
APEX hero mobile game outfits are fixed, you still don't know these behind-the-scenes stories

author:4399 Game Box

With the announcement of the "Apex Hero Mobile Game" that the foreign service is finalized, the stage of multi-platform development of this game has come to an end; (The foreign service is fixed, will the national service be far away?) )

With the announcement of the "Apex Hero Mobile Game" that the foreign service is finalized, the stage of multi-platform development of this game has come to an end; (The foreign service is fixed, will the national service be far away?) )

, duration 01:00

Since its official launch in 2019, Apex Heroes has brought EA a lot of revenue and won many awards.

APEX hero mobile game outfits are fixed, you still don't know these behind-the-scenes stories

This FPS tactical competitive game still maintains an average of 200,000 horror online per day to this day, and is known to be well-made and well-played;

But do you know the story behind this game?

IW Gemini

The story begins with Activision's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series.

APEX hero mobile game outfits are fixed, you still don't know these behind-the-scenes stories

Of the eighteen call of duty titles to date, only the Modern Warfare series has been acclaimed and acclaimed, and the original creator of this series is called IW Studio.

APEX hero mobile game outfits are fixed, you still don't know these behind-the-scenes stories

Jason West and Zampella, the two founders of IW Studios, were the creators of What would later become Titanfall and Apex Heroes.

APEX hero mobile game outfits are fixed, you still don't know these behind-the-scenes stories

As for the grudge between IW and Activision in the development stage of "Call of Duty 6", Uncle Monster has been detailed in a previous article, and I will not repeat it here.

Whether or not the "deduction of wages and shares" is a real thing, in the end, the two producers left the IW studio they founded and joined EA (founded the Rebirth Studio).

APEX hero mobile game outfits are fixed, you still don't know these behind-the-scenes stories

In the more than ten years of Kautik's business riots, it can basically be described in one sentence: when the money is gone, it can be earned again, but if the conscience is gone, it will be earned more.

APEX hero mobile game outfits are fixed, you still don't know these behind-the-scenes stories

Kautik got absolute control of Call of Duty, and this IP did bring a steady stream of revenue to Activision Blizzard later;

APEX hero mobile game outfits are fixed, you still don't know these behind-the-scenes stories

But Jason West and Zampella told Kautik with their actions that if they could make the "Modern Warfare" series, they would definitely be able to make better.

Thus began the legend of the Rebirth Studio...


Speaking of the game "Titanfall", it is actually a "stepping stone" for the rebirth studio to prove its ability.

APEX hero mobile game outfits are fixed, you still don't know these behind-the-scenes stories

In EA's original expectations, the sales of Titanfall should be comparable to call of duty;

In 2015, although the first work of the series sold more than 10 million copies, the four CODs with the same development time sold seven times as many as it. (Know why Microsoft bought Activision Blizzard)

APEX hero mobile game outfits are fixed, you still don't know these behind-the-scenes stories

And the sales of "Titanfall 2" have only reached 6 million, which perfectly explains what is not popular.

APEX hero mobile game outfits are fixed, you still don't know these behind-the-scenes stories

In fact, there is a very important thing that has been ignored by everyone during this period;

While the IW Gemini became the Respawn Gemini, Jason West actually left the Respawn Studio as early as 2013.

According to Geoff Keighley (founder of TGA's annual festival), Jason West left Rebirth Studios and went to Epic to do Fortnite.

APEX hero mobile game outfits are fixed, you still don't know these behind-the-scenes stories

Therefore, in the development of the "Titanfall" two-part process, almost all of them relied on Zampella to carry the pressure.

Two times in a row, EA and Rebirth Studios began to re-examine what kind of game to make to meet the player's appetite.

APEX hero mobile game outfits are fixed, you still don't know these behind-the-scenes stories

The intention of "Titanfall" is good, although the cumulative sales of 16 million is not high in EA's view, but it also proves that this genre has an audience, combined with the hottest gameplay in that period, a "stitch monster" game was born...

Apex Heroes

If you describe Apex Heroes in a ridiculous way, it is "it's a stitching monster, but it's all sewn"!

APEX hero mobile game outfits are fixed, you still don't know these behind-the-scenes stories

There is a popular saying in the player circle: I am not afraid of you sewing, I am afraid that you will sew to pieces.

Obviously, when people look at the quality of this game, there is no trace of the so-called "thin", whether it is the weapon and shooting feel, the gameplay with skills, the excellent graphics and optimization, which shows its super high degree of completion.

APEX hero mobile game outfits are fixed, you still don't know these behind-the-scenes stories

30 years after Titanfall 2 (game setting), there are no Titan mechs, but a new legendary hero.

From 2019 to 2021, Apex Heroes has been nominated for seven TGA Awards, won the 2019 Best Multiplayer Award, and by 2021, revenue has exceeded $900 million, giving EA another big player who can compete with COD.

APEX hero mobile game outfits are fixed, you still don't know these behind-the-scenes stories

With the boom of mobile porting rising, EA naturally set its sights on here;

APEX hero mobile game outfits are fixed, you still don't know these behind-the-scenes stories

Under the intensive preparation, "Apex Hero Mobile Game" is also about to be officially unveiled.

PS: At present, the 4399 game box has opened the "Apex Hero Mobile Game" national service reservation, interested partners can pay attention to a wave of Oh ~