
Chendong's "The Other Side of Deep Space" was serialized for one year, and Chen's eleventh "Fantasy World Crossing" was successfully booked to exceed 10,000

Today came back from work a little early, now there is nothing to do, or to share with you a few starting points of information.

1. The first anniversary of Chendong's "The Other Side of Deep Space"

Chendong's "The Other Side of Deep Space" was serialized for one year, and Chen's eleventh "Fantasy World Crossing" was successfully booked to exceed 10,000

Earlier, when the silkworm potato work "The King of All Phases" was serialized for the first anniversary, I also said it.

Nowadays, Chendong's "The Other Side of Deep Space" has also written a first anniversary, not to mention that there is always a sense of no sense of ceremony.

The novel was launched on May Day last year, and it has been written for more than 2.5 million words now, and there are still many updates.

Before the first anniversary of Potato, "The King of All Phases" was 1.2 million words, and Chendong's update was twice as much as his, so compared, it instantly felt that he was much more diligent.

The novel is still in the process of being converted from a new map, and the Sword Fairy Children Fang Shi still haven't appeared yet. Emperor Wang Xuan was now going to explore the secret realm.

2. Chen 11's "Fantasy World Crossing" has been booked for more than 10,000

Chendong's "The Other Side of Deep Space" was serialized for one year, and Chen's eleventh "Fantasy World Crossing" was successfully booked to exceed 10,000

The number of novels that started from Wanxing has increased to 715, and the latest one is Tatsuichi's masterpiece "Fantasy World Crossing".

This is an infinite stream work, the reputation and popularity among readers are quite good, and the protagonist Dr. Chen Ang Chen has left a deep impression on many people.

The novel ended in September 2019, and now that two and a half years have passed, it is not easy to reach the ten thousand orders.

In addition, the author had a physical problem before, he stopped the novel "Ming Zun", and has been resting for more than four months, and it is not clear when it will be restored and updated.

3, a little fatter "Chinese Entertainment 1997" is set to 11,000

Chendong's "The Other Side of Deep Space" was serialized for one year, and Chen's eleventh "Fantasy World Crossing" was successfully booked to exceed 10,000

The fatter "Hua Yu 1997" is two million words, and the author has summarized it before, which mentions that the average order of the novel has been raised to eleven thousand.

And thanks to the anti-theft of the starting point, its follow-up is stable at seven thousand to eight thousand, which is still very high.

Its daily update is stable at six or seven thousand, before seeing a screenshot of the April fee he disclosed, a total of sixty-two thousand, of which the starting point of the main site fee of fifty-five thousand, is still not low.

Chendong's "The Other Side of Deep Space" was serialized for one year, and Chen's eleventh "Fantasy World Crossing" was successfully booked to exceed 10,000

In addition, at the starting point, there are also many novels whose main station income may not be high, but the channel income may be very good.

It feels like the income fluctuations of many works are still relatively large, and the recommended months will be much higher.

4. Yin Zidian's Roaring Scroll of "Steel Gunpowder and Spellcaster" has begun to update

Chendong's "The Other Side of Deep Space" was serialized for one year, and Chen's eleventh "Fantasy World Crossing" was successfully booked to exceed 10,000

Yin Zidian's latest volume of Yin Zidian's niche fantasy essay "Steel Gunpowder and Spellcaster" has begun to be updated. Before his monsoon roll was written for a year and three months, after the end of the rest for more than ten days.

I saw that he had set himself the goal of writing this story before he was thirty years old, but I didn't know how old he was, but it just felt like he would write for a long time.

This novel is still recommended by many people, but the results are not high, and it is more picky for readers. I've always wanted to see it, but I haven't tried it. Maybe one day on a whim will you really open it.

The above is a few pieces of content to share in this issue, I hope you will not be bored with it, then this issue is here, we will see you in the next issue.

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