
The city's promotion of automobile consumption subsidy activities is coming! 97 companies, 49 models, subsidies per vehicle ...

Shantou Municipal Bureau of Commerce on May 7 issued the "Shantou City 2022 To Promote Automobile Consumption Subsidy Activities Announcement", in order to benefit the people and enterprises, to bring real discounts to citizens to buy cars, to further promote the steady development of automobile consumption in our city, improve quality and upgrade, according to the "Shantou Municipal People's Government Office on Printing and Distributing Shantou City To Help Enterprises Bailout Thirteen Articles Notice" and "Guangdong Province New Energy Vehicle Purchase Subsidy Activities Announcement", The following announcements are made on the matters related to shantou city's 2022 promotion of automobile consumption subsidy activities and Guangdong Province's new energy vehicle purchase subsidy activities:

Shantou City will promote automobile consumption subsidy activities in 2022

(1) Subsidy recipients

The limited number of automobile retail enterprises registered in our city (the specific list is provided by the Municipal Bureau of Statistics), selling light vehicles ("National VI" standard light vehicles, new energy light vehicles), and registering motor vehicles within the jurisdiction of Shantou, can apply for financial subsidies with the city's car purchase invoices.

(2) Subsidy time

"China VI" standard light vehicles and new energy light vehicles: From May 8 to June 30, 2022, the date of issuance of the "Unified Invoice for The Sale of Motor Vehicles" shall prevail.

(3) Subsidy standards

Sales of 100,000 yuan (RMB, tax included price) and above "China VI" standard light vehicles and new energy light vehicles, each car to give 5,000 yuan of financial subsidies;

The total amount of the above-mentioned automobile subsidy is limited to 5 million yuan, in accordance with the principle of who declares first and who receives the subsidy first, the amount is full. The subsidy funds shall be borne by the municipal finance at the same level.

(4) Declaration materials

1. The registered owner of the vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the owner) purchases the new car "Unified Invoice for The Sale of Motor Vehicles" and "Motor Vehicle Driving Permit" and other information.

2. Fill in the basic account of the unit and other information.

(5) Declaration procedures

1. Register and log in.

Eligible enterprise units can apply through the "Shantou Commerce" public account "Promote Consumption" menu sub-menu "Automobile Consumption Subsidy", log on to the "Shantou Automobile Consumption Subsidy Declaration System" (

(1) Each enterprise has a set of "account numbers" and "passwords" corresponding to each enterprise, which is used to log in to the declaration platform, and is distributed by the Shantou Branch of UnionPay Commerce Co., Ltd. (contact person: Manager Chen, 13923990046).

(2) Log in to the Shantou Automobile Consumption Subsidy Declaration System, log in by entering the account password, and improve the enterprise information, including the enterprise name, unified social credit code, and the basic account of the unit.

(3) Take a photo and upload the "Unified Invoice for Motor Vehicle Sales" and "Motor Vehicle Driving Permit", and you can complete the declaration and submission with one click.

2. Disbursement of funds.

The Municipal Bureau of Commerce reviews the declaration materials of the enterprise unit in the background of the system, issues the project plan, and the Municipal Finance Bureau allocates funds to the Municipal Bureau of Commerce according to the relevant procedures, and the Municipal Bureau of Commerce allocates the subsidy funds to the enterprise bank account.

(6) Other matters

1. No unit or individual may intercept, squeeze or misappropriate subsidy funds for any reason, shall not delay the payment time, and strictly prohibit the occurrence of fraudulent acquisition of subsidy funds, otherwise the allocation of subsidy funds will be recovered or stopped. Once violations of these Provisions are verified, they will be dealt with sternly in accordance with the relevant provisions, and those who violate the Criminal Law will be transferred to the judicial organs for handling.

2. The problems encountered in the implementation of this guide shall be explained by the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, the Municipal Finance Bureau and other departments in accordance with the division of duties, and the consultation telephone numbers are as follows: Shantou Automobile Industry Association, 0754-8854777; Shantou Municipal Bureau of Commerce Market Planning and Construction Section, 0754-88931890, 0754-88857323.

3. The total amount of this automobile subsidy is limited to 5 million yuan, which is handled in accordance with the principle of "who declares first, who gets the subsidy first", and the amount is full. The deadline for subsidy declaration is June 30, 2022 (expired and no longer accepted), if the subsidy funds are used up in advance, the declaration system will be closed in advance and applications will no longer be accepted.

The city's promotion of automobile consumption subsidy activities is coming! 97 companies, 49 models, subsidies per vehicle ...

Subsidy activities for the purchase of new energy vehicles in Guangdong Province

(1) The scope of subsidies

Individual consumers who purchase new energy vehicles within the scope of the "Guangdong Province Automobile Trade-in Special Action" to promote new energy vehicles and complete the registration of motor vehicles in the province can apply for subsidies for the comprehensive use of new energy vehicles. The subsidy is not duplicated with the subsidy of the "Guangdong Province Automobile Trade-in Special Action".

