
12 fouls in the last 3 dillon matches! The villain Payton Jr. was criticized for not protecting the action and not apologizing

The US media posted a comparison of Dillon's data in the last 3 games, and the number of goals scored in individual sports battles was as many as the number of individual fouls, all 12 times. Obviously, Dillon's vicious action against Peyton Jr. in the Western Conference Semifinals led to the injury of Peyton Jr., which made him suffer a lot of criticism, 12 fouls committed by Dillon in the past 3 games, he graduated with 6 fouls in the game of eliminating the Timberwolves, the G1 game against the Warriors was 5 fouls, and then the G2 battle against the Warriors was directly expelled from the second degree malicious foul, Dillon's operation was really crazy, he seemed to be a player born for fouls?

12 fouls in the last 3 dillon matches! The villain Payton Jr. was criticized for not protecting the action and not apologizing
12 fouls in the last 3 dillon matches! The villain Payton Jr. was criticized for not protecting the action and not apologizing

Dillon is not wrong to be a villain, he is in the Grizzlies is to assume such a role positioning, otherwise where will the Grizzlies still have Dillon's hiding place? Think about it back then, whether the Grizzlies gave Dillon Brooks, or Marzan Brooks' Oolong incident, it was all very funny, in fact, the Grizzlies had already seen Dillon's advantage, he was the evil man that the Grizzlies needed very much, because any successful team would have an evil man, Bruce Bowen, TT Thompson, and Dream Green, any of them were successful, but any of them were the league's famous evil men.

12 fouls in the last 3 dillon matches! The villain Payton Jr. was criticized for not protecting the action and not apologizing
12 fouls in the last 3 dillon matches! The villain Payton Jr. was criticized for not protecting the action and not apologizing

Of course, Dillon's evil criminal action this time did go over the line, although Dillon's initial idea was to prevent Little Payton from going to the basket, but that kind of ball, Dillon's shot was not very meaningful, the most heartfelt thing was that he hit Little Payton's head, causing Little Payton to directly fracture when he fell to the ground.

The reason why Dillon has been criticized is that in addition to his vicious actions are not accepted, there is also Dillon's improper handling. When Chasing Dream pulled Clark, he was not criticized so fiercely, because Dream chased dared to say on his podcast after the game: I made a protective action against Clark, I just wanted to prevent him from going to the basket.

But did Dillon dare to say that he made protective moves against Little Payton? Sorry, no, Dillon did not dare to say, the details are very clear, Dillon could not provide protection to Little Payton in that situation, until Little Payton fell to the ground dillon did not know that he seemed to be in trouble.

12 fouls in the last 3 dillon matches! The villain Payton Jr. was criticized for not protecting the action and not apologizing

In addition, Dillon has not apologized for his vicious behavior that caused Little Payton to be injured, which has deepened the dissatisfaction and criticism of Dillon by netizens.

There was no protective action, no apology, and Dillon really lacked an attitude in dealing with the crisis of this matter, which allowed him to have so many critical remarks. Becoming a villain on the NBA stage, even if Beverley has had the same controversy, but Beverley at least will not choose to disappear after hurting others, he will explain, he will apologize for his hurtful behavior, even if he experienced accidents such as hurting Westbrook and Curry, Beverley was forgiven in the end, right? He's competing, but he should apologize after hurting people, and that's right.

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