
The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

author:Fish and fishing views of life

The seemingly ordinary weeds around us are actually not ordinary, for example: the main raw material of all kinds of herbal teas we often drink- summer dry grass, is an ordinary weed around us. Let's explore the valuable weeds around us!

Water candles

The Chinese of this plant is called puddle grass, because its inflorescence looks like a grilled sausage or candle, so it is also called water candle, water candle, cattail and so on. This grass, which lives at the water's edge, generally coexists with the reeds and hides in the reeds.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Flowering grass

As a child, it was a versatile "weapon" for children to play war games. It can be used for a variety of purposes, which can be turned into a flying flower in the sky to block the line of sight of the "enemy", or it can be a "wolf's tooth stick" that attacks the enemy, and can be used to bandage when the hands and feet are accidentally injured...

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?


The actual role of pudding is also many, can be woven pu bao; the pollen of the male flower is the "pu huang" of traditional Chinese medicine, which has high medicinal value, can be anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, diuretic; the female flower is called "pu velvet" after drying, which can fill the bed pillow.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?


The "pu cai" that southerners like to eat is to take the relatively tender and white part of the root of its stem and leaf, which is refreshing and delicious, and has certain medicinal value.


Honeysuckle, because it is silvery white when it first blooms, will turn golden yellow after a day or two, so it is called "honeysuckle". Because of one and two flowers, two flower buds protrude outside, in pairs, inseparable, like Mandarin ducks dancing, also known as "Mandarin Duck Grass".

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?


There is also a variety of honeysuckle, the bud is a gradient of pink to purple red, the first opening of the outer powder and the inner white, and then a day or two later the pink gradually fades, it will become silvery white, and finally become a golden color, with high ornamental value.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Red honeysuckle

Honeysuckle has been known as a good product for heat and detoxification since ancient times. Chinese medicine cloud: honeysuckle sweet and cold aromatic, sweet cold and clear heat without hurting the stomach, aromatization can be penetrated and can dispel evil. Easy to fire physique, you can drink some honeysuckle tea appropriately under the guidance of a doctor.


Alias orchid grass, bamboo leaf grass, etc., this grass is relatively common in the corner of the house or the side of the canal, likes a warm and humid and semi-shady environment, the vitality is very strong, touch the ground can take root.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?


Its leaves are very similar to bamboo leaves, with a slub-like stem, which is also one of its main features, opening small blue flowers, the flower color is very similar to the flower color of the mother-in-law, noble and elegant, and no one should be near.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

The flowers of the duck plant

The leaf type and flower color of the duck plant are very beautiful, known as the Smurfs in the weeds, the flowers are like a small blue butterfly flying in the grass, with the characteristics of liking shade and fearing the sun, it is a good product for watching grass at home or in the office.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

The flowers of the duck plant

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?


Duck plant contains a large amount of colloids, which has certain medicinal value in the Chinese medicine system.

Weeping potted grass

Weeping potted grass is a relatively common potted ornamental plant, which does not have strict environmental requirements and is very easy to cultivate and reproduce.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Weeping potted grass

Whole herbs into the medicine, cool, sweet and slightly sour, there is heat and detoxification. The stems and leaves are crisp and juicy and slightly acidic, and can be eaten as vegetables.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Weeping potted grass

Weeping potted grass has the effect of clearing heat, detoxification, and clearing damp heat, but those with spleen and stomach deficiency should take it with caution.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Weeping pot herb has certain medicinal value in the Chinese medicine system.

Water celery

Water celery is also known as wild celery, the genus Water celery in the family Umbellifera.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Water celery

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?