(2) Duration of subsidies

The promotion period is from May 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022, and the car purchase contract date must be within this period. After completing the registration of the motor vehicle and obtaining the driving license, the consumer should submit the subsidy application in a timely manner, and the application date must be before November 30, 2022, and the late application will not be subsidized.

If the financial subsidy funds are used up, the end date will be announced separately.

(3) Subsidy standards

Provincial financial funds give eligible consumers a comprehensive use subsidy of 8,000 yuan / vehicle for new energy vehicles.

(4) Subsidy process

1. Consumers log in to the "Guangdong Province" Mini Program through mobile phone WeChat and enter the "New Energy Vehicle Purchase Subsidy" column to inquire about the promoted models.

2. After the consumer purchases the new energy vehicle promotion model at the dealer, the dealer assists in completing the information registration in the "new energy vehicle purchase subsidy" registration and review system.

3. After completing the registration of motor vehicles in the province, consumers fill in the license plate number and collection account number in the "New Energy Vehicle Purchase Subsidy" column of the "Guangdong Province" Mini Program, upload the vehicle driving certificate and bank card information, and submit the subsidy application.

4. After review and confirmation, the provincial subsidy funds are transferred to the bank accounts of eligible consumers.

(5) Supervision and inspection

The relevant provincial departments organize supervision and inspection of subsidy activities, and if they discover problems such as tampering with contracts, fraud, fraudulent replenishment of funds, quality and price, etc., they shall be promptly and severely investigated and dealt with in accordance with laws and regulations.

For details, please click "Read the original article" "Guangdong Province New Energy Vehicle Purchase Subsidy Activity Announcement"

New energy vehicles in Guangdong Province

Purchase Subsidy Application Guide

Individual consumers who purchase new energy vehicles within the scope of the "Guangdong Province Automobile Trade-in Special Action" to promote new energy vehicles and complete the registration of motor vehicles in the province can apply for subsidies for the comprehensive use of new energy vehicles.

1. Application materials

(1) Valid identity documents;

(2) Car purchase contracts;

(3) Unified sales invoices for motor vehicles;

(4) Motor vehicle driving license;

(5) Bank savings cards for opening accounts at business outlets in Guangdong Province.

2. Handling process

(1) Inquire about the list of promoted models and dealers.

1. From May 1, through the website of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission or the "New Energy Vehicle Purchase Subsidy" column of the "Guangdong Provincial Affairs" Mini Program, inquire about the list of new energy vehicle purchase subsidy promotion models and dealers participating in subsidy activities. (If you log in to "Guangdong Province" for the first time, you need to register with your real name in accordance with the guidelines).

(2) Purchase a car and apply for pre-registration of subsidies.

2. Click in the "New Energy Vehicle Purchase Subsidy" column of the "Guangdong Province" Mini Program to obtain the verification code. The check digit can only be used by the person.

3. Shop for a car. When purchasing a car, please show the school verification code to the dealer and confirm with the dealer whether the subsidy policy is being implemented.

4. After purchasing a car and signing a car purchase contract, supervise and cooperate with the dealer to upload the car purchase contract and other relevant materials in the "New Energy Vehicle Purchase Subsidy" registration review system on the same day to pre-register the subsidy application.

5. On the day of pick-up, please remind the dealer to upload the vehicle invoice, frame number and other information in the "New Energy Vehicle Purchase Subsidy" registration review system to complete the pre-registration. Consumers can check whether the relevant information is accurately filled in in the "Guangdong Province", and if there is any error, they should promptly feedback the dealer for modification.

(3) Listing and formally submitting subsidy applications.

6. After the vehicle management department in the province completes the registration procedures in my own capacity and obtains the vehicle driving license for 5 working days, log in to the "Guangdong Province" Mini Program "New Energy Vehicle Purchase Subsidy" column, fill in the license plate number, my collection bank account, account opening bank and other information, upload the vehicle driving license, bank card photo, confirm that there is no error, and formally submit the subsidy application.

(4) Check and collect subsidy funds.

7. After 15 working days from the date of submission of the subsidy application, log in to the "Guangdong Province" Mini Program "New Energy Vehicle Purchase Subsidy" column to inquire about the status of subsidy application review, subsidy issuance, etc. If the subsidy conditions are met, the subsidy funds will be issued to the bank account filled in within 15 working days; if the subsidy funds are not received after 15 working days, please consult the dealer. If you cannot receive money due to account abnormalities, please contact the dealer and provide your normal account information, which will be updated by the system background.

3. Precautions

(1) The car purchase contract, car purchase invoice, vehicle driving certificate and bank card submitted by the applicant shall all be the same natural person. If you do not belong to the same natural person, you will not be able to receive subsidy funds.

(2) Please ensure that the bank account is in normal use to facilitate the issuance of subsidy funds.

(3) The applicant shall be responsible for the authenticity of the application materials. Those who provide false information, maliciously apply for or fraudulently obtain subsidies, once discovered, will immediately cancel their subsidy qualifications, and handle and pursue legal responsibility in accordance with laws and regulations.

The city's promotion of automobile consumption subsidy activities is coming! 97 companies, 49 models, subsidies per vehicle ...

Source/Shantou Commerce

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