
3 prompts to reproduce the classic game, the secret of the popular game is to bring AI?|The new AI list

author:New list

"3 prompts to make a 3D game"

"Complete a card game in 15 seconds"

"Recreate the game 2048 in 30 seconds"

Who would have thought that after the launch of Claude 3.5 Sonnet, the whole job of netizens is not to read pictures and play memes, help people see doctors, and do math problems, but to remake various small games.

For example, X-user "Alvaro Cintas" designed a memory card game and said that the "Artifacts" feature is already a "game changer", and so far, the video has more than 470,000 views.

3 prompts to reproduce the classic game, the secret of the popular game is to bring AI?|The new AI list

Screenshot of the card game video

"Ammaar Reshi" used 3 prompts to successfully make a 3D perspective shooter game, you must know that when GPT-4 first appeared, it took him a full 2 days to complete the game.

3 prompts to reproduce the classic game, the secret of the popular game is to bring AI?|The new AI list

Of course, there are also netizens who have reproduced classic gameplay games such as Tank Battles and 2048, which has caused a wave of heated discussions.

3 prompts to reproduce the classic game, the secret of the popular game is to bring AI?|The new AI list

A game similar to tank warfare gameplay

3 prompts to reproduce the classic game, the secret of the popular game is to bring AI?|The new AI list

Rev mini-game 2048

It can be said that those who can make games and those who can't make games have successfully used AI, not only allowing AI to directly generate games, but also allowing AI to act as NPCs to guide the entire game process.

Some time ago, the young people who were "surrounded by large models" turned their heads to "like to be fathers" in different scenes, and combined with the AI games of large language models "change you to be a father" and "number one problem-solver", once again let players feel the surprise experience brought by "AI+ game".

3 prompts to reproduce the classic game, the secret of the popular game is to bring AI?|The new AI list

"it, I'm surrounded by LLMs" is a new work from the developer

3 prompts to reproduce the classic game, the secret of the popular game is to bring AI?|The new AI list

Screenshot of the game for you to be a father

Specifically, these games will automatically generate a storyline and corresponding images based on the player's input, and each player's "gaming career" is different.

For more professional gameplay, Nvidia has launched G-Assist, an AI gaming assistant that, according to the demo, can guide users to play various PC games through chat input, and can even configure the best game settings for players.

3 prompts to reproduce the classic game, the secret of the popular game is to bring AI?|The new AI list

G-Assist Demo截图

Of course, this isn't the first time Nvidia has combined AI and gaming. At the beginning of June, NVIDIA launched the "Avatar Cloud Engine" technology, which can empower various NPCs (non-player characters) with dialogue interaction capabilities through generative AI.

3 prompts to reproduce the classic game, the secret of the popular game is to bring AI?|The new AI list

ACE Technology Demo

The scene design, gameplay setting, and character NPCs are all attacked by AI. So, where has the AI game gone now? Why do games with AI always catch fire?

3 prompts to reproduce the classic game, the secret of the popular game is to bring AI?|The new AI list

The AI that emerges will first be NPCs in the game

For many game developers, the most direct way to combine AI and games is to integrate large language models into various triple-A masterpieces.

The AI can make the character respond to the user's input and even have different facial expressions. This method undoubtedly increases the player's gaming experience, taking the AI game "Suck Up", which is the most out of the circle after combining with AI, as an example:

In "Suck Up! In the game's setting, players need to play as vampires, and by talking to AI-powered NPCs, they let down their guard and allow themselves to enter the door to suck blood, in order to win the game.

When we talk to an AI NPC, if you just say, "I want to go in and check the fireplace", the AI NPC will reply to you in a surprised tone, "No, I can't let you in, I don't have a fireplace in my house".

The natural tone and surprise of the NPCs are as if we were actually talking to a real person, and a variety of NPCs with different settings can achieve similar results.

The "Suck Up" video produced by YouTuber "Glitch" has more than 2.19 million views and more than 3,000 comments.

3 prompts to reproduce the classic game, the secret of the popular game is to bring AI?|The new AI list

Different AI NPCs in the game have different settings

As of press time, there are more than 700 second-creation videos of Suck Up! on YouTube, with a total of more than 10 million views.

3 prompts to reproduce the classic game, the secret of the popular game is to bring AI?|The new AI list

In a developer-made "AI Werewolf Killing" game, the introduction of AI NPCs is also very effective.