At present, cress has been widely cultivated as an economic vegetable and has become a relatively common vegetable variety on people's tables. Cress is crisp and refreshing to eat, there are cold mix spicy water celery, water celery fried dried tofu, water celery stir-fried dried parsley, vegetarian fried water celery, water celery fried bacon, etc., can also be made celery stuffed dumplings.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Grown cress

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Fried meat with cress

Note: Cress growing in the wild, do not pick and eat without being familiar with and not understanding its specific characteristics. Because there is a kind of poisonous parsley, it is easy to be confused with cress, poisonous celery (also called wild celery, poisonous ginseng, white-headed man) is poisonous, and the flower is the most toxic. Nausea, vomiting, cold hands and feet, paralysis of limbs after accidental ingestion, severe can cause death.


Aliases: Broken Copper Coin, Chicken Intestine Vegetable, Potted Coriander, etc., Umbrella Family Broken Copper Coin Genus. Some places are also called "fish scale grass", because the leaves of this plant are somewhat similar to fish scales.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Can be used to make soup to drink. This weed is not only edible, but also has certain medicinal value.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Coriander bonsai

Coriander can also be used for indoor potted plants to beautify the indoor environment, and can also be planted in fish tanks for fish tank landscaping.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Coriander in a fish tank

Melon seed grass

Chinese medicine name: mother-in-law nail dish, also known as tall mouse ear grass, curly ear, goose does not eat grass and so on. Caryophyllaceae. This is a grass with obvious characteristics, the whole plant is covered with grayish yellow soft hairs, and the overall appearance is hairy.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Melon seed grass

The rhizomes are oblique, clustered with mostly upright branches with purple-red twigs and glandular hairs on the upper parts. Single-leaf paraphyletic, basal leaf spoon-shaped or broad lanceolate, basal narrow into stalks; stem-borne leaves are opposite, the leaves are narrow oblong-oval to broadly ovate, 1-2 cm long, 5-12 mm wide, blunt at the apex, rounded at the base, full margin, the main vein is pronounced, protruding below.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

The inflorescence of melon seed grass

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Melon seed grass

Melon seed grass has certain medicinal value.

Lacquer grass

Lacquer grass, aliases include star grass, lacquer grass, cow hair stick, ground pine, large dragon leaf, sheep grass and so on. Caryophyllaceae.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Lacquer grass

Lacquer grass stems are clustered, paved, dwarf, linear leaves, emerald green, thick texture, dense like carpet, in some places used as ornamental lawns.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Lacquer grass seedlings

Fleshy leaves, single leaf pairs, linear leaves, 5–20 mm long and about 1 mm wide, sharply pointed at the apex and sheathed at the base.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Lacquer gu's leaves and buds

Small flowers with solitary branches, 5 sepals, ovate, 5 petals, white ovate, non-divided, slightly shorter than sepals, 5 stamens, flowering in March-May;

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Flowers of lacquer grass

It has certain medicinal value in the TCM system. It has the effect of cooling blood detoxification, insecticidal and anti-itching.

Tongquan grass

The chinese medicine name of Tongquan herb: green orchid, alias: tiger grass, stone shower grass, pus vesicle medicine. Genus Tsubasa in the family Phylloscopus.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

This is one of the most common and inconspicuous weeds. It can be seen almost in the grass of the community and the suburbs, especially in the creek and ditch, and the purple-red stem with the lilac flowers is its characteristic that distinguishes it from other wild grasses.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Tongquan grass likes to grow in moist soil, it is said that in arid areas to find water, sometimes can be judged by this plant, so it is called "Tongquan grass".

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Tongquan herb not only has ornamental value, but also has certain medicinal properties (not too much introduction).

Noodle dish

Noodle dish, there are many names, incense burner grass, rice tile jar, plum blossom vase, mai xian ong, sweet cabbage, wheat yellow cabbage, lantern grass, lantern bubble, bottle jar flower, etc. The Chinese medicine name of the noodle dish: wheat bottle grass.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Wheat bottle grass

When I was a child, I often saw it in the wheat field, and its flowers were like bottles when they opened, so it was called wheat bottle grass. In addition, its flowers are very sweet, and friends often pick the petals and eat them. Don't know if you've eaten?

