
People who defecate at these two "points in time" every day, or represent good health, are recommended to check themselves

author:Dr. Wang's popular science chat

Generally speaking, as a healthy adult, it is normal to have a bowel movement 1 to 2 times a day, and occasionally once every 2 to 3 days. With the development of the times, modern people's living habits are more and more disordered, once overeating or irregular diet, often eat some raw and cold food, will increase the gastrointestinal digestive burden, causing irregular bowel movements.

Don't think that platooning is a difficult thing to say, in fact, it is not so, the human body is relaxing all night, the internal organs are still working, the intestines and stomach will decompose and digest nutrients, and absorb the beneficial ingredients for the human body.

People who defecate at these two "points in time" every day, or represent good health, are recommended to check themselves

It can help the body to separate some pesticide residues and toxins, which is the so-called defecation, through which the garbage toxins can be excreted from the body and reduce the burden.

If you can defecate on time every day, it means that the physical lifeline with longevity may be extended to a certain extent. According to medical data, 63.5% of people who have a frequency of bowel movements once a day, 17.3% of people who have two or more times a day, and 16.5% of people who have bowel movements once every two days or even longer.


Medical research has found that the number of bowel movements per day may determine the length of a person's lifespan

Most people probably don't know that the human body also has a "second brain" tissue, which is our intestine, which has 100 billion nerve cells in the intestine, mainly responsible for subconscious activities.

People who defecate at these two "points in time" every day, or represent good health, are recommended to check themselves

According to the experiments of British medical researchers, more than 53% of people defecate once a day, and about 5% of 6% of people say that they have a bowel movement once a week, or even a week.


So as a normal person, how often is it healthier to go to the toilet?

According to the experimental survey of British researchers and nutritionists, it is found that defecating 1 to 2 times a day is the healthiest frequency, and the best time to defecate after meals is the best time.

In order to better understand people's defecation, medical researchers published an online questionnaire about "How often do you usually defecate", which was attended by more than 2,000 people.

People who defecate at these two "points in time" every day, or represent good health, are recommended to check themselves

According to the final research results, 65% of the stools are defecated once a day, 23.5% are defecated twice a day, and 13% are defecated once a week.

According to the experimental results, it can be seen that it is normal to queue once in three days or 1 to 2 times a day to change color, and the situation within the physiological range may wish to check yourself, how many times are you?


People who defecate at these two "points in time" every day, or represent good health, are recommended to check themselves

1. After getting up

People who defecate at these two "points in time" every day, or represent good health, are recommended to check themselves

I believe that most people are woken up by "defecation" in the morning, this feeling is very "smooth", some people are always envious, we do not stop working when we sleep, especially the stomach and internal organs.

They are constantly absorbing and digesting nutrients for the body, while working overtime to promote food absorption and digestion in the body, excess metabolites and garbage toxins, and gradually form feces to be excreted in the body.

People who defecate at these two "points in time" every day, or represent good health, are recommended to check themselves

After getting up in the morning, the stomach and intestines are the most "weak" state, which can be immediately defecated by warm boiling water, which can make the stool that has been hoarded for several hours be discharged as soon as possible, reducing the burden on the body, and effectively preventing toxins from causing damage to the intestines and the human body.

However, there are a few patients who can't eat after getting up in the morning, probably because the intestine is more blocked, affecting people's appetite, and after excreting feces, people can feel hungry and have a better appetite.

However, it is worth reminding everyone here that most of the middle-aged and elderly people have the problem of constipation, they need to be patient and caring, usually eat more foods rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, drink more water, do not use too much force during defecation, avoid causing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and hypertension diseases, it is best to use "ingenuity".

2. Two hours after meals

People who defecate at these two "points in time" every day, or represent good health, are recommended to check themselves

Most friends generally do not go to the toilet after getting up, it is after eating that the "defecation" will come uninvited, in fact, in this state, defecation is also a normal physiological phenomenon.

When you are not eating, the gastrointestinal peristalsis is slower, more nutrients are not absorbed, there are fewer food residues, the feces are not easy to excrete, after eating, you need to digest food, the intestine is stimulated more, and the peristalsis becomes more rapid, to a certain extent, speeding up.

