
A day portrait of an old man

I take care of the little ones here in my daughter, who is in the fourth grade.

In the morning, we all had dinner at home, daughter, son-in-law, granddaughter, and I was four people for breakfast.

Usually get up before 6:30 to cook, boil porridge, boil eggs, bread, biscuits, snacks, milk for breakfast, and occasionally stir-fry a green vegetable or potato chips.

The two older children don't eat much, they should still do theirs, and I regret not having them when they want to eat.

Take care of the snacks and drink them and send them to school, even if the morning business is over.

When I got home, I saw that there was still a lot of porridge and began to drink a large bowl.

A day portrait of an old man

At noon, I will see that there is still a morning meal and dishes, and there will be a meal at noon.

Pick up the child at 5:30 p.m., go home and hurry to start making dinner, the child says that he wants to eat what he wants, usually when he goes to school in the morning, he will discuss the dinner, prepare the ingredients in the afternoon, and make it faster in the evening.

When I am older, I basically don't eat much for dinner, there are leftovers in the morning, and I am full at night when I eat very little.

The children who had eaten dinner began to write their homework, and I cleaned up the kitchen and began to prepare dinner for two adults, who usually arrived at home at nine o'clock.

A day portrait of an old man

Only to eat, do a hearty eat afraid of long meat, do simple and afraid of children nutrition can not keep up, for this meal, think about and think again.

Only to hear the child shout: Grandma's homework is finished, check it.

Put down the busy work in your hand, check the homework, do it right, don't have to redo, let the child pack the bag, prepare to wash, go to bed.

I settled the children in and ran to the kitchen again, thinking: I don't know if they are hungry or full today.

Do less afraid that they are not enough to eat, more tomorrow a day can not eat, children do not let eat leftovers, look at the hard work of the delicious, really reluctant to waste, if I make a new one there is no leftover delicious,

A day portrait of an old man

Just put it in the corner of the refrigerator, save yourself a day cooking and have time.

When you are older, you can save some effort, and do not waste food or waste energy and time.

I remembered that my mother lived with me, and my mother didn't cook well, and basically didn't let my mother do anything.

My daughter and son-in-law said that the food I cooked was delicious, so I worked hard.

Is there an old man like me who tirelessly cleans up his home for his children and daughters and still brings him a meal? Fortunately, the two children have good temperaments, always talk well, and laugh with a giggle. Watching them all grow, tired and happy. Collapse

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