
Healthy diet for the elderly "two or three things"

author:Shenzhen Nanlian Elderly Care Center

Food is the "cornerstone" of maintaining human health, but due to the decline in the desire to eat, the decline in chewing function, indigestion and other characteristics of the elderly, the elderly have become a high incidence of malnutrition. A forward-looking, multi-center dynamic survey included a total of 6638 cases of inpatients in 34 hospitals in 18 cities on the mainland, and the results showed that more than 50% of elderly patients had nutritional risks when they were admitted to the hospital, of which more than 30% had moderate and severe malnutrition, and malnutrition will lead to a decline in the resistance of the elderly, an increase in the risk of infection, and aggravation of pre-existing diseases, which ultimately leads to an increase in mortality, so it is particularly important to choose a reasonable and appropriate dietary nutrition method. So, how should the elderly eat? What to eat? Let's answer them one by one.

Healthy diet for the elderly "two or three things"

Four major guidelines for diet

Four guidelines for healthy eating

1. A small number of small and frequent meals are soft to prevent nutritional deficiencies

The amount of food per meal is appropriate, but not full, and the daily meal is appropriately increased: it is recommended that the elderly adopt the eating method of meal + meal, one is the three-meal two-point system: that is, except for the breakfast, lunch and dinner meals, one additional meal at 9:00 a.m. or about 3:00 p.m.; The other is the three-meal three-point system, that is, on the basis of the three-meal two-point system, a supper is added around 10:00 pm. Foods with meals can choose fruits, yogurt, snacks, oral nutritional supplements and other simple, convenient and easy-to-digest foods.

Improve cooking methods, make soft, easily digestible foods, and choose soft, semi-liquid, or mushy foods for older adults with swallowing disorders.

Preventing nutritional deficiencies, carrying out reasonable nutritional supplements, and cleverly matching ingredients can not only produce foods with unique flavors, but also more comprehensive intake of nutrients. For example, fruits, grains "paste": the texture of the hard fruits and vegetables can be beaten into a paste, grains and grains with a blender into powder, made into rice paste, or with flour to make mixed grain noodles; "Strong and strong" between foods: when making food, a variety of mixtures, such as milk steamed eggs can further increase protein content, porridge with vegetables, meat foam such a meal can be ingested carbohydrates, fiber, protein at the same time.

Healthy diet for the elderly "two or three things"
Healthy diet for the elderly "two or three things"



2. Take the initiative to drink enough water and actively participate in outdoor activities

Take the initiative to drink enough water, timely replenishment of water: the elderly recommend that the daily water intake be at least 1500-1700ml, mainly boiled water or light tea, drink water in small quantities and multiple times, develop the habit of drinking water regularly, and drink more water in the summer and before and after exercise. For the elderly with heart and kidney dysfunction, drinking water needs to be tailored to the specific situation.

Minimize meditation time, active outdoor activities, it is recommended to walk 6000-10000 steps a day, or at least 5 days a week for safe moderate-intensity exercise, each activity time is not less than 10 minutes, the weekly activity time is more than 150 minutes, the exercise method can choose jogging, swimming, gymnastics, dancing, cycling, tennis, badminton, table tennis, croquet, bowling, golf, tai chi, etc.

3. Delay muscle decay and maintain a suitable weight

Muscles are the foundation of good health, and delaying muscle decay is extremely important for maintaining the mobility and health of the elderly. Comprehensive application of nutrition and sports to delay the decline of muscles: 1) increase the intake of high-quality protein, animal food (fish, shrimp, poultry, pigs, beef and mutton, etc.), dairy products, soy products are high-quality protein, it is recommended to eat 50g of livestock meat, fish and shrimp, poultry 50-100g, or drink 300g of fresh milk or equivalent dairy products per day, or 15g of beans per day is about 35g of dried tofu / 220g of soy milk. 2) Eat more marine fish, seaweed and other foods rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. 3) Appropriately increase the intake of foods with high vitamin D content such as animal liver and egg yolk. 4) Increase the intake of dark vegetables and fruits, as well as foods rich in antioxidant nutrients such as legumes.

Healthy diet for the elderly "two or three things"

Weight is a barometer of health, the ideal weight (kg) = height (cm) -105 in the range of ideal weight is normal weight, more than 10% or more than 20% of the ideal weight is excessive or obese, less than 10% or more than 20% of the ideal weight is emaciated and severely wasting, insufficient weight can make the body's resistance decreased, prone to infection, fractures, wound healing slowly, easy to fatigue, and the resistance to cold decreased; Overweight can also lead to chronic diseases (such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, gout, etc.). Emaciated elderly people can gain weight by increasing the number of meals (2-3 times a day to add meals), eating snacks appropriately, and exercising in moderation, while obese elderly people need to control the total energy intake, reduce fat intake, drink less alcoholic beverages, and insist on daily exercise to achieve weight loss. Excessive weight loss is discouraged for overweight and mildly obese older adults, and drastic measures to reduce weight in the short term are not tolerated for obese older adults.

4. Eat enough food and encourage companionship

Fully consider the physiological changes of the elderly and the changes of various environmental factors, meet the needs of the elderly for energy, macro and micronutrients, and ensure the supply of sufficient and various types of food.

By allowing the elderly to eat in a warm environment, eat with their families, eat together, eat together, accompany meals, or make their own food, change food varieties and cooking methods to enjoy meals, in order to enhance appetite, promote digestion and absorption, and thus ensure nutritional needs.

Healthy diet for the elderly "two or three things"