
Men who can cook, great character!

Embrace a man who loves to cook,

It is to get a real long-term meal ticket.

Men who can cook, great character!
Men who can cook, great character!

No matter what age you are,

Girls have a soft spot for men who cook.

Because he can not only feed your stomach,

It can warm your heart even more.

Men who can cook, great character!

Men who can cook are responsible

"I raise you" is the most beautiful word in the world,

A sentence of "I raise you" can conquer the ear,

But the phrase "I cook" can make the heart fall.

Men who can cook, great character!

A man who loves to cook,

No empty words, no sweet talk,

He will melt love into the bits and pieces of life.

Men who can cook, great character!

Men who can cook are enterprising

Men who can cook

You can cook vegetables, melons and fruits with taste,

It is also possible to handle tedious work in an orderly manner.

Men who can cook, great character!

The ancients said, "To govern a big country, if you cook small fresh." ”

Cooking is the most can cultivate a person's character,

He must be delicate, calm, down-to-earth,

Such a mentality not only enhances the relationship between husband and wife,

It will be more conducive to the development of this man's career.

Men who can cook, great character!

Not trapped in the stubborn idea of "gentleman far away from the kitchen",

Do not move the traditional thinking of "male outside the female protagonist inside",

Such a man is the most scarce man at the moment.

Men who can cook, great character!

Men who can cook understand romance

True love is where chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea,

Otherwise, it is false.

Romance in love is not just flowers and wine,

There are also three meals a day, and trivialities of chai rice oil and salt.

And a man who can cook

I will infuse my own tenderness with a variety of ingredients.

Men who can cook, great character!

When you stay up late to work overtime, he prepares for the supper;

When you are sick and bedridden, he makes soup for you;

When you came to your aunt with painful menstruation, he personally held a bowl of white porridge.

Flowers chocolate is just an everyday gift,

And a one-day meal is the most romantic love story of a lifetime.

Men who can cook, great character!

Men who can cook will enjoy life

Men who can cook are rarely macho,

He has a heart to discover and create beauty,

He knows how to live in the moment better than a man full of work and career.

Men who can cook, great character!

Love in the world,

At the beginning, it can be romantic, it can be vigorous,

But after entering the marriage,

In the end, it will fall into the ordinary life of chai rice oil and salt.

Men who can cook may not know how to use flowers to create surprises,

But they know how to turn "I love you" into a bowl of hot soup,

It's so real, it's stomach-warming and heart-warming.

Men who can cook, great character!

A lifetime is long,

There will be a lot of people to accompany you to dinner on the way,

But meet people who cook for you,

It's a very happy thing!

Men who can cook, great character!

For women,

The most important thing for a man is not the appearance and figure,

Nor is it identity and status.

Instead, he went home and threw himself into the kitchen

When transforming into your own chef,

That spoiled sense of belonging is the most down-to-earth.

Men who can cook, great character!


Be sure to find a man who is willing to cook for you,

Because you will meet the most beautiful love in the world.

Men who can cook, great character!

When you wake up in the morning,

There will be a steaming glass of milk on the table,

A freshly made sandwich;

Men who can cook, great character!

When you come back from overtime at night,

There will be delicious meals on the table,

Maybe even boiled a pot of nutritious soup.

Men who can cook, great character!

Cooking this thing,

In the end, it is a manifestation of love.

May you marry love,

Wait for the guy who cooks for you.

Two people in one room, three meals for four seasons.

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