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Wheat bottle grass in the wheat field

Noodle dish is also a very delicious wild vegetable, containing a lot of amino acids, minerals and vitamins, high nutritional value, every year around the Qingming Festival, it is delicate and delicious, it is a good time to dig.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Noodle dish

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Seedlings of noodle vegetables

Noodle vegetable whole herb into medicine, has a high medicinal value.

Spiral compound flowers

Spiral flower, also known as golden Buddha grass, June chrysanthemum and so on. It is a perennial herb growing 30–70 cm tall. Apical head-shaped inflorescences, the apex is arranged in the shape of an umbrella house. It grows on hillsides, roadsides, fields or watersides.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Spiral complex flowers (this picture can better reflect the shape of its flowers and leaves)

The flower shape and color of the spiral flower are very similar to those of wild chrysanthemums, but the leaves and wild chrysanthemums are very different, and the smell is also different.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Spiral compound flowers

Friends familiar with Jerusalem artichoke may notice that the stems and leaves of the rotary compound flower have some similarities with Jerusalem artichoke (artichoke), except that the plant is not as tall and thick as Jerusalem artichoke (artichoke), the leaves are also slender, and the petals are dense and short.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Seedlings of spiral compound flowers

Its roots and leaves are medicinal and have certain medicinal value.

Yellow cauliflower

Yellow cauliflower is a plant of the lily family, The grass genus. Aliases: Xuancao, Forget Worry Grass, Golden Needle Vegetable, Xuancao Flower, Brain Vegetable, Tranquilizer Vegetable, Green Onion Flower, etc. The plants are generally taller and larger; there are similar to the domestic green plant "hanging orchid", the swollen fleshy root (when I was a child, I dug it up, and thought it could be eaten, but I didn't dare to try it, and later I learned that in some places, I used the roots of yellow cauliflower to make wine). The leaves are 50–130 cm long and 6–25 mm wide. The flowers are pale yellow , sometimes with a blackish purple tinge at the tip of the buds.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Yellow cauliflower

Broccoli is an important cash crop. Its flowers are steamed, dried and processed into dried vegetables, that is, goldenrod or yellow cauliflower.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Commercially grown broccoli

Fresh yellow cauliflower contains "colchicine", which will be oxidized into "dicocipline" in the body, which has greater toxicity. ()

The toxic ingredients of fresh yellow cauliflower can be weakened or disappeared when heated above 60 ° C, when eating, the fresh yellow cauliflower should be blanched in boiling water, and then soaked in water for more than 2 hours, fished out and washed after washing and then fried on the safe.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Fresh yellow cauliflower

note:. The flowers that can be eaten as vegetables are the yellow cauliflower in the vegetable field, not the flowers grown in the flower beds. In the park and in the wild, you can see the yellow cauliflower easily picked and eaten.


Golden thread grass, aliases: chongyang willow, crab shell grass, hairy tateshina, white horse whip, herringbone grass, nine-pan dragon, hairy blood grass, wild indigo, a bunch of red, seven indigo, seven blood, big indigo, nine knots of wind, large leaf spicy indigo, etc.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Goldenrod in the weeds (this picture contains at least five or more plant species, you can identify it)

The name of the goldenrod is that its inflorescence is very slender, like a thread, and the flowers and fruits are sparsely arranged above this "line". (Goldenrod has 4 petals, 5 stamens, and short pistils.) The inflorescence of Goldenrod is one of its most distinctive features.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Goldenrod inflorescence

Another feature of it is also obvious, there is often a herringbone purple marking on the leaf surface, so it is also called herringbone grass.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Golden thread grass seedlings

Chinese medicine name: Tateshina family Goldenrod grass plant, medicinal part of the whole grass, can be harvested during the growth period, fresh or sun-dried for later use. Its medicinal properties are gradually being developed and utilized.

