
People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

author:Rong Kitchen

The stomach is the most important digestive organ of the human body, if a person's stomach has a problem, then he must not eat well all day and sleep well. In today's society, ten people and nine people have stomach diseases, stomach care needs three points of medicine, seven points of nutrition, we must learn some ways of maintenance, it is recommended to eat more alkaline ingredients in daily life, can kill and nourish the stomach to help repair the gastric mucosa, the body is getting better and better.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

1. Cucumber

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Recommended recipe【Garlic puree skin egg shoot cucumber】

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Ingredients: Cucumber, peeled egg, garlic, millet pepper, green onion, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar

1, peel the cucumber, and then use a knife to pat the loose, and then cut the pieces, so that the cucumber taste will be better;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

2, peeled eggs cut into small pieces, not easy to cut, just use cotton thread to cut;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

3、 Cut the millet pepper into rings, mince the garlic, cut the green onion into green onions;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

4. Then mix the garlic paste, millet pepper, green onion, soy sauce, sugar and vinegar into a sauce;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

5、 Add the cut cucumber to the sauce and mix well;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

6. Finally, add the peeled egg and mix well to eat!

Second, black fungus

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Recommended Recipe【Fungus Vermicelli Bag】

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Ingredients: 500g flour, 3g sugar, 5g yeast, 250g warm water, 20g lard, 1 handful of sweet potato noodles, 1 handful of fungus, 1 large white radish, 1 onion, 2 star anise, 1 handful of peppercorns, 2 spoons of soy sauce, 2 spoons of oyster sauce, 1 spoonful of salt, 1 spoonful of pepper

1, first come and noodles, 500 grams of flour, 3 grams of sugar, 5 grams of yeast, 250 grams of warm water, stir into a flocculent and then add 20 grams of lard, and when the noodles are added, add some lard, the bun is smoother and whiter;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

2, then we come to knead the dough, the kneaded dough is not soft or hard, and the surface is very smooth, I kneaded for about 5 minutes. After kneading, cover with plastic wrap to wake up to 2 times the volume, now the temperature is relatively low not very good noodles, I put directly in the oven with the fermentation function, 38 degrees Celsius an hour;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

3, the time to make the noodles we to adjust the filling, sweet potato noodles heated water to blister soft, and then a handful of fungus warm water to soak hair. In winter, you can eat more turnips, I prepared a large white radish, first peeled and then wiped the silk, and then added a spoonful of salt to marinate for a while to kill the water;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

4: Add an onion, cut it in half, crush it into small cubes, put it up and put it aside.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

5, after the fungus is soaked, clean several times, wash it and directly pour the cutting board and chop it, and put it aside for later;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

6, at this time, the sweet potato noodles are also soaked soft, fished out and cut into small pieces with a knife and put up.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

7, the white radish is also pickled out of a lot of water, directly start squeezing the water, and then pour the chopping board slightly cut a little smaller;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

8, then we start the pot hot oil, add 2 star anise 1 handful of peppercorns, fry out the aroma and then fish out the star anise and peppercorns, and then use this oil to fry the chopped onion;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

9, stir-fry soft and stir-fry after the beginning of seasoning, 2 spoons of soy sauce, 2 spoons of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of salt, 1 spoon of pepper, stir-fry well, then add the noodles to stir-fry together, so that the stir-fry noodles are more fragrant and more flavorful;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

10, then add the fungus, stir-fry evenly, you can turn off the heat and put it out, after putting it out, add the white radish that squeezes the water dry, and then add a handful of green onions, drizzle with some sesame oil, mix well after the fragrant radish noodle bun filling is adjusted;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

11, then we take a look at the dough, has woken up very well, the volume has become larger and the inside is honeycomb-like, directly take it out and move to the cutting board to knead the exhaust, this step to knead for a while, kneaded the dough back to the original size;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

12, divided into two parts and then rub the strips, and then divide the small agent, I divided a total of 20, after the division first sprinkled some dry flour anti-stick;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

13, and then each small agent with the palm of the hand flattened, and then you can start rolling the dough skin, rolling into the middle thick edge thin on the line, do not need to be particularly thin;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

14, after all rolled out, you can start wrapping, put two large spoons of stuffing in the middle, and then pinch together, pinch it and put it in the palm of your hand to sort out the shape, our bun blank is ready, one by one are bulging, full of stuffing;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

15, after all done, we first brush a layer of oil on the steaming rack to prevent stickiness, and then put the buns up, first do not rush to open the fire and steam, cover the lid to let it wake up for a second time, the volume after the second awakening will be slightly larger, with a finger gently pressing the skin can also rebound to show that it is good;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

