
Astrological astrological disc analysis: 4 points to see what configuration on the astrolabe is prone to overwork

996 common today, more and more sub-healthy people, watching their colleagues around them suddenly diagnose the disease, or the phenomenon of overwork death, it is inevitable that other colleagues will chill.

What kind of astrolabe needs special attention to overwork, or what kind of astrolabe is prone to overwork?

The six houses of the Sun-Earth-Heaven conjunction

1. The sun, earth, and heaven are in harmony and in the sixth house

The sixth house is the palace of health, and the sun represents the three forces, namely: ability, energy, and power

From the energy side

Merging with Saturn causes energy to be overexpended because saturn is slow and stressful.

The effort exerted may not be able to bear fruit in a short period of time.

Therefore, it will cause physical and psychological stress;

The owner of the japanese-earth combination will work very hard and do everything personally,

This creates a greater source of stress,

Coupled with the variability of the king of heaven, his main responsibility will continue to mutate and reverse,

It also allows the disk owner to invest a lot of time, energy and brain power to deal with the problem.

The sixth house is also the slave palace,

So in addition to dealing with things by himself, the owner of the disk has to deal with things by himself.

It may also be necessary to lead the team and take charge of the main responsibilities of the team

Therefore, it is easy to be overwhelmed.

The combination of sun and earth is also easy to make the body feel tired,

But Saturn does not give in easily,

Will stay up and go to work on their own.

Because it happened in the sixth house,

So most of the time there are more things that need to be handled within the team.

PS: If this conjunction is in Aries, Gemini, Lion, Virgo, Capricorn, it will strengthen the symptoms of overwork.

Day six rush to the sky and twelve

2. The sun six houses rush to the earth and the twelve houses

The six palaces of the sun, the six palaces for health, the palace of slaves, still need to bring a team,

The zodiac is the hidden palace, the invisible crisis, the potential enemy,

Therefore, most of the things that need to be dealt with are brought about by villains and enemies, and the situation at the first point is different.

Pressures and challenges for the outside world.

The earth-earth-heaven conjunction is an external shock that causes constant repetition and change,

Therefore, the disk owner needs to be on standby to deal with it.

(Note: The pull of the earth is greater than the pull of the earth)

Soil also represents authority,

The owner also needs to deal with the pressure of external authorities or people whose company does not approve/dislike their own leaders or company power.

Will be provoked and embarrassed

Six days of punishment in heaven and earth

3. The Sun Six Houses Punishment Earth Heaven (Earth Heaven does not limit the palace position)

The hardship of the torture phase is not direct to the rush phase,

It is a kind of bitterness that is carefully tasted,

More secretive,

It's similar to silently taking on stress

And I can't let others know

If the sun sets like,

then strengthen the upper limit of the pressure,

And will not reveal to the outside world that they are under heavy pressure,

Likes to die.

If the wind direction and the water image fall,

then like to complain,

Fire elephants, on the other hand, like to work against each other, more tough.

Because the sun sets on the slave palace is also its own work colleague, the working environment,

So in the eyes of colleagues, this person is not easy to get along with,

A relatively high probability will be rejected by colleagues,

Reluctance to work together.

Day-Fire-Pluto triangle pattern, day six houses

4. Sun Mars Pluto T triangle pattern

In this pattern, the random alignment of the three stars is in line with this situation,

It is thankless,

If the palace position is a little off,

The top of the T triangle falls on the career palace, (generally used in the General sub-palace),

This situation is even more serious,

There are even work injuries or even fallen ill roots, or disabilities may occur,

Or a conflict with people at work,

The lesser ones are injured, the heaviest ones are killed.

Or signs of death from overwork because of excessive physical exertion.

For the most serious of these four cases.

Martian Master Damage,

The Lord of Pluto was deeply affected,

If this experience can be spent safely,

It will also cause a twist in the direction of the future selection of the disk owner,

For example, in such a situation, you will completely choose another scheme and so on.

There will also be serious conflicts with the boss,

The potential for impulsive resignation is high.

Involved with the Zodiac,

Especially the case of the King of Pluto in the Zodiac,

It will aggravate the rough and choppy dark fight in the dark.

Hellfire Lord attacks and damages,

Once it comes to Pluto,

Then it is possible to fall into a lifelong disease,

Because Pluto is also the lord of chronic diseases and is difficult to cure,

Pluto also means cancer.


These four situations are not only prone to work pressure, psychological burden, and physical pressure.

It will also cause the owner to work more and less in the workplace, thankless,

Even if you are ostracized by your colleagues and superiors in the workplace.

Need the disk owner to strengthen their own capabilities,

Includes the ability to regulate the mindset to release stress.

If the situation still does not change,

You need to see if you have chosen the right career direction for you.

I hope that everyone will cherish their health.

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