
Buy red beans, choose "round red beans" or "long red beans"? The difference in taste and nutrition is big, don't buy it wrong

author:Big Mouth Chef

Buy red beans, choose "round red beans" or "long red beans"? The difference in taste and nutrition is big, don't buy it wrong

As we all know, eating more grains is good for the body, what are the grains? It is rice, millet, millet, wheat, and solan, and it refers to all kinds of beans, and the nutritional and health value is very high. There are many types of beans, such as mung beans, red beans, black beans, soybeans, etc., are high-protein ingredients, but also rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals, it is recommended to eat more.

Buy red beans, choose "round red beans" or "long red beans"? The difference in taste and nutrition is big, don't buy it wrong

Red beans are a kind of beans that we often eat, which can be boiled porridge and made red bean paste and red bean filling, which is sweet and delicate, and very delicious. We found that there are no, there are 2 kinds of common red beans, one is more rounded in appearance, the other is more slender in appearance, what is the difference between them?

For contrast, I call round red beans round red beans and slender red beans long red beans. They are all red, they all definitely contain iron, have the effect of tonifying qi and blood, is there any other difference? Today we will talk about it.

Buy red beans, choose "round red beans" or "long red beans"? The difference in taste and nutrition is big, don't buy it wrong

Round red beans

The scientific name is red bean, the shape is oblong, the color is dark red or other colors, 5 to 6 mm long, 4 to 5 mm wide, rich in luster, the ends are truncated or nearly round, the umbilicus is not concave, flowering in summer, and fruiting in autumn.

Long red beans

The scientific name is red adzuki bean, the shape is slender, a bit like a capsule, 5-8 mm long, 3 to 5 mm wide, the color is purple-red, there is a faint luster or no light, one side has a linear white raised umbilicus, the other side has a ridge, the texture is hard, not easy to break. It is also summer flowering and autumn fruiting.

Buy red beans, choose "round red beans" or "long red beans"? The difference in taste and nutrition is big, don't buy it wrong

The appearance of the 2 kinds of red beans is very different, but the price is similar, so are they the same in nutrition and taste?

There is an old Chinese medicine doctor in the village infirmary, who asked him about the relevant knowledge of red beans, it turns out that the difference between round red beans and long red beans is very large, and it is useful to buy the right one, don't buy it wrong.

(1) Round red beans are mainly for consumption

Round red beans have a slightly higher protein content, slightly lower fat, slightly higher carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals are similar, so it tastes slightly sweeter to eat, suitable for red bean porridge, red bean soup, red bean paste.

Buy red beans, choose "round red beans" or "long red beans"? The difference in taste and nutrition is big, don't buy it wrong

Therefore, if you want to make red bean food, red bean cake, red bean filling cake or snack, you must use round red beans, the taste is delicate and smooth, and the red beans will be worse.

(2) Long red beans are mainly used for medicinal purposes

Because the texture of long red beans is hard, not easy to cook, it takes longer to make red bean paste, and the carbohydrate is low, the taste is not very sweet, so it is generally not edible, its medicinal value is higher, and it is incomparable to round red beans.

Buy red beans, choose "round red beans" or "long red beans"? The difference in taste and nutrition is big, don't buy it wrong

Since ancient times, many medical scientists have pointed out the medical value of long red beans, and Tao Hongjing, a famous doctor of the Jin Dynasty, said that red adzuki beans ": sex is liquid, and long-term food makes people thin. "Edible Materia Medica" contains red beans: long-term eating thin people. It can be seen that long red beans are conducive to water reduction, detoxification and pus removal, spleen and dampness, and can also lose weight.

However, the diuretic effect of long red beans is obvious, so people who have a lot of urine and a weak body are afraid to eat, even normal people are not easy to eat for a long time.

If you want to achieve the purpose of health care, you should buy long red beans, that is, red adzuki beans. Although round red beans also have a similar effect, but the effect is not as good as long red beans, such as the often said red bean soup, red bean barley soup, should use long red beans.

Buy red beans, choose "round red beans" or "long red beans"? The difference in taste and nutrition is big, don't buy it wrong

Therefore, the round red bean has a good taste and is suitable for eating; the long red bean has a good effect and is better medicinal. When selling red beans, you have to buy them according to your own needs, and if you buy them wrong, they are either not delicious or the effect is poor.

Buy red beans, choose "round red beans" or "long red beans"? The difference in taste and nutrition is big, don't buy it wrong

▲ Acacia seeds, commonly known as red beans

——[Big mouth to say a few words]——

In fact, there are not only two kinds of red beans and red beans, but also acacia seeds and red kidney beans. Acacia seeds are also called red beans, which is the red bean that "red beans are born in the southern country", which is poisonous and cannot be eaten. The red kidney bean is the seed of the bean, the size is relatively large, it is easy to identify, it is a medicinal and food dual-use ingredient, but the value is not as good as the red bean.

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