
Hugging together like pomegranate seeds: a review of the sense of community of the Chinese nation

author:Guangxi Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

Question: Hugging together like pomegranate seeds: A review of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation

In order to thoroughly publicize and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on strengthening and improving ethnic work, from now on, Xinhua News Agency will open a column entitled "Forge a Strong Community, China is a Family" to fully publicize the Party Central Committee's decision-making and deployment on forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and the actions and measures of various departments and regions, tell the story of the Chinese nation, build a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation, and guide the people of all ethnic groups to firmly establish the community concept of sharing weal and woe, weal and woe, life and death, and destiny, and promote all ethnic groups to firmly respect the great motherland and the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and socialism with Chinese characteristics, and gather majestic strength to promote the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.

The Chinese nation is a family and works together to build the Chinese dream.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has stood at the strategic height of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, closely focusing on the main line of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation, planning and deploying the party's ethnic work in the new era, and promoting the cause of ethnic unity and progress on the mainland to achieve new historic achievements.

On the new journey, the sons and daughters of all ethnic groups hug each other tightly like pomegranate seeds, work together in unity, common prosperity and development, and contribute to the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Forge a major original assertion of the sense of community of the Chinese nation, and point out the direction of the party's national work in the new era

Xinjiang in summer is picturesque. People of all ethnic groups live and study together, build and share together, and work and enjoy together in this vast land.

In April 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to this hot land, from Kashgar, an important town in southern Xinjiang, to Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, and went deep into villages, enterprises, troops, schools and other research, and the itinerary was full.

In May of the same year, the second Central Xinjiang Work Symposium was held, and at this important meeting, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward the "sense of community of the Chinese nation". At the subsequent Central Ethnic Work Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping further emphasized "insisting on laying a solid ideological foundation for the community of the Chinese nation".

Since then, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly expounded on the major original assertions of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation——

In 2017, in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it was emphasized that "the sense of community of the Chinese nation should be strengthened, and exchanges and integration of various ethnic groups should be strengthened".

In 2019, at the National Commendation Conference for National Unity and Progress, he pioneered the "four commons" view of the history of the Chinese nation;

In 2021, at the Central Ethnic Work Conference, the sense of community of the Chinese nation was raised to the height of the "program" of the party's ethnic work in the new era, emphasizing that "all work should be focused on this";

In 2023, during his inspection in Inner Mongolia and listening to work reports in Xinjiang, he emphasized that "forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation is the main line of the Party's ethnic work in the new era, and it is also the main line of all work in ethnic areas".


From the roof of the world to the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, from the southwest cottage to the grassland of Saibei, General Secretary Xi Jinping has had extensive exchanges with the people of all ethnic groups, listened to their voices, and talked about the development of ethnic areas, and the sense of community of the Chinese nation has become increasingly deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In Ma'anshan Village, Henan Street, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, he walked into the "multi-ethnic home" where four generations lived together, and pointed out that it was necessary to "promote all ethnic groups to hug each other like pomegranate seeds"; In Ningxia, it was pointed out that "the Chinese nation is a great nation of pluralism and unity"; In Guizhou, it is emphasized that "the Chinese nation is a big family, with 56 nationalities and 56 flowers"; In Tibet, he pointed out that "we are a community of the Chinese nation, and we must work together to achieve the second centenary goal......

We share weal and woe, honor and disgrace, life and death, and destiny.

In October 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out at the ninth collective study of the Political Bureau of the 20th CPC Central Committee: "Taking the sense of community of the Chinese nation as the main line of the party's ethnic work and various work in ethnic areas in the new era is a major theoretical and practical achievement achieved by our party in adhering to the 'two combinations' and focusing on the 'two overall situations', profoundly summarizing the experience and lessons of ethnic work at home and abroad, and gaining a deep insight into the development trend of the Chinese national community." ”

The torch of thought illuminates the new journey of national rejuvenation.

It has enriched and developed the Marxist theory of nationalities, consolidated and expanded the correct path of resolving ethnic issues with Chinese characteristics, and pointed out the direction of the party's ethnic work.

Solid progress has been made in forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation, and new achievements have been made in the cause of national unity and progress

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "To realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must take the sense of community of the Chinese nation as the main line and take the cause of national unity and progress as the basic cause. ”

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, ethnic minority areas have changed with each passing day, and the cause of national unity and progress has opened a new chapter.

Focus on the main line and achieve a new leap forward in economic and social development——

5G signal coverage throughout the township, and characteristic industries are booming...... Walking into Dulongjiang Township, Dulong Nu Autonomous County, Gongshan, Yunnan, the Dulong people who "crossed the millennium in one step" and the people of all ethnic groups across the country have entered a well-off life. The great changes in Dulongjiang Township are a microcosm of the leapfrog economic and social development achieved in minority areas in recent years.

Multiple measures have been taken to continuously enhance the development capacity of ethnic minority areas, and the people of all ethnic groups have built characteristic industries according to local conditions, and based on reality, they have blazed a trail to increase income and become rich, and a happy life is thriving.

Hand in hand, national unity and progress present a new atmosphere——

Panhuo Street, Yinzhou District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, which was awarded the title of National Demonstration Zone for Ethnic Unity and Progress, is home to residents of many ethnic groups. In recent years, the street has continuously improved the service management system for the floating population, created a red pomegranate volunteer service matrix, and the picture of people of all ethnic groups discussing and building a better home has been vividly presented.

