
The most unforgettable hometown water! Take you to the "rivers, lakes and seas" | Meitu

author:China Meteorological Administration
The most unforgettable hometown water! Take you to the "rivers, lakes and seas" | Meitu

Rivers, lakes and seas, benefiting thousands of miles

The water of the hometown is the well-being of nature

It's not necessarily imposing

Nor does it have to be spectacular

Probably only plain and simple

But, the most memorable

Appreciate the beauty of China

Let's guard this clear water and blue sky together!

The most unforgettable hometown water! Take you to the "rivers, lakes and seas" | Meitu

In Guangxi's Du'an Yao Autonomous County, the "Chengjiang River" is known locally as the "Mother River." The river is clear, blue and green, and the high-quality water quality provides a high-quality growing environment for sea cauliflower. Sea cauliflower, also known as "aquatic environment indicator plant". Every summer and autumn, the sea cauliflower blooms, and a "flowering river" is presented to people.

The most unforgettable hometown water! Take you to the "rivers, lakes and seas" | Meitu

The ZhiHe River is the mother river of Jishou City, Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province. It has a typical subtropical monsoon humid climate with four distinct seasons and pleasant scenery. In the spring, the River babbles. In the Gonghe Culture and Art Park, the famous art master Mr. Huang Yongyu designed and donated one of the four bridges of the Gonghe River, "Love Bridge", which is even more beautiful and unique against the background of bright yellow spring flowers.

The most unforgettable hometown water! Take you to the "rivers, lakes and seas" | Meitu

Elephant Lake in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, is composed of the water flow of the South River, The North River, the East River, the West River, and qingshan Lake, and its floor plan is quite like an elephant, so it is named Elephant Lake, which is one of the four major lakes in Nanchang, covering an area of about 2800 acres. Elephant Lake under the spring sunset and the Distant Wanshou Pagoda shine together, and the orange lake rendered by the sun looks like a palette of nature, showing its softness and tranquility!

The most unforgettable hometown water! Take you to the "rivers, lakes and seas" | Meitu

In the New Balhu Left Banner of Hulunbuir City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, with the improvement of the ecological environment, more and more migratory birds have flown to Kangyur Bryd (Bude, Mongolian transliteration lake bubble, bubble). Here they rest, reproduce, and live forever. It is reported that there are more than 100 lakes of this size in the new Balhu Left Banner, which will become a station for migratory birds from March to May every year.

The most unforgettable hometown water! Take you to the "rivers, lakes and seas" | Meitu

Erhai, located in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, is the second largest freshwater lake in Yunnan Province because it resembles a human ear. The lake is crystal clear and transparent, and has been called "the flawless jade among the mountains" since ancient times. The Dali region belongs to the central subtropical southwest monsoon climate zone. The dry and wet seasons are distinct, and the rain and heat are the same season. The water temperature of Erhai Lake is between 1 °C and 20 °C throughout the year, and it does not freeze all year round. Facing the Cangshan Mountains and looking at the Erhai Sea, but seeing the water reflecting the mountains and the mountains entering the sea, the Cangshan Mountains and the Erhai Sea are integrated. The clear blue water of the lake and the blue sky and white clouds are in harmony, and the sea and sky are colorful.

The most unforgettable hometown water! Take you to the "rivers, lakes and seas" | Meitu

Zhuanghe City, Liaoning Province, is located on the north bank of the Yellow Sea, which has a warm temperate humid continental monsoon climate and has certain oceanic climate characteristics. Zhuanghe is an important water source in Dalian and a beautiful water town in southern Liaoning. The natural coastline is 285 kilometers long, the sea is vast, the products are rich, rich in more than 40 kinds of shellfish such as variegated clams and clams, as well as puffer fish, sea cucumbers, pike crabs and other marine treasures, enjoying the reputation of "the world's clam reservoir" and "China's shellfish capital".

The most unforgettable hometown water! Take you to the "rivers, lakes and seas" | Meitu

Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province, is located on the shore of the Yellow Sea, born by the sea, expanding the sea and thriving, known as the "Pearl of the Yellow Sea". It belongs to the northern subtropical monsoon climate zone, with four distinct seasons, mild climate, and rich wind and light energy resources. The coastline is 85.4 kilometers long, and the tidal flats account for 22% of Jiangsu Province, forming a unique ecosystem of oceans, wetlands and forests.

The most unforgettable hometown water! Take you to the "rivers, lakes and seas" | Meitu

The average annual temperature of Wenquan County in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is 4.4 °C, and the average annual precipitation is 270.8 mm. Because the north, south and west are surrounded by mountains on three sides, the west wind prevails throughout the year, the winter is long and not severely cold, the summer is short and not hot, the spring heats up quickly, the winter cools rapidly, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the characteristics of warm winter and cool summer are obvious. The Hot Spring Bortala River National Wetland is located in the eastern part of Hot Springs County, with the Bortala River as the main body, covering wetland resources such as herbaceous swamps and shrub swamps on both sides of the river.

In recent years, Wenquan County has protected and restored the ecology of wetland parks in accordance with the principles of scientific restoration and maintenance of ecosystem integrity in accordance with the laws of nature. Nowadays, the swamps and aquatic vegetation such as yellow reeds, cattails and onions have been renewed, lush and vibrant, and the degraded wetlands have been effectively restored, becoming a good place for local people and tourists to visit on foot.

The most unforgettable hometown water! Take you to the "rivers, lakes and seas" | Meitu

Longxiang land, spring breeze and warm. Xuantian Lake in Tongliang District, Chongqing, known as the charm of bashan Shu water, is like a giant dragon coiled at the foot of Bayue Mountain. The lake is turquoise and smokey. The greenway around the lake, which is about 10 kilometers long, is like a "jade belt" that hugs the lake tightly, lined with trees, flowers blooming, the lake and mountains are shining together, and the natural scenery is like a natural beauty, attracting many citizens to come to spring, fitness, and feel the brilliant spring light.

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Produced by china meteorological administration propaganda center (China Meteorological News).

Curator/Editor: Jiang Hong

Material source: Wang Chaoqiu Liu Yue Deng Bing Qiu Yingqing Sumia Zabu Zhang Huiying Jiang Baoqi Ni Jie Liu Dachun Luo Xianmeng

Review: Duan Haoshu