, accompany me to pick lings

Even meet, meet in Gangnam

In the apricot blossom spring rain gangnam

In the apricot blossom village of Gangnam

(Borrowed to ask where the restaurant is)

Where is my mother

On Easter, it was my mother who did not rise

A gangnam girl turned into a mother

Qingming Festival, my mother is calling me,

At Yuantong Temple call me,

Call me on this side of the strait,

Shout at me from the other side of the strait,

In Gangnam, in Gangnam

Gangnam of Many Temples

Gangnam of Duoting

What a kite in Gangnam

Gangnam in the bells

(Standing in The Port of Keelung, thinking- thinking)

I can't go back if I want to)

More swallows in Gangnam

-About the Author-

Yu Guangzhong is a famous contemporary writer, poet and scholar.

Poetry analysis

"Spring, Remembering" expresses a strong nostalgia for Jiangnan. Due to the long period of isolation on both sides of the strait, the author has a feeling of exile. The memories of living in Jiangnan as a teenager burned him day after day like a fire, so he dreamed of returning to Jiangnan from time to time. The Jiangnan in the poem not only treasures his boyhood, but also symbolizes the long-standing culture of the Chinese nation, so it is "Jiangnan in Tang poetry", a place where the classical beauty Xi Shi and the famous Yue state minister Fan Li can go rafting together, and it is a resort for the Qianlong southward swimming in the Qing Dynasty. The poet is nostalgic and nostalgic, and the text is full of the qingfen of ancient culture, and the poet's nostalgia has become a kind of cultural nostalgia with the splendid ancient culture of the nation as the spiritual background.

Read the heart aloud

Zhang Xiaofeng, a famous Writer in Taiwan, once said: Mr. Yu Guangzhong is a well for everyone to drink, and he is particularly fond of His works. I prefer this poem "Spring, Remember". The scorching, vicissitudes, elegance and warmth of the tip of Mr. Li's pen make people move.

In the spring, travel to and from Gangnam


Shu Xin

Principal of Hengyan Central Primary School in Hongjiang District, Huaihua City, provincial Mandarin proficiency tester, winner of the 4th "Xia Qing Cup" Recitation Competition in Hunan Division, winner of the 5th "Xia Qing Cup" Recitation Competition Hunan Division "Bole Award", 2019 Huaihua Putonghua Tester Speech Competition Special Prize.

Expert reviews

In the spring, travel to and from Gangnam

Zhou Fuxiong

Associate Professor of the School of Literature and Journalism and Communication of Huaihua University, National Mandarin Proficiency Tester, Ph.D. candidate of Language and Language Education Research Center of Central China Normal University.

Mr. Yu Guangzhong's nostalgic poem "Spring, Then Remember", borrowing a lot of oriental classical imagery, outlines the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan in the poet's heart, and in the "keelung port" and "three hours from Songshan", but can not be sought. In the insoluble contradictions, the poet's inner sorrow, longing and painful nostalgia are expressed. It is on the basis of fully understanding the content and emotion of the poem that the reader has re-created, using a soft, gentle and delicate sound language, which reproduces the ideological content of the work very well, with a free voice, a stable breath, a degree of relaxation, a blend of scenes, giving people an infinite sense of beauty.

Source: Xiangyu Time



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