
Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to become big things in the future, and there are 3 signs before the baby is 12 years old, and it must be corrected

author:Superman little baby

Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to achieve great things in the future

Before the age of 12, the baby has these 3 signs, and parents must correct them

Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to become big things in the future, and there are 3 signs before the baby is 12 years old, and it must be corrected

Not long ago with the kindergarten teacher's cousin had a meal together, during the meal about her work, the cousin told me such a case, a little girl in her class called Xingxing, from the beginning of the class is smart and clever, very "mature", Xingxing is not only good at learning, but also very artistic talent, every time in the art class, her works can be refreshing, whether it is teachers or classmates are very fond of her, The stars are also very proud of this.

Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to become big things in the future, and there are 3 signs before the baby is 12 years old, and it must be corrected

However, after going to middle school, the appearance of a classmate named Shanshan made Xingshan fall out of favor, because this Shanshan not only studied well, had a good personality, and her talent for painting was also above the stars, so since Shanshan came, both teachers and classmates moved their eyes from Xingshan to Shanshan, so Xingshan was very unhappy and hated Shanshan.

Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to become big things in the future, and there are 3 signs before the baby is 12 years old, and it must be corrected

On this day, the children were in art class again, the teacher asked everyone to draw a fish, the students were drawing seriously, but the stars were unusual, very sloppy, and soon finished. At this moment, she picked up the water cup on her desk, walked to Shanshan who was still immersed in painting, spilled the water in her own cup on Shanshan's painting very "accidentally", and apologized to Shanshan and said, "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it", and when Shanshan said very sadly, "My painting was destroyed", Xingxing smiled proudly.

Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to become big things in the future, and there are 3 signs before the baby is 12 years old, and it must be corrected

Star's approach is obviously deliberate, whether it is the art teacher or the cousin who is the class teacher, they all know this, but the cousin said that although she is very worried that the stars will affect her future life, as a teacher, she really does not know how to communicate with Star's parents, after all, she has no substantive evidence.

Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to become big things in the future, and there are 3 signs before the baby is 12 years old, and it must be corrected

In the eyes of many people, children are very simple, especially parents, it is difficult to accept that their children also have "heart", or even "heart is not right" fact, so as to ignore the education of children. In fact, children will also have such and such careful machines, and they will also behave "wrong mentally" in order to achieve some goals.

Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to become big things in the future, and there are 3 signs before the baby is 12 years old, and it must be corrected

Generally speaking, the reason why many children are "mentally wrong" is actually to protect themselves. Especially in the case of very strict parents, in order to resist this pressure, children have to play some careful machines to make themselves easier.

Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to become big things in the future, and there are 3 signs before the baby is 12 years old, and it must be corrected

There is also a situation that the behavior of adults affects children, we all know that for children their ability to imitate is very strong, so as long as adults have some bad behavior, children will unconsciously learn from them. I have a friend who likes to spit phlegm out every time he drives, and once he took the child out to play, his 3-year-old son deliberately opened the window and spit out a mouthful of phlegm, just when a gust of wind blew, the phlegm reached the neck of the friend sitting in front. At that time, the friend's daughter-in-law complained that "you usually have no quality, and the retribution has come", and since then, the friend has never done that again, and also warned his son that it was wrong to do that.

Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to become big things in the future, and there are 3 signs before the baby is 12 years old, and it must be corrected

I have to admit that even if it is a child, in fact, there will be "heart is not right", when playing tricks, if parents do not discipline early, then there will be a lot of negative impact on the child's future life, so as a parent, we must pay attention to, the following 3 signs, if the baby has, parents must guide education well.

Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to become big things in the future, and there are 3 signs before the baby is 12 years old, and it must be corrected

Like to be jealous of others

When I was in elementary school, a girl in the class was particularly jealous, and as long as others surpassed her in every exam, this female classmate would wait for an opportunity to hinder others' learning. Once, she also secretly tore the first place study notes into pieces and threw them into the toilet, fortunately there was monitoring at the time, and everyone knew that she did it. In the end, this "wrong mind" female classmate was isolated by everyone.

Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to become big things in the future, and there are 3 signs before the baby is 12 years old, and it must be corrected

Likes to hurt others

Usually, the harm between children is usually caused unintentionally, but some children are very bullying and afraid of hard, and like to deliberately hurt those honest and timid children. There is a little boy in the yard of our community, every time a group of children play together, this little boy will deliberately push others, kick others, see others injured, he will laugh on the side, very proud, it can be said that such a child is "wrong mind".

Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to become big things in the future, and there are 3 signs before the baby is 12 years old, and it must be corrected

Loved walking the left side of the door

People who are "not right in their hearts" often like to take shortcuts, and in order to achieve their own goals, they usually use some side-door and left-end methods, which is the same for children. For example, some children do not study seriously, and when it comes to the exam, they like to let other students pass on the answers to themselves, and others are unwilling to threaten others; some children play games, in order to win, they deliberately trip others. Such a child will grow up and be prone to fall into the crooked path. Parents must pay attention.

Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to become big things in the future, and there are 3 signs before the baby is 12 years old, and it must be corrected

There is a Chinese saying that "parents love their children for far-reaching", as a parent, if you want to let your children go further in the future, you must let your children stay away from this "wrong mind" path from an early age, otherwise, it will be difficult for children to have a big show, and they are likely to suffer big losses because of this. Generally speaking, a child's personality and three views are basically fixed after the age of 12, so parents must correct and guide their children well before the age of 12.

Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to become big things in the future, and there are 3 signs before the baby is 12 years old, and it must be corrected

First of all, parents should lead by example, use their own words and deeds to set a good example for their children, and be a person who "walks right and stands straight". Secondly, parents can also read books, so that children can find good learning examples from books, cultivate their sound personality, and correct their character defects.

Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to become big things in the future, and there are 3 signs before the baby is 12 years old, and it must be corrected
Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to become big things in the future, and there are 3 signs before the baby is 12 years old, and it must be corrected
Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to become big things in the future, and there are 3 signs before the baby is 12 years old, and it must be corrected

Here, I recommend this set of "Chinese Role Model Stories for Children to Read to Children", which contains the life stories of many scientists with both moral integrity and ability in the mainland, such as the story of Mr. Qian Xuesen, the founder of China's aerospace industry, such as the story of Hua Luogeng, a master born for mathematics, and the story of Deng Jiaxian, who dedicated his life to the nuclear cause , there is bone gas.

Children with "wrong hearts" will not be able to become big things in the future, and there are 3 signs before the baby is 12 years old, and it must be corrected

Like many children who do not study hard, they want to take a small copy in the exam, they can learn the story of Hua Luogeng, and learn the spirit of serious study and hard work from Hua Luogeng. In addition, all these celebrities such as Su Buqing, Chen Jingrun, Li Siguang, Qian Weichang, Zhu Kezhen, Qian Sanqiang, Tong Dizhou, etc., their spirit will also bring correct guidance to the growth of children. Become the spiritual food on the road of children's growth.

If you also have 6-12-year-old children, remember to place a single set oh, well today's content is here, see you next time.

Qian Xuesen biography, etc., to the child's Chinese role model story all 10 volumes [Shuxiang is home] ¥172 purchase