
The "half-dead" entertainment circle almost collapsed an industry

author:Eighth sister said finance

Some time ago, the platform proposed to "reduce costs and increase efficiency", and the maximum publicity fee for limited-price S-class dramas was 3 million. Li Tong sighed that this budget is just the cost level of a web drama that their company received in 2019, but in the past two years, more than 2 million marketing cases in the industry are rare, "The business volume of the entire industry will be reduced by about 10%-30% every year." ”

Wen | Zhuang self-study

Source | Fox Factory Entertainment Observation (ID: huchangyule)

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Some time ago, Fox Factory Entertainment Observation reported on the current situation of Hengdian under the "cost reduction and efficiency increase".

The platform reduced the project at the same time as the price limit, the Hengdian crew reduced by nearly half, the epidemic repeatedly, and many crews ran aground in the start-up plan.

The reduction of film and television projects affects every link in the industrial chain, and as a downstream marketing company, it bears the brunt.

A TV series publicist revealed that in previous years, there were only one or two proposals for hundreds of thousands of cases, and this year there were seven or eight bidding.

An artist publicist helplessly said that some of the artists they served had withdrawn from the circle, some had accidents, and some people could not stand to become Internet celebrities, and their business turnover dropped from 2 million to less than 100,000, and "the artist promotion business was almost stagnant."

An online movie publicist revealed that due to the impact of the platform's change in broadcast rules, the market performance in the first quarter was sluggish, the film source was small, the revenue of the sub-account was not as good as before, and the industry prospects were unclear.

How to survive? it is their primary consideration.


/ Marketing Company Faces /

When it comes to the current situation of companies, different types of marketing companies have different difficulties.

The "half-dead" entertainment circle almost collapsed an industry

▲The picture comes from the Internet

Li Tong's marketing company is designed for the promotion of TV series, and the biggest impact on him this year is the hundreds of thousands of cases that everyone did not look up to in previous years, generally only one or two companies to propose, and this year there are seven or eight companies bidding.

Xiao Man's company mainly does artist marketing, encountered the cold winter of film and television, clear action, the situation is even more tragic, "artist publicity business almost stagnated."

"Many of the artists we have cooperated with before are perennial services, and some artists have withdrawn from the circle, some have had accidents, and some people can't stand to turn to become Internet celebrities, our business is basically gone, and now we are just helping a few small artists to do publicity." Little Man said helplessly to fox factory entertainment observation. "Originally, I talked about a project a few years ago, and I said that I would start it in May, but a few days ago I said that it was postponed."

Wei Dongshi, former CEO of Kuole Culture, revealed that their head office such as Entertainment Culture mainly does the marketing of online movies, affected by the platform's change of broadcast rules, the popularity of the online movie market in the first quarter of this year is not as good as in the past, the new films on the three major platforms are particularly small, and the account sharing situation is not as good as the same period last year.

The "half-dead" entertainment circle almost collapsed an industry

▲Marketing cases of the interviewed companies

The change in broadcast rules has left many creators bottomless, so before the situation was unclear, many filmmakers did not want their films to be on now.

Affected by this, many of Wei Dongshi's publicity projects are in a state of suspension, and the next step cannot be carried out until the project launch time is determined.

"In the first half of last year, we did almost six projects of marketing, but in the first half of this year there were only two, fortunately, there are many projects in reserve, and when it comes to the summer, the situation may be better." Wei Dongshi said to Fox Factory Entertainment Observation.

The "half-dead" entertainment circle almost collapsed an industry

▲Marketing cases of the interviewed companies

Projects are reduced, the revenue of large marketing companies is sharply reduced, and small marketing companies face the test of survival.

"The previous year, our company's operating turnover was about 2 million, last year's 1.5 million, and in the first half of this year, it was less than 100,000 yuan, which simply could not offset our operating costs." Little Man told Fox Factory Entertainment To Watch.

Li Tong's company's revenue has also decreased a lot, "In 2019, the company's operating turnover was more than 40 million, but only about 20 million in these two years." ”

The cold winter of the industry is obvious, in previous years, at this time, there were several big dramas broadcast at the same time, but this year, there were only a few big dramas sporadically, and the others were some small dramas that were silently broadcast.

Some time ago, the platform proposed to "reduce costs and increase efficiency", and the maximum publicity fee for limited-price S-class dramas was 3 million.

Li Tong sighed that this budget is just the cost level of a web drama that their company received in 2019, but in the past two years, more than 2 million marketing cases in the industry are rare, "The business volume of the entire industry will be reduced by about 10%-30% every year." ”

He knows that after this wave of "cost reduction and efficiency increase", many small marketing companies may have more difficulty surviving the winter.


/ Party A who loses money /

The industry is in a cold winter, the platform has come to the step of "reducing costs and increasing efficiency", Li Tong believes that freezing three feet, not a day's cold.

"Party A, which we have cooperated with in recent years, have never seen a money-making one."