16, at this time you can start steaming, cold water on the pot, high heat for 15 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 5 minutes out of the pot, our buns will be ready.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

The skin is thin and filling, white and smooth, and it quickly rebounds under pressure. It can be seen that the steaming is also very good, it is really fragrant, the vegetarian bun eats out of the meat aroma, not greasy, the bun is large and filling, and it is particularly enjoyable to eat.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

3. Cabbage

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Recommended recipe【Pork cabbage stew noodles】

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Ingredients: 1 vermicelli, 1 cabbage, 1 small piece of pork belly, tofu, minced garlic, 1 spoonful of watercress sauce, 1 spoonful of salt, 2 spoonfuls of light soy sauce

1. Let's soak a fan first

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

2: Wash and cut another cabbage, and cut it into pieces, and cut it separately

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

3, after the pot is hot, do not pour oil, directly add the fat meat to stir-fry, fry the oil and then add the lean meat in, slightly fry for a short while, the color turns white and then add minced garlic to fry, and then a spoonful of watercress sauce to fry the red oil;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

4, after the aroma, we add the cabbage to fry together, and then add a bowl of water to cover and boil, when it is cold, we love to eat hot stews;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

5, this side of the cabbage is also boiled, add a spoonful of salt and two spoons of soy sauce to simply adjust the taste, and then add the noodles and tofu to the in, this tofu is I fried in advance, cooked out more fragrant and more flavorful, cover the lid and simmer for 10 minutes;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

6, tofu and noodles are also cooked, before the pot to some spring onions, hot pork cabbage stew noodles are ready, simple and delicious;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

4. Spinach

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Recommended Recipe【Spinach Roll】

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Ingredients: 1 kg spinach, 1 carrot, 4 eggs, 50 g flour, 2 tofu skins, salt, pepper, chicken essence, soy sauce, oyster sauce, green onion, minced garlic, millet spicy, white sesame seeds, hot oil, balsamic vinegar, sesame oil

1, first prepare 1 kg of spinach to clean, when washing, cut off the roots by the way, and then cut into small pieces for later.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

2: Prepare a carrot, peel it and slice it before shredding it.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

3: Then boil water, add 1 spoonful of salt and 2 drops of cooking oil after the water is boiled, then pour the spinach into it and blanch it first.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

4. After 10 seconds, immediately fish out the cool water, then squeeze out the water and put it in a bowl for later.

5: Pour the carrots in and blanch the water for 1 minute, then fish them out and put them together with the spinach.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

6: Then beat 4 eggs into a bowl, add a spoonful of salt and stir.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

7: Heat the oil, pour in the egg mixture and fry it with chopsticks, scramble the eggs into crushed pieces and put them out.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

8: Then put it together with spinach carrots, then start seasoning, salt, pepper, chicken essence, soy sauce, oyster sauce, and then a handful of spring onions and mix well.

9: Then add another large spoonful of flour, about 50 grams, and continue to stir well until it is a viscous batter.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

10, below we prepare two pieces of tofu skin, first blanch it with boiling water, so that you can remove the bean smell, soak for 5 minutes and then fish out the control of moisture.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

11: Then spread out the tofu skin first, then spread the mixed spinach eggs on the tofu skin, thinly lay a layer, leaving some gaps on both sides.

12, then roll up from one end, as tight as possible.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

13: Then cut into two pieces, which is more convenient for steaming.

14: Then put it in the steaming drawer, cover the lid and heat for 10 minutes to steam it thoroughly.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

15, steamed tofu roll time we come to prepare a seasoning, green onion, minced garlic, millet spicy, white sesame seeds, hot oil, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, salt, sesame oil, mix well.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

16, spinach is also steamed, take out after direct cutting, while hot will be easier to cut, will not spread, whether cut into thin slices or large pieces are no problem.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Layer by layer, the color looks particularly good, and after all the cuts, it can be plated. Put our mixed dipping sauce in the middle and you can serve it, this spinach egg roll is delicious and nutritious, a bite down are full of vegetables and bean skins, low oil and low calorie is very healthy.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

5. Taro

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Recommended recipe【Taro dumplings】

Delicious and tender Q elastic taro dumplings, fresh powder glutinous, especially delicious, plus meat filling, this dumpling, delicious and not greasy, especially appetizing.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Ingredients: 630g taro, 600g sweet potato flour, 1 potato, 1 carrot, 1 kg of pork, 2 handfuls of corn, 1 handful of green onion, 1 egg, 2 spoons of sesame oil, salt, pepper, chicken essence, soy sauce, oyster sauce

1, first come to steam taro, cold water on the pot, steaming on high heat until cooked thoroughly, turn off the heat and take it out while peeling, peel the place where there are hard blocks when peeling, do not, here after peeling the taro is a total of 630 grams;

