
Game Freak office

author:Ecological Art & Zhang Xiaomin

The theme of the office design is "Pokemon Red Edition and Pokemon Green Edition", and the office itself is also configured as a game world. The lobby area serves as a starting point for your adventure, depicting the Forest of Veridya through recorded Pokémon cries and modeling of modeled sunlight and living trees and creatures in the game. All meeting rooms are named after the towns featured in the game, and the color of each town's name informs the interior design of the room. For example, the origin of the name "Tray Town" in the game is white. This inspired the image of the blank canvas and designed the concept using the corresponding textures and color schemes.

Game Freak office
Game Freak office
Game Freak office

Entering the workspace from the visitor area, the space is divided into two areas: the yard is the public space around the main workspace, and the "living area" is the project workspace near the window. The two areas are separated by an open shelf where users can control the degree of privacy by placing items on the shelf. The shelves can also display objects that reflect each design's characteristics, allowing employees to find their jobs as they walk around the showroom.

Game Freak office
Game Freak office
Game Freak office
Game Freak office

In the "yard", pedestrians in the office naturally flow a leisure bar, which is allowed by default for employees to pass. This counter is divided into red, green, blue, and yellow areas, which are the colors of the first generation Pokémon series. This design makes it easier for people to meet spontaneously. Other spaces can be selected according to the level of information security required, including private rooms, brainstorming rooms, open-plan meeting rooms, and semi-enclosed meeting rooms.

Game Freak office
Game Freak office
Game Freak office
Game Freak office

By encouraging employees to wander through the open "fields" and discovering new ideas, employees are allowed to incorporate a spirit of adventure in their daily work. By embodying GAME FREAK's creative stance, the office conveys the message that a spirit of adventure is key to creating and maintaining a unique worldview.

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