
The work is diligent and sincere, but the leader still says that you can't do it, seize the opportunity to criticize you everywhere, what to do

Do things to see the ability, people to see the pattern.

In the eyes of the superior, the pattern is "hard work and resentment", and arrogance and arrogance are taboos in the workplace.

If you want to be a person in the leadership circle, you must first be as big as the leadership pattern.

Your pattern determines the upper limit of your life, how much chips you are willing to press, how much reward you can get, and the leader will only promote people with the same three views as themselves.

Introduction: Work diligently and sincerely, but the leader still says that you can't do it, and seizes the opportunity to criticize you everywhere, what to do?

It is said that "Maxima often exists, but Bole does not often have", and in addition to relying on our own efforts, promotions at work also need the appreciation and promotion of nobles.

Maybe you feel that you have paid a hundred points in a job, but the leader only sees sixty points, and he picks your thorns everywhere and deliberately looks for your stubble.

But when you think about it so naturally, have you ever thought of another possibility, that is, the boss is the decision-maker of the company, he is every opportunity, focusing on the result of the completion of the matter, not the process.

Even if you put in a hundred points of effort at work, but the final result is not good, too far from the boss's expectations, it can not be called the completion of the work, the boss of course does not buy it.

When we think we work diligently and sincerely, but the boss still says that you can't do it, and seizes the opportunity to criticize you everywhere, at this time, what we have to do is not to quarrel with the boss or to tie up the anger and unfairness in our hearts, but to analyze rationally and objectively.

It is very simple, you are angry and distressed can not solve the problem, we can only find the root cause, in order to make the career path smooth.

Criticized by our bosses, we shouldn't rush to argue and curse in our hearts.

Instead, first think carefully about whether you have done something wrong, whether you have done something bad.

Only people who often "self-revolution" can make progress every day, see both their own strengths and their own shortcomings, and then change them, and encourage them if they have none, and eventually grow into better people.

If you have done a good job, the leader is still "right for people and wrong things", making things difficult for you everywhere, and finding opportunities to criticize you.

Then it is necessary for you to talk to the leader. We must not feel that we are just a worker, feel humble and timid to communicate with the leader.

The problem arises, and avoidance is a sign of cowardice, and it can only be solved if confronted head-on.

When going to communicate with the leader, we should pay attention to the expression of words, with an open attitude to consult, I believe that if it is not a jealous, small belly chicken intestines of the leader, he will explain the reason to you, will also appreciate your courage and responsible attitude to the work, and will not worry too much with you.

Maybe the leader criticizes you precisely to test you, and you take the initiative to ask him for advice, which is exactly what he hopes in his heart.

At work, taking the initiative will not lower your posture, but can make people see your determination to do a good job, but also further improve your work ability, so as to win more career promotion opportunities.

In short, our diligent and sincere work must be supported by factual evidence, and we must use performance, that is, the results of the completion of the work, otherwise you say that you have poured your heart and soul into the work, so what proof do you take?

Taking a step back, the leader is looking for opportunities to criticize you everywhere, and it is certain that you have done a bad job, and he has caught the "horse's foot" so that he can wantonly "borrow the topic to play".

In fact, this situation is completely avoidable, starting from changing and doing a good job of ourselves, how to do it specifically? Here are some suggestions for you.

Diligence cannot be a formality, and hard work produces good results

As the management of the company, the leader has a unique vision behind the mastery of the overall situation of the company.

If the leader always says that you can't do it and seizes the opportunity to criticize you everywhere, then as a party, it is absolutely necessary for you to conduct self-comprehensive reflection.

You feel that you commute to work on time every day, work diligently and earnestly, but the leader is not satisfied with you, as if the pay and return are not proportional, and it is inevitable to be discouraged and complain about the leader.

But this state of discouragement and complaint is temporarily acceptable, do not continue all the time, and bring it to the future big and small work.

Otherwise, you are absolutely unable to stay in the workplace, carrying resentment in your heart, and natural work is not done well, and it is easy to make all kinds of mistakes.

Diligent and earnest work cannot be a deliberate illusion.

In the workplace, everyone is an adult, and no one cares so much about your moods and sorrows, so we must learn emotional management.

In addition, no matter what we do, we must be worthy of ourselves, just as we work diligently to achieve our career ideals and live a life of wealth freedom.

If you want to win respect and voice in the workplace, you must make some achievements, otherwise empty words are not convincing.

In short, many things are useless by argument, even if you win the debate, it is also a temporary obedience of others.

The most important thing is that you have to have the factual examples of what you say, so that people can be convinced and recognize your efforts.

Observe more and ask more questions, and report the progress of the work in a timely manner

As a leader, the most feared thing is the task assigned, the employee does not understand, but does not ask, does not know how to pretend to understand, and finally mess things up.

Leaders are the people who play a decision-making role in the company, and at the same time, they are also the people who are responsible for things.

Imagine if you are a leader and you assign tasks, but your employees never take the initiative to report to you on the progress of the work, can your heart be solid?

Of course not, because you are the leader, you need to grasp the progress of the task completion and start the next step of the planned deployment.

Therefore, as employees, we must understand the psychology of leaders who need to control the overall situation, and everything has a distinction between superiors and subordinates, and do not cross the line.

Especially for some things that you can't decide, don't blindly guess the leader's thoughts, but ask the leader skillfully, and ask for instructions with a humble and studious attitude.

In addition, only by observing more and learning more can we make rapid progress in the workplace and gain the trust and recognition of leaders.

Newcomers who have just entered the workplace, do not be afraid of losses and hardships, you must know that this age is the time for you to accumulate and learn, and when you are full of wings, there will be more workplace space for you to exert your strength and show your ambitions.

Less discussion and less gossip, focus on your own work

What kind of employees do leaders dislike the most?

The answer is that they do not do their own work well, and they do not humbly admit it, they love to shirk their responsibilities and make excuses when they do wrong things, they put their energy in the wrong place, they are all placed in the small talk about others and gossip, and they also think that they are good, arrogant and do not listen to advice.

If you have employees with the above "characteristics", then you really can't blame the leader for finding opportunities to criticize you everywhere, because you are really taking the blame.

As an employee, you must have a sober understanding, that is, to focus on your own work, talk less about other people's things, and gossip less about the company's rights and wrongs.

No matter how others are, it is also someone else's business, and what you have to do is to complete your own things well and strive to create greater interest value, so that leaders and companies can see your "value".

Any take-off needs to borrow strength, in addition to relying on their own efforts, but also need opportunities and noble people to help.

The first step in career promotion is to make achievements, exert irreplaceable value capabilities, and gain the trust and appreciation of your boss.

No one's career path can be smooth, even if it is the second generation of the rich, they must have real talent and practical learning, otherwise they are also "unable to support Adou" and will eventually sit on the mountain and eat the sky.

If you want to shine in the workplace, you must work hard, identify the goal, work hard in the right direction, and believe that the road rewards hard work, and eventually usher in your own workplace spring.

Text/Lao Xia Analyst

Sometimes, though never met. But they have known each other for a long time, very subtle and contented.

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