
Men "hurt" women's 3 manifestations, encounter to cherish!

I've seen a sentence like this:

"Gentleness can be disguised, romance can be made, beauty can be decorated,

Only heartache is the most primitive love. ”

Indeed, it's too simple to say love you, just open your mouth.

But the thing that hurts you needs to pay practical actions, and you can feel it.

Here are 3 manifestations of men "hurting" women, and they should be cherished when encountered.

Men "hurt" women's 3 manifestations, encounter to cherish!

Know how to respect you

Respect is the outward manifestation of a person's love for you.

He will know how to respect you because he loves you.

The high-scoring documentary "Fruits of Life" tells the story of the late life of the couple Shuichi and Hideko.

Shuichi and Hideko met when they were young, Shuichi was silent and rigorous, and Hideko was cheerful and smiled.

Although there are many differences between them, they have still walked hand in hand for more than sixty years.

Xiu has always eaten a traditional Japanese breakfast, but Hideko loves to eat a Western breakfast; so the family has to make two kinds of breakfast every day.

Hideko is usually frizzy, always bumping her head or tripping over something,

Carefully Shuichi wrote a lot of small wooden signs to hang in different places to remind Hideko not to bump into them.

Shuichi's dream is to own a sailboat of his own,

So hide hide from Hideko and quietly sell all the valuable things in the family, saving enough money to buy a boat.

Eiko, on the other hand, has a pastoral dream, and Shuichi personally built a pastoral wooden house for her, opening up a vegetable garden and an orchard.

For the difference between the other half, they did not try to change each other, but chose to respect.

Regarding the dreams of the other half, they did not persuade each other to give up, but fulfilled each other.

This is probably what the ideal love looks like.

Although we are so different, we can respect each other, understand each other, and tolerate each other;

In respect, understanding, and tolerance, we will live ordinary days together.

Men "hurt" women's 3 manifestations, encounter to cherish!

Know how to appreciate you

How many lovers, in the process of getting along, ignore each other's advantages,

Become opponents who do not appreciate each other and fight each other.

In the arena of love, do your best to be a bad evaluator of each other,

Eventually, it also depletes the feelings between each other.

The two people who originally loved each other were because of the shortcomings of staring at each other,

Knock each other into a pile of garbage, and finally have no choice but to break up.

In a relationship, it is not unusual to love to die and live,

The most rare thing is that after the passion fades, you can still see the advantages of the other party.

Know how to appreciate each other's strengths and tolerate each other's shortcomings.

In the process of getting along, do not skimp on the praise of each other.

Two people appreciate each other, grow together, and transform into a better you together.

This kind of love is the best love.

Everyone is imperfect and has their own shortcomings.

Love is not to love a perfect person, but in the process of love,

Know how to use an appreciative eye to find the shining points in the other party, understand and tolerate each other's shortcomings.

And in the process, find the fun that belongs to two people.

Men "hurt" women's 3 manifestations, encounter to cherish!

Willing to pay for you

Zhang Ailing has a saying like this:

"Whether it is a man or a woman, meet someone you think you like,

It is to involuntarily give everything for that person, to be unconditionally good to her,

I only wish she could be happy, to be happy. ”


To love someone is to be willing to give everything for the other person.

Even if you give everything to the other party, you will still worry that you are not giving enough.

He will put his love for you into practice and penetrate into the bits and pieces of your life;

Instead of saying everything sweet to you, I don't do anything that I love you.

I have read such a sentence on the Internet:

"The sign that a man loves you is that he knows all your sweet words and little tricks;

But only care about whether you eat enough, whether you wear warm clothes or not. ”

The person who really loves you in his heart and hurts you, he will love you with practical actions.

I know that girls love beauty and like to buy and buy.

So, in the middle of every month, he will transfer money to you, worried that you will not have enough money to spend.

Know that you like to travel and have a free bird in your heart.

Therefore, as long as you have a small long vacation, he will buy a good ticket, do a good job, and take you on a tour.

Although you didn't even ask him for anything, he did what you wanted.

And this is probably the deepest love a man has for a woman.

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