
Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

author:The world is desolate

In the middle of May, the pomegranate flowers on the side of the road are in full bloom, so I have time to write an article for him.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Photo: Little Red Book @ Xiao Hong Comb

The pomegranate love in April originated from the pomegranate tree in front of Grandpa's house. It grows on the mound and falls obliquely towards the rice field, usually noticing its presence.

Until one morning, a little red inadvertently came into view, and it announced its existence with a tree of flowers. The pomegranates have blossomed, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and Grandma has begun to pick rice dumpling leaves and prepare.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Pictured: Little Red Book @ Xu and Yong

Coveting that bright red, stinky April will often pick a few pomegranate flowers and pin them to your ears. Wearing pomegranate flowers on their heads in April was not the first person, and the ancients liked to do so. During the Wei and Jin dynasties, people liked to put pomegranate flowers on their sideburns to pray for peace.

Pomegranate flowers have almost no peduncle and are less easy to hold in place. Fortunately, it spends a lot of money, and some are played.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Pictured: Weibo @ Fang Fang Huahua

When I grew up, I learned that pomegranates were not native plants. According to legend, more than 2,000 years ago, Zhang Qian went on a mission to the Western Regions and came to a place called "An Shi Guo" to bring back the seeds of pomegranates. Since then, pomegranates have taken root and sprouted in the land of China.

Small deciduous trees or shrubs of the genus Pomegranate in the family Peregricans,

There are many aliases, An pomegranate, golden poppy, Danruo, Tu Lin,

Golden Pang, Wakaru, Mountain Leaf, Safflower, Pearl...

There are also many varieties, the fruit is yellow, red, blue, black,

But no matter what color, it follows "a thousand rooms are the same, a thousand children are one".

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Photo: Yangzhou Songjia City

The little "fist" is full of strength,

Just wait for the flowers to bloom,

Look at the density of the filigree,

Just know how full the fruit is.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Pomegranate has a wide distribution range in the mainland, from Hebei in the north to Hainan in the south, and has cultivated many varieties, such as the small fruit pomegranate in Jiangsu, the Huaiyuan pomegranate in Anhui, the Lintong pomegranate in Shaanxi, and the Mengzi pomegranate in Yunnan are very famous.

According to the "Qunfang Genealogy", pomegranate flowers have four colors: big red, pink, yellow and white.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?
Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?
Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?
Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Picture: Little Red Book @ Weng Xiaohui @lulu@ night invasion, Weibo @ fish to get the water and flowers to get light

/Silver Pomegranate/

Also known as white pomegranate. Flowers nearly white, single petal,

It flowers in May-June every year and the fruit is yellowish white.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

/Thousand Petals White Pomegranate/

The flowers are white, heavy petals, and have a long flowering period,

Flowering can occur from May to July.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Photo: Little Red Book @ Sketch Collection (Yellow Sea who loves photography)

/Monthly Pomegranate/

an ancient pomegranate variety,

It is planted in and south of the Yellow River Basin of China,

The plants are short and usually potted.

The flowers are mostly red.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

/Onyx pomegranate/

The flowers are as large as peonies, and the lace is white,

Rich in color, scarlet is common,

There are also pink, white,

The flowering period is from May to June, and the fruit period is from September to October.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?
Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Pictured: Weibo @ Xia Weilan in the jianghu

The people of the southern coastal area like to plant pomegranates for ornamentation, and they also have the meaning of the town house to ward off evil spirits, and every household will plant one or two pots.

Pomegranates are mostly planted in Jiangnan gardens. The oily turquoise leaves reflect various arches, flower windows, artificial rocks, and a deep silence of the courtyard. The fine pomegranate flowers break the silence and instantly bloom.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Photo: Little Red Book @ Xue Wei

Arches to make picture frames,

Bamboo forest to do the prospect,

Distant durian dots,

What a vivid 3D stereoscopic picture.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Photo: Little Red Book @ Xue Wei

A slight rain passed,

Little Lotus Flip,

Durian blossoms are in full bloom.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Pomegranate flowers spit out in the garden,

The ground is full of green pavilions at noon.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Photo: Little Red Book @ Shuangmu Jiarong

Pomegranate flowers often bloom and fall, and small red flowers flutter down, reminiscent of the poet's saying that "pomegranate flowers fall from the tree with torches."

The summer rain came unexpectedly, and after a rain, the trees were full of red, and the green poplars were hanging heavily with rain.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Pictured: Xiaohongshu @Yuan Xiaomin

When you see a pomegranate flower, you will always think of a clip from "The Kite Chaser":

There is a pomegranate tree on the edge of the entrance to the cemetery. One summer day, I used a knife from Ali's kitchen to carve our names on the trunk: "Amir and Hassan, Sultan of Kabul". These words officially declare: This tree belongs to us.

