
Fish dead and broken? Zhang Haibo spoke again! Make up your mind: Unless I die, the truth will be exposed

author:Xiao Yu said entertainment

Fan Xiaohui and Zhang Haibo Dispute Incident: How to Rationally Look at Internet Disputes and Privacy Protection

Fish dead and broken? Zhang Haibo spoke again! Make up your mind: Unless I die, the truth will be exposed


Fish dead and broken? Zhang Haibo spoke again! Make up your mind: Unless I die, the truth will be exposed

In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet, social media has become an important platform for people to obtain information, express opinions and communicate. As a result, some online disputes and public opinion incidents are often fermented on social media, involving the privacy and personal reputation of the parties involved, bringing great distress and impact to their lives and work. Recently, a dispute involving Fan Xiaohui and Zhang Haibo has caused heated discussions on social media, and the contradictions and disputes between the two have been made public and become the focus of people's attention.

Fish dead and broken? Zhang Haibo spoke again! Make up your mind: Unless I die, the truth will be exposed

First, the beginning and end of the incident

Fish dead and broken? Zhang Haibo spoke again! Make up your mind: Unless I die, the truth will be exposed

1.1 Cause of Dispute

Fish dead and broken? Zhang Haibo spoke again! Make up your mind: Unless I die, the truth will be exposed

On June 16, the dispute between Fan Xiaohui and Zhang Haibo was first exposed on social media. It is reported that Fan Xiaohui is an ordinary housewife, while Zhang Haibo is a policeman, and their identities and occupations seem to have no intersection, but they are involved because of a contradiction and dispute.

1.2 Escalation of Disputes

At first, the contradiction between Fan Xiaohui and Zhang Haibo did not cause heated discussions, but only spread in their circle of friends and social circles. As the incident continued to develop, Zhang Haibo began to post screenshots of chats with Fan Xiaohui on social media, disclosing some of her private information, and even accusing her of engaging in special work, which made Fan Xiaohui feel greatly distressed and aggrieved.

Fish dead and broken? Zhang Haibo spoke again! Make up your mind: Unless I die, the truth will be exposed

1.3 Zhang Haibo's Request

What's even more surprising is that Zhang Haibo directly asked Fan Xiaohui on social media, asking Fan Xiaohui to close his social account and voluntarily give up custody of his children, which undoubtedly brought a great impact and impact on Fan Xiaohui's life and family.

Fish dead and broken? Zhang Haibo spoke again! Make up your mind: Unless I die, the truth will be exposed

1.4 Fan Xiaohui's reaction

In the face of Zhang Haibo's various accusations and demands, Fan Xiaohui chose to remain silent and forbearing, and did not publicly respond to his remarks, nor did she explain and clarify the truth of the incident. For a while, various speculations and comments about the dispute between Fan Xiaohui and Zhang Haibo flooded the Internet, and many netizens expressed concern and sympathy for Fan Xiaohui's experience.

Fish dead and broken? Zhang Haibo spoke again! Make up your mind: Unless I die, the truth will be exposed

Second, the progress of the incident

2.1 Hot discussions among netizens

With the continuous fermentation of the incident, more and more netizens began to pay attention to and discuss the dispute between Fan Xiaohui and Zhang Haibo, and they expressed their opinions and opinions, and also questioned and criticized Zhang Haibo's words and deeds.

Fish dead and broken? Zhang Haibo spoke again! Make up your mind: Unless I die, the truth will be exposed

2.2 Effect of Disputes

Such disputes have undoubtedly had a great impact on Fan Xiaohui's life and psychology, her personal privacy and past experiences have been made public, and she is also facing pressure from public opinion and accusations from others, how to deal with such predicaments and challenges has become the most concerned issue for Fan Xiaohui at present.

Fish dead and broken? Zhang Haibo spoke again! Make up your mind: Unless I die, the truth will be exposed

2.3 Zhang Haibo's attitude

Zhang Haibo's social media account has been updated, and he does not seem to be questioning and criticizing his words and deeds in the unexpected world, but is becoming more and more unscrupulous, and threatens to reveal more truths about Fan Xiaohui, which has also caused him to attract more and more negative comments and accusations on the Internet.

Fish dead and broken? Zhang Haibo spoke again! Make up your mind: Unless I die, the truth will be exposed

2.4 Involvement of Others

In such a dispute, in addition to the parties, there are some other people involved, such as Fan Xiaohui's friends and witnesses, their attitudes and remarks may also have a certain impact on the final outcome of the incident, how to view and understand their roles, and how to protect their legitimate rights and interests is also an issue that needs to be paid attention to.

3. Reflection on the incident

3.1 The Role of Social Media

As an important channel for information dissemination, social media has played an important role in the fermentation of events and the guidance of public opinion, and has also become an important way for parties to express their demands and seek help.

Fish dead and broken? Zhang Haibo spoke again! Make up your mind: Unless I die, the truth will be exposed

3.2 Protection of Personal Privacy

How to better protect personal privacy and information security, and avoid privacy from being maliciously used and disclosed by others, has become a social problem that needs to be solved urgently, and requires the joint efforts of all sectors of society, including relevant departments and social media platforms.

3.3 Rational view of disputes

We need to look at all kinds of remarks and information on the Internet rationally, not easily believe and spread unconfirmed news, let alone personal attacks and abuse of the parties, we should treat the incident with an objective and fair attitude, and also give the parties some necessary understanding and support.

3.4 Importance of Law and Evidence

Whether it involves personal reputation disputes or other legal issues, law and evidence are always an important basis for resolving disputes and disputes, and any words, deeds and actions involving the interests of others need to be carried out under the framework of the law, and also need to have sufficient evidence and basis, and witnesses also play a vital role in this, and need to ensure the authenticity and reliability of their testimony.


Through the analysis and reflection of the dispute between Fan Xiaohui and Zhang Haibo, we can see that online disputes and personal privacy protection have become an issue that needs to be paid attention to and concerned in the current society, and we hope that through such incidents, people can look at online disputes more rationally, and also realize the importance of personal privacy protection, and jointly create a harmonious and rational online social atmosphere, and also hope that the parties can get out of the predicament as soon as possible and get due help and support.