2, then we press it into taro puree, and then add sweet potato flour a small amount of times, knead while adding, until it can be kneaded into a soft and hard moderate dough, feel a little dry on the appropriate amount of water, I probably added 600 grams of sweet potato flour, after kneading we first put it aside;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

3, then we come to prepare the filling, potatoes, peeled after first cut thick slices and then cut strips, and finally cut into small cubes, potatoes are easy to change color, after cutting, we first put it into water to soak;

4, another carrot, peeled and cut into small cubes, meat stuffing with some carrots, good looking and delicious; then to grind meat, 1 kg of pork plus a few slices of ginger, beaten after putting it into a larger bowl;

5, then add the cut carrots and potatoes, and then 2 handfuls of corn, 1 handful of green onions, 1 egg, then you can start seasoning, salt, pepper, chicken essence, soy sauce, oyster sauce, and finally add two spoons of sesame oil, take gloves and directly mix well and whip hard, the finished filling is very viscous, like this can be;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

6, the filling part is adjusted, and then we come to see the dough, first take a small piece of dough, the size of the egg can be, directly put in boiling water and cook for two minutes, the dough is completely cooked and cooked thoroughly;

7, fished out directly into the bowl, and then all of them kneaded together, cooked dough mainly plays a role in bonding, so that when we wrap and cook, we will not break the skin;

8, after kneading can start to wrap, grab a small piece of first kneading round, and then put into the palm of the hand to flatten, and finally use the finger rotation to knead into a dough, do not have to be particularly thin, too thin but easy to break, the middle of the package on a spoonful of prepared filling, the two sides can be pinched together, our dumpling embryo is ready;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

9, this taro dumplings and ordinary dumplings are the same, can not eat can also be directly put in the refrigerator frozen preservation, eat when you can cook directly, with eating as you go very convenient;

10, now let's cook the dumplings, boil the dumplings in the water, cook until the dumplings are all floating up and then continue to cook for 5 minutes, this taro dumpling skin is relatively thick, we have to cook for a while;

11, the time to cook dumplings we come to adjust a soup base, add 1 spoonful of chili powder, 1 spoon of minced garlic, 1 spoonful of white sesame seeds, 1 spoonful of hot oil, pour 2 spoons of soy sauce, 1 spoonful of aged vinegar, 1 spoonful of white sugar, 1 small spoon of salt, mix well and then two spoons of hot soup, sour and spicy flavor is ready; at this time, the dumplings in the pot are also cooked, all floated up, fished up and put into the bowl can start.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

The texture of the dough is super Q-bomb, which can not only make the soup inside the filling perfectly blocked in the dumplings, but also isolate the noodle soup of the boiled taro dumplings. It's sticky and soft to eat, smooth and delicious, and there is a fragrant meat filling, which is really super satisfying to take a bite, and I think no one should not like it!

6. Citrus

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Recommended Recipe【Orange Cake】

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Ingredients: 10 oranges, 2 eggs, 150 grams of milk, 500 grams of medium gluten flour, 5 grams of yeast, 3 grams of sugar

1, we first peel the skin off it, the skin is particularly thin and very sweet, I personally love to eat this small head;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

2, after peeling, we prepare another bowl to beat 2 eggs, stir it up, think the egg fishy taste is heavier, you can add two drops of cooking wine when stirring;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

3, then pour the egg juice directly on the orange;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

4, then we pour the orange wrapped in egg liquid into the juicer, and add 150 grams of milk to it to make a delicate milkshake;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

5, after the beating first poured out, the water in the orange is also more plus the egg liquid here is about 450 grams;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

6, next we come to the noodles, 500 grams of medium gluten flour, 5 grams of yeast and 3 grams of sugar to promote fermentation;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

7, mix well, the beaten orange milkshake is added in batches, all added to the batter is relatively thin, no flour particles after the cover with plastic wrap to wake up to 2 times;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

8, the current temperature noodles are too difficult, must be placed in a warm place, I am placed in the oven. If there is no oven, you can put it in a larger pot and then add warm water to the bottom, so that the noodles will be easy to get up;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

9, our batter is good after taking out the exhaust, too thin to directly use chopsticks to stir and drain the large bubbles inside, drain the large bubbles can avoid steaming out of the cake collapse and rough tissue;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

10, then we prepare a few small bowls, and then give it a thin brush with a layer of oil anti-stick, and then scoop the batter in, do not fill too full, six or seven full looks can be;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

11, and then use the spoon to scrape the surface flat, the back of the spoon can be smeared with some oil, so that the spoon will not stick to the batter, and finally sprinkle some cranberries under the embellishment, not only steamed out of the color will be more sweet;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