After school, Hassan and I climbed up its branches and picked some blood-red pomegranate fruit. After eating pomegranates and wiping my hands clean with weeds, I would read to Hassan.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Pictured: Little Red Book @doggy knife knife

The pomegranate tree bears witness to the emotional changes of Amir and Hassan. And the author, Called Huseni, is an Afghan who immigrated to the United States, so why is it written about pomegranate flowers?

Like April, pomegranates are his childhood memories. Afghanistan is home to pomegranates, and this hardy, drought-tolerant and barren fruit tree does not have high soil requirements.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Folding a few pomegranate flower arrangements is the most seasonal scenery in summer. This is best known to the Song people, who are good at flower arrangement.

The Southern Song Dynasty 'Dream Liang Record' records that the Song people liked to arrange flowers according to the four seasons, "summer golden lantern flowers, jasmine, sunflowers, durian flowers, gardenias, etc."

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Pictured: Little Red Book @ Xibao

During the Dragon Boat Festival, you can choose any five of the seasonal plants such as calamus, wormwood, pomegranate, grass, marshmallow, gardenia and so on as the Dragon Boat Festival, and call it "noon flower".

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Pictured: Little Red Book @ Leaf Blue Waiter Flower

Qing Dynasty playwright Huang Tujue also liked to fold pomegranate flowers to make offerings.

Durian lights, summer magic scenery, why not appreciate? It is advisable to fold the bottle, and place it in the middle of the table, so that it can be less hostile to the ear. ...... There is a little red in the evergreen bushes, and the cover is because of its flowerless ears in the hot summer. Garden pavilions are indispensable. And the durian fire flying red, the most wonderful scene, not than his hui, red is also aware of its vulgarity.

"Watching the Mountain Pavilion Idle Pen"

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Pictured: Little Red Book @ No Raw Flowers

The ancients also liked the color of pomegranate flowers and named it after a color - garnet red. The rich and open Datang especially loves this color, and the women wearing bright pomegranate red dresses are beautiful and moving, which has caused countless men to bend their waists.

The woman described by Bai Juyi in "Pipa Xing" was once the head of the church, "the silver grate of the tungsten head shattered, and the blood-colored Luo skirt turned over the wine stain", and the "blood-colored Luo skirt" here is the pomegranate skirt. The pomegranate skirt has also become synonymous with miaoling women.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?
Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Xiangling in "Dream of the Red Chamber" also wears a pomegranate skirt. The 62nd time," "Xiangyun drunkenly sleeps peony flowers, and stays with Xiangling to relieve the pomegranate skirt", Xiangling and Fangguan, Ruiguan and a few other small dramas are playing in the Grand View Garden, and during the joke, Xiangling is pushed down in a puddle and dirtys the pomegranate skirt on her body.

Xiang Ling was afraid that Aunt Xue would blame her, and she was very anxious. Fortunately, Baoyu came over and said that the raider had an identical skirt that could be changed for Xiangling.

The pomegranate skirt is often reminiscent of a woman's blood and tears, and the staining of the pomegranate skirt by Xiangling also reflects the unfortunate fate of her marriage.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

A cold knowledge, do you know that pomegranate flowers can be eaten?

When it comes to eating flowers, it has to be Yunnan people. The pomegranate flowers eaten are male flowers (female flowers retain fruit), remove the petal filaments, eat only the calyx, Yunnan people take to stir-fry meat, cold mix, taste like mushrooms. (You have to blanch the water to get bitter before eating)

Everything can be fried with bacon

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Pictured: Little Red Book @ Ginger loves to eat ginger or not

Cold mix pomegranate flowers, iced durian flower porridge

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?
Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Picture: Little Red Book @ Ci Cup Tea @ Da Ling

Durian sauce, noodle mix or stir-fry is excellent

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Picture: Little Red Book @ Reading Cloud

Guo Moruo praised the pomegranate flower, "The most lovely thing is its flower, the crimson flower that does not shy away from the direct light of the hot sun." The single-petal one is enough to be land-detached, and the double-petal is more luxurious, so isn't that the heart of summer?"

Small pomegranate flowers have been popular in China for thousands of years, literati compose poems/flower arrangements, painters into paintings, gourmets cook, from pleasing to pleasing, the mission of flowers has long been completed, and in autumn, the fruitful fruits of the branches will usher in a highlight moment.

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers, do you like it?

Known as the heart of summer pomegranate flowers,

Do you like it?

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Or the way to eat pomegranate flowers,

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