Li Tong revealed that there was once a party A produced a drama, but also with the brand side to do advertising bets, as long as the TV series in the advertiser within the time specified by the advertiser, the producer can get millions of brand implantation costs, the reason why the advertiser did this, is worried that the TV series is too late to broadcast, their favorite artists will be angry.

The "half-dead" entertainment circle almost collapsed an industry

▲Marketing cases of the interviewed companies

Who expected that before the broadcast, an actor in the play overturned, resulting in the postponement of the original broadcast time, the producer not only had to pay millions to the advertising party, but also spent millions of dollars to change the face of the actor, back and forth, the drama has not been broadcast, it has lost tens of millions!

"And that's not counting the money the show spends on TV to protect ratings." Li Tong said.

"And now the TV station basically has no money, many TV stations in the past few years to buy big dramas, resulting in serious deficits, now buy dramas can only play with AN IOU, to give will definitely give, but Party A's father's drama has been scheduled for a few years later."

It is also risky to make no money in dramas, resulting in fewer and fewer projects, and most of the rest are platform custom dramas or self-made dramas.

The "half-dead" entertainment circle almost collapsed an industry

▲Marketing cases of the interviewed companies

Ren Kai, a senior film and television publicist in the industry, revealed that many projects in the industry are now subject to the constraints of the platform side, and in the past, it was generally after the drama was filmed, and the platform decided whether to do it or not, and now from the beginning of the project, the platform has participated.

"If a drama does not have the participation of the platform, it may be difficult to sell it in the later stage, or sell at a good price, but if it is involved from the project platform, then what the post-production looks like, the platform will basically pay." Ren Kai said.

The change in this phenomenon has also directly affected the development of marketing companies.

"As a marketing company of Party B, we must not only communicate with the producer, but also listen to the platform's opinions on publicity, although the producer is the main investor, but the platform has a higher voice, so important decisions must listen to the platform." Ren Kai revealed.

"In the past, many marketing companies relied on the drama of the producer, and they lived very moistly, but now they are basically the dramas of the platform side, and many marketing companies on the market are started by people who come out of the platform, and they have formed a stable supply relationship.
The "half-dead" entertainment circle almost collapsed an industry

▲Marketing cases of the interviewed companies

In terms of online movies, after experiencing the initial period of barbaric growth, the video platform has entered the stage of "improving quality and reducing quantity".

Not long ago, iQIYI announced that from April 1, 2022, it will officially upgrade the online movie cooperation model, cancel the online movie grading and sub-account, and upgrade it to two cooperation models: member sub-account and cloud cinema debut.

After changing the previous membership account sharing rules, iQIYI will adjust the "effective VV account" to "time length account" in the future.

The "half-dead" entertainment circle almost collapsed an industry

▲The picture comes from the Internet

Under this change, many B-grade films, C-grade films, and the traffic support given by the platform are correspondingly less, and without the support of traffic, many films are losing money as soon as they go online, and they are naturally screened out in this wave of "quality improvement and reduction".

Such a change is like a domino, first a wave of production companies disappeared, and then some marketing companies also went out of business.


/ Tough Transitions /

In the face of the severe industry situation, no one is waiting to die, they are all seeking to transform and broaden their business lines.

Xiao Man revealed to Fox Factory Entertainment Observation that in addition to doing artist promotion business, their company is now exploring new areas, such as live broadcasting, agencies, and incubation of script projects.

"At present, there are online drama projects that are advancing with the platform, and then there are two film projects, but because the film is partial to the literary and artistic genre, the offline market is sluggish, so everyone is very cautious and not very optimistic."

Li Tong's company, which originally focused on the marketing of TV series, has now tilted its business focus towards the animation industry.

The "half-dead" entertainment circle almost collapsed an industry
"Although anime has less money, it has a long front, and it is not as complicated and tired as a TV series, so we can do the animation promotion in the interval between the promotion of the TV series."

Li Tong said, "There is no way to do this, the company's expenses are large, hundreds of thousands of dollars a month, it is impossible to have no projects for two or three months." ”

For Wei Dongshi, although the online film industry is facing new reforms, for a vertical marketing company like them, every change is both a crisis and an opportunity.

The "half-dead" entertainment circle almost collapsed an industry

▲The picture comes from the Internet

Wei Dongshi said bluntly that from the beginning of the micro-film, to today's network movies, and then to today's online film distribution model, the online film industry has been developing in a good direction, and now the quality is improved and reduced, indicating that the era of making something casually in the past and wanting to be small and broad has passed, and the future is definitely content to win, whose content is more in line with the needs of the market, who can capture the audience's heart.

"When the production of online movies is elevated to a new height, then the marketing resources and expenses that match it will definitely rise to a higher level, so as long as it survives, it will usher in new opportunities."

Although everyone is currently affected a lot, the above-mentioned practitioners have said that the cold winter of the industry is like a big wave of sand testing, and only companies that persist in it can grow together with the industry.