12, after all done, you can put it into the pot, remember to wake up for 15 minutes before steaming, so that the volume is slightly larger;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

13, 15 minutes after we start steaming, cold water on the pot, high heat for 30 minutes, I use the electric steamer, the time is a little longer, I adjusted for 40 minutes just right, steamed after the first do not rush to open the lid, simmer for 5 minutes and then open the lid out of the pot.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Wow, the yellow color is really beautiful! All steamed up, the surface is slightly cracked, and it will not collapse and can quickly rebound when pressed, indicating that this orange cake is steamed very well. Soft and sweet, very delicate, after adding milk there is a faint milk aroma, there is no bit of sour taste, like it quickly try it!

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

7. Persimmons

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Recommended Recipe【Persimmon Cake】

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Ingredients: Persimmons

1, persimmon choose a good fruit type, a large full, no moths, the color of yellow orange orange, and then peel, the persimmon fruit handle must be retained, and then put into the water basin, pour a pot of boiling water, blanch the bacteria on the surface of the persimmon, last 10 seconds, rinse again after scalding;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

2, find some long rope, fix the persimmon branches, form a string of persimmon lanterns, placed in the sun ventilation, if the sun is sufficient, it can be dried for about 2 weeks, in the process of drying, you can pinch it with your hands for a few hours at intervals, pinch the persimmons softer, and the dried persimmon cakes are delicious, soft and sweet.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

If it is like a persimmon cake out of the frost, put the persimmon skin and persimmon together, and then cover it tightly until the frost comes out.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Eight, carrots

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Recommended Recipe【Carrot Dumplings】

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Ingredients: 300 g flour, 3 g salt, 240 g room temperature water

Filling: 2 carrots 4 eggs 4 onions ginger garlic appropriate amount shrimp skin appropriate amount 1 handful of salt appropriate amount chicken essence 1 spoonful of pepper 1 spoonful of sesame oil

1, first come and noodles, flour 300 grams, salt 3 grams, room temperature water 240 grams added in batches, while adding while stirring;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

2, no dry flour after kneading the dough, first basic knead into a dough, cover with plastic wrap and wake up for 30 minutes;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

3, this time we come to prepare the filling, a handful of vermicelli warm water soaked soft;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

4, two carrots first rub the silk, and then change the knife to chop;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

5, 4 eggs stir and spare, heat the oil, scrambled egg oil can be added more, the oil is hot poured into the egg liquid, fried and then put out;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

6, add a little oil to the pot, fry the onion, ginger and garlic in the oil, and then a handful of shrimp skin;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

7, carrots are also added to fry a stir-fry, carrots with oil fried after a stir-fry carotene can be better released, fried soft can be turned off the heat and put out;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

8, the fans are also soaked at this time, put the chopping board to chop points;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

9, and then all poured into a large bowl after seasoning, shrimp skin is originally salty, salt can be a little less, a small spoon of salt is enough, and then 1 spoonful of chicken essence, a little pepper, 1 spoon of sesame oil mixed well, this vegetarian stuffing is really super fragrant;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

10, the dough is also awake, take out a simple kneading is very smooth and delicate, rub the long strips after dividing into small dough, grab a large handful of flour sprinkled on it, rub the agent back and forth with both hands, so that each agent is evenly dipped in flour;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

11, then use the palm of the hand along the knife edge downward pressure, the agent can be flattened can start rolling dumpling skin, left and right hand with the rolling skin is simple and fastest;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

12, their own rolled dumpling skin can be divided into 30 groups, rolled out immediately wrapped up, so that it will not stick together;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

13, the dough does not need to be smeared with water, can be easily kneaded, all wrapped can start cooking;

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

14, boiling dumplings, I cook dumplings like to "roll three rolls", add some cold water after the water is boiled, repeat three times after you can, the dumplings are all cooked, all floated up, fished out after you can start.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family

Because the dumpling skin is very thin, boiled out is the crystal clear feeling, it seems to have a special appetite, the weather is always no appetite, this plate of dumplings is just right, refreshing and not greasy, it looks pleasing to the eye, not only the nutritional aspects have been improved, but also enhance the taste, look at the appetite greatly increased.

People with a bad stomach, eat more of these 8 alkaline foods, healthy spleen and stomach to help digestion, it is recommended to tell the family
Committed to using the simplest ingredients to share the most delicious dishes and snacks for you, I am Rong'er, sharing a delicacy for you every day, learning to eat like this, so that your stomach is healthier! Welcome to like, follow, retweet and favorite, thank you for your support! We'll see you next time.
