
After chasing the squid, reading Chendong, he was attracted by these four novels, with a rating of 9.7

Hello everyone, I am murmuring blue, recommend wonderful and good-looking high-quality online articles for you every day, pay attention to me for more information. Today's introduction to you is that after chasing the squid, reading Chendong, and being attracted by these four novels, the score is as high as 9.7

"I became a saint with idle books" traveled eighty thousand miles

A novel similar to "The Most Holy of Confucianism" is more interesting and diverse in characters. This is a world where you can read a book and get extraordinary power. Chen Luo's golden finger was a bunch of idle books that the Heavenly Dao did not allow to appear in this world!

Highlight clip: Ji Zhong's eyes turned green as he looked at the stack of manuscripts, which Chen Luo had explained before, and could only be read after writing. At this time, seeing Chen Luo's relaxed look, he quickly asked, "Gongzi, finished writing?" Chen Luo nodded, "Finished!" Ji Zhong was overjoyed, reaching out to take the last manuscript, but he did not expect that the hand had just approached the manuscript, and suddenly there was a sound of a sword sheathing in the manuscript, and then a ray of sword light shot out of the manuscript, Ji Zhong did not pay attention, and his fingers were scratched by the sword light.

After chasing the squid, reading Chendong, he was attracted by these four novels, with a rating of 9.7

"Cicada Movement" Jiangsu Tongzi

This is the best military espionage novel after "Spy Storm". The private detective Left Heavy returns to the past, fighting in the heart of the enemy, nicknamed the Smiling Tiger, and is good at a knife in the back.

Highlight clip: Gently spit out a puff of smoke, Li Shudong's right hand slowly lifted the metal cigarette box, observed behind him through the reflection, and found that there was a car behind it, there was a driver inside, and a passenger who looked like a clerk, he remembered the license plate and the appearance of the driver. "No, speed up and leave." Gu Qi found a reflection and secretly cursed Li Shudong's cunning.

After chasing the squid, reading Chendong, he was attracted by these four novels, with a rating of 9.7

I Had a Home in 1982 is an all-metal shell

Urban leisure text, simple and unpretentious but with a strong sense of nostalgia. Wang Yi got a key and opened a door in 2022 to go to 1982. Through these two eras, Wang Yi thought he wanted to have everything, but when he tasted life, he found that home and relatives were the only ones.

Highlight clip: Some old people are very distressed after seeing it: "I can't use such oil, save a little, save a little, there is oil in the chicken skin, boil it and come out with chicken fat, chicken fat is more fragrant than vegetable oil!" After Wang Yi arrived, everyone gave way. The stove was already stuffed with dry wood, the fire was raging, and the large iron pot that had been washed clean was burned to ashes. Liu Hongmei said: "Hot pan cool oil, so that the chicken will not stick to the pan."

After chasing the squid, reading Chendong, he was attracted by these four novels, with a rating of 9.7

"The Great Wilderness To Help The Wife" is better to herd cattle

The story of the protagonist who only wants to steal half a day's leisure is forced to support his princess wife as a female emperor. People in the wasteland do not practice martial arts, do not become famous. If you let me marry a princess as a donkey, and then I will not join the army and politics, then I will indulge in the gentle country and drunken dream of death. As a result, Zhao Hao found that the old emperor was still uneasy about his family before he died.

Highlight clip: Looking at his face full of embarrassment, Jiang Zheng couldn't help but laugh and patted his shoulder: "Let's go, your father and your grandfather are in a hurry!" "Hey!" When the crowd saw Jiang Zheng coming, they immediately prepared to bow down. Jiang Zheng quickly stepped forward to support Zhao Dingbian and laughed: "This is a family banquet, only relatives, no monarchs." In this way, you are still a generation older than me, if you kneel, doesn't it make me lose my life? ”

After chasing the squid, reading Chendong, he was attracted by these four novels, with a rating of 9.7

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