Two weeks ago, Unity platform developer "Tamulur" had four large language models and a human in a roundtable meeting. They need to ask each other questions and find out the hidden humans based on each other's answer logic, tone and character setting.

For example, one of the NPCs set as "Aristotle" asks another NPC "Mozart" - "Can you tell us how it feels to make music", and "Mozart" reacts for a while and says, "When I compose, I feel fluidity". (By the time this abstract English was spoken, most viewers had concluded that at least Mozart was an AI)

As of press time, the six-minute video of the AI werewolf killing has more than 1.09 million views on YouTube, and the developer said in the comment section that the gameplay may be released as a downloadable game in the future.

These AI-powered NPCs make it difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood during dialogue, and this self-generated interaction also brings new content and exploration experiences to the game.

Just like the AI NPCs in the mobile game "Against the Cold", they form a game world with the player, and the player's teasing, ignoring and other behaviors will promote the gradual development of new story lines and plots for these AI NPCs.

3 prompts to reproduce the classic game, the secret of the popular game is to bring AI?|The new AI list

Screenshot of the interaction between the Up master of Station B "Am I tired" and the AI NPC of "Against the Cold".

3 prompts to reproduce the classic game, the secret of the popular game is to bring AI?|The new AI list

Setting "play with AI", why is it always popular?

From the game simulator developed by Claude 3.5 Sonnet, to the use of large models to access various NPCs, whether it is the game itself or the subsequent second creation communication, after carrying the AI label, its voice will rise.

It can be said that with the blessing of AI, gaming has gradually become a new art form that can be completely tailored to the user and can provide a never-ending new experience.

AI can generate personalized storylines in real time and react to players' choices and behaviors, thereby enhancing the immersion and playability of the game, such as the previously popular Yandere AI Girlfriend Simulator, which allows users to be both "cyber licking dogs" and "big filial sons".

The randomness and variety of AI replies allow users to unlock new storylines, and even some traditional gameplay can have a fresh experience.

3 prompts to reproduce the classic game, the secret of the popular game is to bring AI?|The new AI list
3 prompts to reproduce the classic game, the secret of the popular game is to bring AI?|The new AI list

Part of the comment section for AI games

On the other hand, as the cost of large language models continues to decrease, AI NPCs are increasingly able to meet the ideas and intentions of creators in terms of usage cost and player experience.

Game developer Da Yao told us that most of the games equipped with AI can be experienced for free, without registration, and the gameplay is also simple and easy to use, which reduces the cost of users to a certain extent. Developers can reduce the pressure of creating game content through AI, and can even blame AI for risks and responsibilities, reducing their own development risks.

What's more, the game itself is rich in topicality. For example, several popular simulators in China either seize the discussion of "licking dog-style love", or they grasp the pain points of contemporary young people about the original family, marriage and love concepts, education methods and other topics.

All these factors work together to make the game setting of "playing with AI" quickly become popular, bringing a certain traffic effect.

3 prompts to reproduce the classic game, the secret of the popular game is to bring AI?|The new AI list

Multimodal AI-generated games, where has it gone?

Whether it is a professional game development company or an individual developer, multimodal AI generation has made a qualitative change in its own creative form and efficiency.

But while gaining a certain sense of experience, it is also accompanied by the destruction of immersion.

The developers of the AI Werewolf Kill game mentioned that when an AI NPC needs to speak, they will get a description of the scene, a complete history of all conversations so far, and a specific next action reminder in the system prompt (e.g., "Keep your answer concise and concise, show that you're an AI, and then ask someone else a question, which helps determine if he's an AI or a human").

3 prompts to reproduce the classic game, the secret of the popular game is to bring AI?|The new AI list

He stated that without this reminder, the entire conversation would go off track and the AI NPC would assign the player other tasks that were not part of the system.

It can be seen that the current AI NPCs must be provided by the creator with a complete game world view, and on this basis, the possible AI cognitive illusions can be processed, which is also the most dramatic and destructive point brought by AI.

In other words, the biggest problem with AI intervention in games at the moment is that the experience that may be brought out of control. However, some netizens in the game community LitGate pointed out that for game production, AI is the way to achieve the goal, not the end itself.

Perhaps, more developers are excited about the interactions that can only be achieved through generative AI, and how AI can be used to unlock more new game mechanics.

Some developers predict that players will now be attracted by the game of some AI NPCs, because it is more interesting to let the AI perform "read nonsense", or the AI will speak like a poet. But the novelty will eventually wear off, and people will actually start playing the game, rather than just trying to play tricks on the AI.

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