
What are the benefits of insisting on eating a cooked apple every day? Doctor: 3 types of people should eat more

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health

Apple as a very common fruit in life, which contains a lot of pectin and vitamins, pectin this ingredient can protect the skin of the human body, so that the skin is smoother and more delicate.

However, there are many ways to eat apples, in addition to eating raw, you can also cook to eat, do not worry whether you have eaten cooked apples, what is the benefit of the body, may wish to take a look at it.

What are the benefits of insisting on eating a cooked apple every day? Doctor: 3 types of people should eat more

What are the benefits of eating a cooked apple every day?

The first benefit: increased resistance

Various organs and cells and tissues in the human body need to operate normally under the stability of normal metabolism and endocrine hormones, and the vitamins and antioxidants contained in apples can effectively repair the damaged human immune mucosa, supplement the lack of nutrients and dietary fiber in the body, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, improve digestion and absorption capacity, promote body metabolism, and discharge toxins from the body.

The second benefit: Eating cooked apples can increase the quality of sleep

Many people call apples "memory fruits", eat some cooked apples, can improve sleep, apples in a variety of beneficial substances are rich, such as vitamins, organic acids, amino acids, etc., through the cooked processed apple, after eating into the human body, under the action of the organ can more quickly absorb the nutrients inside, help enhance brain function, achieve brain nootropic effect, promote sleep quality.

What are the benefits of insisting on eating a cooked apple every day? Doctor: 3 types of people should eat more

The third benefit: relieves insomnia

Nowadays, the pace of people's lives is relatively fast, so more and more people have greater stress, so that insomnia will occur, may wish to insist on eating a cooked apple every day, can be a good relief of insomnia, at the same time, can also help improve the brain's ability to respond.

The fourth benefit: care for cardiovascular health

Blood vessels are very important pipes in the body, the main function is to transport blood and nutrients, with age, the body's blood vessels will appear different degrees of damage, blood vessel walls become brittle and thinner, blood flow slower.

The nutrients in apples can degrade the amount of oil deposited in blood vessels, promote blood flow, improve blood vessel blockage and blood embolism problems, and protect cardiovascular health.

What are the benefits of insisting on eating a cooked apple every day? Doctor: 3 types of people should eat more

The fifth benefit: laxative

The outer skin of the apple is very nutritious, even better than the pulp of the apple, but because the outer skin also contains more dietary fiber, we may as well cook and eat, which is better digested than eating raw apples.

For people with very slow gastrointestinal function peristalsis, it can play a good role in moisturizing laxatives, especially when the weather is hot, people who often like to eat some greasy foods, eating some apples in moderation every day can help promote digestion and absorption.

What are the benefits of insisting on eating a cooked apple every day? Doctor: 3 types of people should eat more

Sixth benefit: Assisted hypoglycemic lowering

Patients with hyperglycemia believe that apple sugar is too high, which is not conducive to insulin secretion after ingestion into the human body, resulting in blood sugar fluctuations and aggravation of the disease.

After the apple is cooked, the sugar is diluted in large quantities into the water, so patients with hyperglycemia can appropriately supplement the cooked apple, and can also play an auxiliary hypoglycemic role.

What are the benefits of insisting on eating a cooked apple every day? Doctor: 3 types of people should eat more

Doctor: Proposed these 3 types of people to eat more

1. Constipation

Cooked apples can alleviate constipation, constipation patients can often eat some apples, apples contain fructose that promote digestion and stimulate intestinal peristalsis, soluble dietary fiber, to avoid excessive absorption of water in the stool by the intestine, so eat cooked apples appropriately, can achieve the effect of treating constipation and preventing constipation.

2. People with bad cardiovascular disease

For people with poor cardiovascular disease, boiled apples are very beneficial to the body, apples contain dietary fiber and malic acid, which can better combine with bile acid in the intestine, so that blood cholesterol is converted into bile acid, thereby reducing cholesterol, which has a good effect on inhibiting cholesterol rise.

What are the benefits of insisting on eating a cooked apple every day? Doctor: 3 types of people should eat more

3. People with diarrhea

For people with frequent diarrhea, usually need to pay attention to diet, if diarrhea often occurs, it will bring great damage to the stomach and intestines, so it is usually necessary to have good eating habits, if there is usually a problem with frequent diarrhea, it can be improved by eating boiled apples, and children eating boiled apples after the benefits of the body are many, and will not bring side effects to the body.


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