
Blood Legend: Tencent out of legend nostalgia? Stay on the game

author:Legendary Kohama

Hello everyone, I'm Legend Kohama, a DD who focuses on legends.

Tencent and Shanda cooperation to produce legendary news has also come out for a while, and finally on September 8, "Blood Legend Nostalgia Edition" finally logged on WeGame, as of September 8, the number of reservations on WEGAME has reached 23W people, and the number of people on the day of the service is also to let players witness the prestige of the legendary game.

Blood Legend: Tencent out of legend nostalgia? Stay on the game

Legend This game has been nearly 20 years since its launch, and Legend has always been a big brother in the online game industry, why Legend can be so successful, in fact, this is closely related to the setting of legend and the timing of appearance.

The emergence of legend as an online game, in 2001 the mainland has almost no network resources in the era, as a role-playing multiplayer online game, the internal contains a lot of elements, including social, combat, trading, etc., the most important thing is that the legend has a very large world background, in fact, the legend of the year really as the first game with such a huge world view, coupled with a perfect social system, so that players can interact well with each other, so that the players in the Internet café at one time only had two games to play, One is that CS can only open the LAN, and the other is legend, which has hundreds of thousands of players, which can be said to provide players with a very large communication platform.

Blood Legend: Tencent out of legend nostalgia? Stay on the game

But obviously Tencent has not been able to deal with it well, in the late eighth period has been significantly declining in popularity, no novice guidance, up to 1.3 yuan an hour of charge, is simply exaggerated, the only estimate that can cause people to cause nostalgia is this strange and familiar Caton delay, as well as the mysterious air wall, really the memory emerges at once. Ha ha.

In the end, Tencent could not provide high quality to support the players' enthusiasm for the legend, as for no novice guidance, perhaps Tencent did not think of absorbing new players at the beginning, just wanted to come back to collect a wave of feelings.

Blood Legend: Tencent out of legend nostalgia? Stay on the game

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