Mai Dong

Wheat winter grass is a very common landscaping plant, and the roots it has formed are dried to the Chinese medicinal material wheat winter.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Wheat winter grass

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Mai Dong

It has high medicinal value in the TCM system.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Phnom Penh Wheat Winter

Hollow lotus grass

Also known as dry lotus grass, hollow lotus grass is a perennial herb, mainly growing in ponds, ditches, as long as there is water where you can basically see. The stem grows creeping at the base, tubular and knotted, densely flowered, head-like inflorescence of the total peduncle, solitary in leaf axils, bracts and small bracts white.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Hollow lotus grass

Native to Brazil, it was introduced as animal feed, has since spread and is now listed as a harmful invasive species. Its sap will oxidize to a blue-black color in the air, and the skin or clothing will be stained black when it comes into contact with grass juice, but there are no other side effects.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Hollow lotus grass growing in water

The aboveground part of the hollow lotus herb is medicinal. It has certain medicinal value in the TCM system.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?


Amaranth is an annual herb of the genus Amaranth in the family Euphorbiaceae. This kind of grass is also a common kind of weed when I was a child, which is one of the breeds that livestock love to eat, with obvious characteristics, easy to identify, and you can directly look at the picture.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?


The young leaves are edible and are one of the folk wild vegetable varieties throughout the south. Amaranth is medicated with whole grass or aboveground parts, which has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, dampness, astringent and hemostasis.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?


We are called "hugging hens" (sound), I don't know what the origin of this name is, and whether there are any friends who can teach one or two.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?


Ghost needle grass

Ghost needle grass is also known as ghost grass, a handful of needles, ghost tribulus terrestris, sticky grass and so on. It is a grass with distinct characteristics, and the way it spreads its seeds is also very special. In autumn, the black needle-like skinny fruit grows three or four thorns (normally three spines) on top of the spines, with barbs on the spines. When people and animals pass by, they will stick to the body, which is particularly difficult to remove, and you must be careful of this grass when taking pets out to play, otherwise you will have to cut the hair.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Ghost needle grass

Seedlings can be eaten as wild vegetables, the taste is acceptable, and it also has a certain therapeutic effect.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

It mainly has the effect of clearing heat, detoxification, dissipation of stasis, and swelling reduction.


Nettle aliases: sting grass, biting grass, scorpion grass. I have not been injured by nettle, but I have seen people pierced by nettle, and it is said that the wound is as stinging as if it was burned by fire, similar to the pain of being bitten by an ant, and it will cause small blisters when it is severe.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

The thorny hairs of nettle

Members of the nettle genus basically have hollow spiny hairs that can sting people, and formic acid and other substances in the spikes will irritate people's skin, and many people will feel stinging when they touch them.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Nettle leaves

Nettle is edible, to cook soup or fried with eggs are very delicious, has a certain therapeutic value. Nettle has certain medicinal value in the Chinese medicine system.


Tribulus, also known as Qu ren. It is distributed throughout the country. It grows in sandy land, wasteland, hillsides, near settlements, etc. It can be used as feed when it is fresh. Fruit into the medicine can calm the liver and eyes, scatter the wind and blood. Thorn fruit is easy to adhere to the hair of livestock or on people's clothes and hair, and is generally difficult to remove.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?


When I was a child walking barefoot, I was most afraid of this fruit, and it really hurt to prick my feet.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Seeds are also medicinal herbs and have certain medicinal value.

Wild mint

Wild mint alias night incense. It is a perennial herb that grows mostly in mountainous wetlands and rivers, with rhizomes growing underground. The whole plant smells fragrant, the leaves are opposite, the flowers are small lilac, lip-shaped, and the flowers are dark purple-brown fruits.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Wild mint

The taste effect is similar to that of the trained planting of mint, the stem of wild mint is dark red, the plant is shorter than the planted variety, the taste is more intense, the whole plant has a fragrant smell, and the medicinal value is higher.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Young stems and leaves can be eaten as vegetables or used as seasonings, which have the effect of removing fishiness and defilement. There is a certain medicinal value in traditional Chinese medicine

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Wild mint


When it comes to summer dry grass, everyone may not have any impression, but the herbal tea that is often drunk in summer, the main raw materials in it include summer dry grass. For example, wang laoji, heqizheng and other herbal teas, are added with summer dry grass, using its heat-clearing function to achieve the effect of removing dampness, preventing heat and cooling.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?


