
The national table tennis celebrity will be naturalized in France, rarely sunshine a family of three happy and harmonious, the husband is the national table tennis champion

author:Three crazy balls

Recently, the French table tennis Chinese Yuan Jianan posted a family of three travel photos, from the photos can be seen that the family is quite happy, the most eye-catching of which is Yuan Jianan's husband Chen Tianyuan, who has paid attention to Yuan Jianan, who has paid attention to Yuan Jianan, who knows that the most appears in the camera on weekdays is her and her son, rarely appears in the figure of her husband Chen Tianyuan, in front of the camera can also see that he is a little shy, it seems that he does not like to face the camera, I don't know may also think that Chen Tianyuan is too shy to show his face in public, But in fact, his husband has long been accustomed to facing various cameras, because he was also a famous player in the national table tennis team, and won the championship in the final of the Asian Cup in 2000, but since then, for some reasons, he has traveled to France to play, and thus joined the French nationality.

The national table tennis celebrity will be naturalized in France, rarely sunshine a family of three happy and harmonious, the husband is the national table tennis champion
The national table tennis celebrity will be naturalized in France, rarely sunshine a family of three happy and harmonious, the husband is the national table tennis champion
The national table tennis celebrity will be naturalized in France, rarely sunshine a family of three happy and harmonious, the husband is the national table tennis champion

Now he appeared again in the public occasion, many people said that he did not have much change from that year, is still so handsome, from the photos shared by Yuan Jianan, Chen Tianyuan is wearing a blue shirt, wearing sunglasses side domineering, although he has rarely competed again, but it can be seen that his mental state is still relatively good, and his spirit is very strong.

The national table tennis celebrity will be naturalized in France, rarely sunshine a family of three happy and harmonious, the husband is the national table tennis champion
The national table tennis celebrity will be naturalized in France, rarely sunshine a family of three happy and harmonious, the husband is the national table tennis champion

Yuan Jiannan has been more active recently, in last year's Tokyo Olympic Games, Yuan Jiannan partnered Lebison in the mixed doubles event has been in the semifinals, unanimously optimistic about the expected to win the championship, although the final loss to the Chinese team Liu Shiwen and Xu Xin in the Tokyo Olympic Games, but its table tennis strength can not be underestimated. And the recent Singapore Grand Slam has defeated the hot Ito Mimachi, it is understood that she has only shown her skills in the past year and a half, which can be described as a dark horse breakthrough.

The national table tennis celebrity will be naturalized in France, rarely sunshine a family of three happy and harmonious, the husband is the national table tennis champion
The national table tennis celebrity will be naturalized in France, rarely sunshine a family of three happy and harmonious, the husband is the national table tennis champion

In the face of the nationality problem, many people have expressed that they do not understand why they are not developing well in China, they have to run abroad, in fact, this can not blame her, because she is one of the national table tennis "wolf raising plans", and this plan is not only to allow foreign players to train in China, narrow the gap between players, but also to let some players who have no way to participate in the Olympics in China go out and realize their Olympic dreams, we all know that China's table tennis level is the world's top level, However, every 4 years in the Olympic Games, the athletes who can participate in the Olympic Games are always the best of the best, so that many players with excellent results are buried in the light, resulting in a lifetime of not being able to break into the Olympic Games, and even some opportunities to participate in the competition are very few. Therefore, this is also one of the tactics of the Chinese team, and it also reveals the chinese sportsmanship, that is, if there is no enemy, it is necessary to create an enemy and fight with the enemy in order to hone itself. Although Yuan Jiannan's nationality status may be controversial, the sports and Olympic spirit he transmits reflect the spirit of Chinese sportsmanship.

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