
#Number One Weekly Has you ever seen this moldy citrus? I was seeing it for the first time and it startled me [covering my face] who would buy this kind of thing? Look at this price is not cheap, there must be something

author:South to north to XLD

#头号周刊 #

Ever seen this moldy citrus? I saw it for the first time and it startled me [covering my face].

Who would buy such a thing? Look at this price is not cheap, there must be something to say, right? When I got home, I immediately searched and checked the next D

It is really long to see, it turns out that it is not moldy, but coated with lime powder, that is, calcium carbonate, Maogu citrus is an excellent variety cultivated through wide-skinned oranges and sweet oranges, and its flowering results in the summer when the sun is strong and pests are more, coated with lime powder can protect against sunscreen and insect pests, so that the fruit grows healthily, thereby reducing the use of pesticides to prevent insect pests, and with lime stored longer, wash it when eating.

#原创随笔 #

#Number One Weekly Has you ever seen this moldy citrus? I was seeing it for the first time and it startled me [covering my face] who would buy this kind of thing? Look at this price is not cheap, there must be something
#Number One Weekly Has you ever seen this moldy citrus? I was seeing it for the first time and it startled me [covering my face] who would buy this kind of thing? Look at this price is not cheap, there must be something
#Number One Weekly Has you ever seen this moldy citrus? I was seeing it for the first time and it startled me [covering my face] who would buy this kind of thing? Look at this price is not cheap, there must be something

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