
From early summer to Sanfu, this "fairy leaf" must not be missed! It is suitable for wetting barley, summering over mung beans, and making tea and boiling porridge

author:Beiqing Net

It's June, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and from time to time, the mode of rain and rain is turned on.

Due to this climatic characteristics, the human body is prone to symptoms of summer and humidity, which are manifested as tiredness, poor diet, and even nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Alas, it's only the end of May, it's already so hard, if it's three volts, it's going to be done?!

Don't panic, these small problems can be adjusted by diet, so that you are comfortable through the bitter summer.

From early summer to Sanfu, this "Fairy Leaf" must-have in the home!

Don't sell Guanzi, this "fairy leaf" is - Huoxiang!

From early summer to Sanfu, this "fairy leaf" must not be missed! It is suitable for wetting barley, summering over mung beans, and making tea and boiling porridge

Many friends may have such a question: why recommend weed in the summer, rather than mung beans or barley?

When it comes to dampness and heat relief, barley and mung beans are really powerful, but they all have a disadvantage - it is relatively cold. After many people eat it, it is easy to make the already weak spleen and stomach "worse". Therefore, it is not recommended that you eat too much barley and mung beans. The old people and children with spicy flavor and mild temperature can also be eaten in moderation by the spleen, stomach and lungs, friendly to the spleen and stomach, weak physique and poor spleen and stomach.

From early summer to Sanfu, this "fairy leaf" must not be missed! It is suitable for wetting barley, summering over mung beans, and making tea and boiling porridge

More importantly, it has the reputation of "summer wet season medicine", which is very suitable for summer consumption. Specifically, the herb can solve these 3 small problems in the summer -

From early summer to Sanfu, this "fairy leaf" must not be missed! It is suitable for wetting barley, summering over mung beans, and making tea and boiling porridge

Get rid of the wetness and wake up the spleen we said above, the summer and humidity attack, the spleen and stomach bear the brunt of it. When gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and obvious poor appetite occur, it is suitable for aromatized wet method.

From early summer to Sanfu, this "fairy leaf" must not be missed! It is suitable for wetting barley, summering over mung beans, and making tea and boiling porridge

Anyone who has smelled the herb knows that the herb comes with a special aroma that makes people smell refreshed. Thanks to this special aroma, the herb can not only dissolve the sticky wet evil, but also "wake up the spleen" and rescue the spleen and stomach trapped by the wet evil. Therefore, in the summer, the bowl of porridge can dispel the heat and dampness, strengthen the spleen and appetize.

Recipe: Put the herbs into a pot, add water and fry for 5 minutes, filter and take the juice for later; add rice to the pot, boil into porridge, and then add the herbs to boil.

From early summer to Sanfu, this "fairy leaf" must not be missed! It is suitable for wetting barley, summering over mung beans, and making tea and boiling porridge

In the view of Chinese medicine, heat stroke is divided into two types: hot out and frozen out.

Heat stroke out, chinese medicine called "Yang Heat", that is, in the high temperature state of the outside world heat evil, summer evil, that is, modern medicine in the "heat stroke".

The frozen out, it is called "yin summer", which refers to a series of symptoms caused by the sudden invasion of cold and evil and trapping the summer and humidity in the body.

For example, in the summer, the human body pores are relaxed, and then suddenly enter the air-conditioned room or blow cold wind, and the cold evil will easily invade the body.

From early summer to Sanfu, this "fairy leaf" must not be missed! It is suitable for wetting barley, summering over mung beans, and making tea and boiling porridge

If you feel cold or even afraid of cold on a hot day, if you are heavy, tired or have diarrhea and vomiting due to a cold, it may be summer fever.

If the symptoms are not serious, you can drink porridge, vegetable soup, fruits, etc., and eat more foods that clear heat, vitality, and nourish yin. At the same time, you can also use herbs to relieve the heat.

From early summer to Sanfu, this "fairy leaf" must not be missed! It is suitable for wetting barley, summering over mung beans, and making tea and boiling porridge

It is recorded in the pharmacopoeia "Qianjin YiFang" that huoxiang is used to treat "typhoid fever headache, cold hatred and heat, or moisture, cholera diarrhea, often take to remove the miasma of the mountain", which is a good medicine to alleviate heat stroke. Therefore, drinking with herbs soaked in water helps to disperse evil qi and dispel dampness.

From early summer to Sanfu, this "fairy leaf" must not be missed! It is suitable for wetting barley, summering over mung beans, and making tea and boiling porridge

And stomach antiemetic in the summer, the human body yang qi rises outward, active in the surface of the body, correspondingly, the inside of the human body, especially the spleen and stomach, lack of yang qi stomach protection, it is easy to get cold. If the stomach does not pay attention to keep warm, such as turning on the air conditioner to sleep, eating ice cream, etc., it is easy to cause diarrhea.