Summer dry grass gets its name because it grows in winter, spring, and is fruity and leaves in summer. It is widely distributed throughout China, with Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Hunan and other provinces as the main production areas. Summer dry grass is highly adaptable, and because it grows in winter and spring, there are few diseases and insect pests during the whole growth process.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Flowers of summer dry grass

Summer dry grass is the first Chinese herbal medicine that I have come into contact with and know the effect, but I didn't know its scientific name before. When I was a child, every wheat harvest season, my grandmother would always take me to dig up summer dry grass, mainly for my family to reserve summer heat protection and cooling "tea". After picking, put in a large iron pot with a low heat to dry, and then put in a jar to store, when it is hot to cook a pot and put in rock sugar, adults and children love to drink, can effectively prevent heat stroke. At that time, there were no fans and no air conditioning, and it was rare to suffer from heat stroke every day in the hot sun or farm work, and perhaps it also made a contribution.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Mature summer dry grass

Summer dry grass is a Chinese herbal medicine that clears heat and detoxifies. It is the main raw material in the herbal tea process.

Cassia seeds

Cassia seeds are the seeds of cassia or cassia, so named for their apparent effects. Cassia is an annual, erect, stout herb growing 1–2 m tall. Cassia flowers are yellow with slender, quadrangular pods; small cassia plants are smaller and shorter pods.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Cassia seeds

Cassia seeds have clear liver and eyesight, lower blood pressure and blood lipids.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?


In life, cassia seeds can be used as pillow cores, and can also be used to soak water and drink.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?


Gynostemma blue

Gynostemma is a grassy climbing plant of the family Cucurbitaceae, Gynostemma. Aliases five-leaf ginseng, horse chestnut dan and so on. There are usually 5–7 leaflets, ovate oblong or lanceolate, central leaflets 3–12 cm long and 1.5–4 cm wide, with smaller lateral leaflets, sharply pointed or short tapering at the apex. The fruit is fleshy, spherical, 5-6 mm in diameter, black after ripening, smooth and hairless, containing 2 upside-down seeds.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Gynostemma blue

Gynostemma grows particularly well in the wild, and can be seen in mountain forests, fields and even in the bushes of the community.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Gynostemma blue

With certain medicinal value, the utilization rate of the south is relatively high, and it is called the ginseng of the south

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

The main active ingredients of gynostemma are gynostemma saponin, gynostemma blue glycosides (polysaccharides), water-soluble amino acids, flavonoids, etc., which have the effect of beneficial qi, calming and lowering blood pressure.


The often heard purple cloud honey is the nectar collected by bees from purple cloud ying. Astragalus is an evergreen legume herb, also known as safflower grass, grass, etc., is the southern mainland farmland green manure crop livestock feed, tender can be used as vegetables to eat.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Purple cloud ying whole herb and seeds can be used in medicine, which has the effect of dispelling wind and eyesight, strengthening the spleen and strengthening qi, detoxifying and relieving pain.

The third of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, those valuable wild grasses around you, can you recognize several kinds?

Flowers and leaves of aster

@ Fish and fish life views mainly share the cognition of wild grasses and wildflowers, because they do not have relevant qualifications, delete some knowledge points about the value of wild herbs. I'll just introduce their basic features so that everyone can know what they look like.

Due to space issues, only a part of this chapter is listed, and for more knowledge of wild grasses and wildflowers, you can refer to my other two series of articles:

1. "The "Hundred Sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, I can recognize the first 10 kinds, can you recognize several? 》;

2. "The second part of the "hundred sketches" necessary for stepping on the spring, the wild grasses and wildflowers you want to know are all here."