From the neighborhood festival hundred family banquets, eating the same table of meals, and feeling the same national feelings, to the "village BA" event, to create a new carrier for extensive exchanges and exchanges among the people of all ethnic groups, all localities take the creation of national unity and progress as the starting point, the pattern of "you have me, I have you" has been continuously consolidated, and the flowers of national unity have bloomed everywhere.

Based on people's livelihood, the lives of people of all ethnic groups have ushered in a new leap——

Walk on asphalt roads, drink tap water, and live in well-to-do houses...... The counterpart assistance work in Xinjiang in the new era has brought more convenience to the lives of people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.

In the snowy plateau, the "Electric Sky Road" weaves a safe and reliable "bright network" and "people's livelihood network"; In Daxinganling, Heilongjiang Province, minority development funds have injected momentum into the local development of rural tourism; In the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, Ulan herdsmen sent cultural performances to the people of all ethnic groups...... A number of people's projects, a practical thing to benefit the people, so that the people of all ethnic groups to share the fruits of reform and development, the sense of community of the Chinese nation is rooted in the heart.

Diversity and unity, Chinese culture continues to rejuvenate

On West Chang'an Avenue in Beijing, the exhibition of cultural relics and ancient books that forge the sense of community of the Chinese nation attracts visitors from all over the world. In the exhibition hall, the thousand-year-old reverberations of copper drums, gonghou and horse-head qin bring together the thousands of atmospheres of various ethnic cultures and the beauty of beauty.

From history to the future, from tradition to modernity, from diversity and cohesion, cultural identity has always been the root of national unity.

Through the formation of friendship through literature and the gathering of friends through art, the construction of the common spiritual home of the Chinese nation has become more tangible and effective, and the Chinese culture has been revitalized.

Closely focus on the main line of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation, and promote the high-quality development of the party's ethnic work in the new era

"To build a modern socialist country in an all-round way, no nation should be left behind." General Secretary Xi Jinping's sonorous words inspired the sons and daughters of all ethnic groups across the country to embark on a new journey with confidence.

Taking the sense of community of the Chinese nation as the main line of the party's ethnic work in the new era and the main line of all work in ethnic areas, on the new journey, a grand picture of promoting the high-quality development of the party's ethnic work is slowly unfolding.

To do a good job in ethnic work on the new journey, we must work together to promote the realization of common prosperity and jointly build and share Chinese-style modernization among all ethnic groups.

In the middle of summer, the Youzui Bay Ecological and Cultural Scenic Area in Maji Village, Mutual Aid Tu Autonomous County, Haidong City, Qinghai Province is lively, and the unique pastoral scenery is combined with local culture, attracting tourists to come to check in and experience. Rural revitalization not only beautifies the village, but also makes the life of the villagers prosperous.

The Chinese nation is a big family, and no nation can be left behind in promoting all ethnic groups to move toward socialist modernization together.

Development is the key to solving various problems in minority areas, and it is also the driving force for enhancing the sense of community of the Chinese nation.

Facing the future, we will make up for the shortcomings of people's livelihood and improve people's livelihood and well-being, so that people of all ethnic groups can truly feel that promoting common prosperity is in action and around us.

To do a good job in ethnic work on the new journey, we must focus on building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation and constantly build a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation.

Not long ago, the excellent cultural experience project of the Chinese nation, focusing on the "cooperation between Fujian and Ningbo, deep love between mountains and seas", was unveiled at the Chinese National Community Experience Hall located in Beijing's Xidan business district. Walking through it, people can appreciate the charm of the pluralistic unity of the Chinese nation.

To strengthen the great unity of the Chinese nation, the long-term and fundamental thing is to strengthen cultural identity, build a common spiritual home for all ethnic groups, and actively cultivate the sense of community of the Chinese nation.

"Introduction to the Community of the Chinese Nation" entered the campus to guide young students to establish a correct view of the history of the Chinese nation; In-depth implementation of the red gene inheritance project, the Chinese excellent traditional culture inheritance and development project, etc., and constantly enhance the sense of identity and pride of the Chinese nation.

At the new historical starting point, we should deeply understand and grasp the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization, strengthen common values, promote Chinese culture, and constantly build a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation, so as to lay a solid spiritual and cultural foundation for forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.

To do a good job in ethnic work on the new journey, we must promote extensive exchanges, exchanges and integration of all ethnic groups, and gather the strong synergy of all ethnic groups to forge ahead hand in hand——

The Chinese nation has been forged through exchanges and blending of various ethnic groups, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will also be realized through exchanges and blending of various ethnic groups.

"The people of all ethnic groups live in harmony, work together in harmony, and work together to gather the majestic force of guarding the border and defending the country......" The 10th batch of demonstration units of the National Ethnic Unity and Progress Demonstration Zone held in 2023 vividly tells the story of Lu Lanjun, Secretary of the Party Branch of the National Defense Militia Outpost in Jianfengling, Guangxi, and other "Chinese border guards", which is moving.

A history of China is a history of the integration of various ethnic groups into a pluralistic and integrated Chinese nation, and a history of all ethnic groups jointly creating, developing, and consolidating a unified great motherland.

Facing the future, the process of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation will inevitably be a process of extensive exchanges and exchanges among all ethnic groups, and a process of common struggle and common prosperity and development of all ethnic groups.

Forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, forming a strong spiritual bond of cohesion and unity, and promoting the Chinese nation to become a community with a shared future with a higher degree of identity and stronger cohesion will surely bring together the strong synergy of all ethnic groups to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Author: Wang Qi, Fan Sixiang, Wang Mingyu

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