People who defecate at these two "points in time" every day, or represent good health, are recommended to check themselves

Most people think that going to the toilet after eating means that the food is excreted without digestion? In fact, this is not the case, because food becomes feces, you need to stay in the intestine for about 6 hours, and the feces we excrete after meals are actually all the food before, so we don't have to worry about absorption and digestion.

Row is a normal physiological reaction in daily life, but some people have formed constipation problems because of the influence of other reasons, resulting in toxins in the body stasis of the abdomen appears to be bloated and painful, metabolites can not be discharged, resulting in a safe face, increased pigmentation, should find out the cause of timely adjustment.


These two life behaviors may be the "source" of constipation, and I hope you will correct it in time

1. Hold back your mind

People who defecate at these two "points in time" every day, or represent good health, are recommended to check themselves

Especially for young friends, the reason for being busy with work, every time there is a defecation signal, because they are busy and have no time to go to the toilet, they will sacrifice some time for defecation and put work in the first place.

However, here we should remind everyone that frequently holding back defecation will not only lead to toxins and garbage staying in the body for a long time, but also cause the second absorption and utilization of feces, damage intestinal health, and cause more serious constipation consequences.

2. Play mobile phones and games when going to the toilet

People who defecate at these two "points in time" every day, or represent good health, are recommended to check themselves

With the popularization of science and technology, electronic products are becoming more and more developed, most friends will bring mobile phones when they go to the toilet, which is also a common phenomenon, and no one has raised objections.

However, the harm of sharing their attention when going to the toilet has been told to everyone a few years ago, and now most people want to play mobile phones because of psychological effects, and they can't control their inner dependence on electronic products.

The habit of playing mobile phones or games while going to the toilet will not only prolong the time of defecation, but also cause constipation and hemorrhoids.

People who defecate at these two "points in time" every day, or represent good health, are recommended to check themselves

In order to prevent constipation and develop good bowel habits, you should first give yourself a fixed time and duration of defecation, develop a good diet to live habits, form a regular routine, to a certain extent, can reduce the risk of constipation, while avoiding the accumulation of toxins in the body.


Read further: Keeping these three points in mind is more helpful in relieving constipation

1. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in a variety of trace elements and vitamin C Eat more fruits can promote the peristalsis speed of the digestive tract and large intestine, thereby reducing the occurrence of constipation.

People who defecate at these two "points in time" every day, or represent good health, are recommended to check themselves

Vegetables are rich in dietary fiber, which significantly reduces blood pressure and blood lipid levels, which can alleviate the effect of difficulty in defecation.

2, drink tea without drinking

After alcohol enters the human body, it is first necessary to secrete through the stomach and intestines, and regular drinking will cause damage to the gastric mucosa, affecting the peristalsis speed of the stomach and intestines, thereby reducing the constipation induced by defecation.

It is recommended that you change alcohol into tea, drinking more tea is more helpful to supplement tea polyphenols for the body to bring detoxification and beauty effect, especially for the mild nature of tea to drink more, brush the intestines to promote colonic stool discharge.

3. Keep moving

People who defecate at these two "points in time" every day, or represent good health, are recommended to check themselves

For office workers and student parties, it is necessary to sit in a chair for a long time to work and sit for a long time, and not exercise to compress the health of the stomach and intestines, so that the gastrointestinal peristalsis speed is too slow, increasing the risk of constipation.

It is recommended to carry out half an hour to an hour of exercise time at home after work, or to do an hour of activity for about 10 minutes to promote blood circulation and prevent constipation.

4. Drink plenty of water

In the body more than 70% is composed of water, if the body is too dehydrated when the intestines are too dry, it is more likely to appear constipation.

People who defecate at these two "points in time" every day, or represent good health, are recommended to check themselves

As a normal adult, it is necessary to maintain more than 1500 ml of water a day to replenish sufficient water for the body, which is more conducive to maintaining the stable operation of various organs and preventing dry stools.

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