From early summer to Sanfu, this "fairy leaf" must not be missed! It is suitable for wetting barley, summering over mung beans, and making tea and boiling porridge

Due to cold, the tongue of patients with diarrhea is often white, cold and hot, and the stool is like thin water, not too smelly. At this time, you can use herbs to condition the weakness of the spleen and stomach caused by the cold.

It is recorded in the "Materia Medica Seeking Truth": The herbs, the spices are slightly warm, the sweetness is not steep, but the aroma of the herbs can help the spleen to wake up the stomach, so where the foreign evil qi invades, and those who see vomiting are not stopped, they must use this cast, so that their chest is wide and their diet is grammed.

Small reminder:

(1) It is recommended to eat too much herbs for people who are warm, yin and fire, and too much damp and hot, if such people really want to eat, it is best to accompany some cold ingredients, such as chrysanthemums, mint, lotus leaves, etc.

(2) Huoxiang is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which is one of the ingredients of "Huoxiang Positive Gas Preparation" on the market and cannot be used instead of use. There are fresh and dried herbs, how to eat them? Fresh herbs vs dried herbs, the best way to eat is...

1 fresh herbs

Fresh herbs can be eaten raw, blanched and then mixed or fried to eat, but it is recommended that you eat it after boiling water, and eliminate some germs that are not visible to the naked eye or are not easy to see through high temperatures, which is safer.

Health Recommendation: Cold mix of herbs

Ingredients: 50 grams of fresh herbs, 20 grams of coriander, minced ginger and garlic paste.

Directions: Wash the herbs, blanch in boiling water for 1 minute, then serve, mix with minced ginger, garlic paste, sesame oil, soy sauce and coriander.

Effect: Disperse cold and dampness, prevent colds. Nutritional reviews: Suitable for cold and wet (symptoms see fat tongue, white lichen, loose stools, heavy body sleepiness), summer and humidity (symptoms see chest tightness, fever, thirst, red tongue and yellow moss) people.

2 dried herbs

Dried herbs are suitable for making tea and making soups.

From early summer to Sanfu, this "fairy leaf" must not be missed! It is suitable for wetting barley, summering over mung beans, and making tea and boiling porridge

Health recommendation: Fragrant drink

Ingredients: Dried herbs 5 g, Perrin 5 g, Aqua flower 5 g, Chrysanthemum flower 5 g, Mint 3 g.

Directions: Wash the above herbs and add 1000 ml of water, cook until 500 ml of tea substitutes.

Effect: Cools down and dampens, and refreshes the spirit. Nutritional comments: This tea is the best health tea in the summer and humid season, and has a good alleviation effect on nasal congestion and head and body drowsiness caused by summer and wet colds.

Health recommendation: Amaranth purslane stew pork cross-arm (pork spleen)

Ingredients: 20 g of dried herbs, 250 g of purslane, about 200 g of pork trobe (pork spleen), 3 slices of ginger.

Directions: Wash the purslane and pig cross-edge, cut the pig cross-edge into small pieces and blanch the ginger slices, add 1500 ml of water to the pot and then add dried herbs and purslane to cook for 1 hour to drink.

Effect: Clear heat and dehumidify, relieve qi and relieve diarrhea. Nutritional comments: This soup is suitable for the cultivation of people with hot and humid constitution (see red tongue, yellow and greasy moss, easy to dry mouth, heavy body).

In addition, it can also be used in children with diarrhea with the above-mentioned damp and hot manifestations. In addition to eating, there are many health care magic uses of herbs leaves, and the following health care jun recommends 2 kinds of ~

There are also 2 regimens for herbs, so don't miss them

1 soak your feet

(1) When soaking feet, put a few pieces of herbs into the water, which can dehumidify, dispel heat, and prevent colds;

(2) You can also put a medicine bag full of herbs leaves into water, boil on high heat, and then soak your feet after letting it warm. Small reminder: the water temperature should not be too high, at 40 ° C ~ 45 ° C can be, do not need to soak for too long, 20 ~ 30 minutes is appropriate.

From early summer to Sanfu, this "fairy leaf" must not be missed! It is suitable for wetting barley, summering over mung beans, and making tea and boiling porridge

2 To make a sachet, you can also make a sachet with herbs ——

Health recommendation: mosquito repellent and wet sachet

Recipe: 20 g sandalwood, 10 g acacia flowers, 15 g perrin, 10 g patchouli.

Method: After mixing the above several herbs, grind them into powder with small stone mortars or pulverizers; then sew sachets according to personal preferences, round, square, diamond-shaped, or semi-finished cloth sacs can be purchased; then take 10 to 15 grams of prepared herbs to mix powder, put them into cloth sacs, and finally sew and seal them. This sachet has the effect of calming the mind, reducing dampness and strengthening the spleen, inhibiting bacteria and relieving itching.

The pictures in this article are all from One Map Network.

(Health Talk)