
In 1956, Chairman Mao wrote a handwritten letter, which Chiang read for half an hour

author:A lesson in history

In 1956, China gradually embarked on a period of steady rise from the beginning of a hundred wastes to be revitalized.

This year, Premier Zhou consulted with Chairman Mao with Mr. Zhang Shizhao's idea, and Chairman Mao also felt the possibility that this idea could be implemented and succeeded.

Once successful, it will benefit all the sons and daughters of China.

So Chairman Mao, after personally finalizing the details, began to write letters that had the potential to change the situation in China at that time.

In 1956, Chairman Mao wrote a handwritten letter, which Chiang read for half an hour

In the same year, a letter embodying the ardent hopes of the country's top leaders traveled far and wide.

Under the coincidence of deliberate creation, the messenger knocked on the door of Chiang Kai-shek's mansion on the other side, causing Chiang Kai-shek to be half speechless and stunned for half an hour.

What exactly are Premier Zhou and Chairman Mao discussing? Why did Chiang Kai-shek, who was far away in Taiwan Province, be speechless after seeing this letter?

Send a thousand miles, but ask for peace of mind

In 1956, Mr. Zhang Shizhao, then a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, came to Zhongnanhai to meet with Premier Zhou, and the two talked and laughed, and each of them talked about many ideas and experiences in China's education.

In 1956, Chairman Mao wrote a handwritten letter, which Chiang read for half an hour

Perhaps it was a chance under the coincidence of history, but more importantly, the general environment at that time created the end of the conversation between the two people.

From the moment Chiang Kai-shek went to Taiwan Province of China, questions about cross-strait relations were like a mountain pressing down on the hearts of every patriot.

What's more, the two sitting in the West Flower Hall in Zhongnanhai at this time, Premier Zhou's merits need not be said much, and the number is uncountable, and Mr. Zhang Shizhao is a famous Chinese educator, scholar or member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Toward the end of their conversation, they talked about issues related to Taiwan Province.

During this period, Zhang Shizhao made a proposal to Premier Zhou.

Feeling the rigidity of the current cross-strait relations, he was willing to take advantage of the opportunity to visit his relatives in Taiwan Province to inquire about Chiang Kai-shek's tone of conversation, and then write a report letter and hand it over to the leaders to see.

When Premier Zhou heard this, he was immediately excited.

After the two talked, Premier Zhou found Chairman Mao, and the scene at the beginning of the article appeared.

In 1956, Chairman Mao wrote a handwritten letter, which Chiang read for half an hour

Premier Zhou went to Chairman Mao to discuss the ideas put forward by Zhang Shizhao to see if they were feasible.

Who knew that after Chairman Mao listened to the story, he immediately felt that it was feasible.

In the end, it turned out that Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou were adding icing on the cake to the idea, directly eliminating some hidden dangers or unattainable aspects until it became a plan that really stood up to scrutiny.

In fact, the reason why Chairman Mao was interested in this matter was, on the one hand, that he hoped to be able to take a big step forward on the road to the peaceful recovery of Taiwan Province. Second, in order to restrict and suppress China, the United States deliberately created the so-called "two Chinas" speech in an attempt to split China.

On the Taiwan issue, both the KMT and the CPC have tacitly agreed to smash this malicious conspiracy together.

Chairman Mao has publicly expressed his support for Chiang Kai-shek as "president," and it has to be said that Zhang Shizhao's proposal is unimaginably coincidental.

The point is that if it succeeds, the impact on China will be very large.

The two leaders first thought that the news that came after inquiring was not very effective, and it took too long to come and go.

In 1956, Chairman Mao wrote a handwritten letter, which Chiang read for half an hour

Chairman Mao then decided to personally write a letter and pass it on to Chiang Kai-shek through the hands of others, and then ask the messenger to convey to him his side the words after Chiang Kai-shek had read the letter.

At first, the suitable candidate was Mr. Zhang Shizhao, the proposer of the idea, but Chairman Mao thought about it for a moment and quickly rejected it.

After all, Zhang Shizhao's identity is a bit sensitive, and as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, when he arrives in Taiwan Province, he can't even see Chiang Kai-shek's face, let alone hand over Chairman Mao's handwritten letter to Chiang Kai-shek to read.

After thinking about it for a long time, Chairman Mao finally decided to find an intermediary between Zhang Shizhao and Chiang Kai-shek, and that person would send the letter, which could not only see and hand the letter to Chiang Kai-shek, but also make the Chinese mainland feel that the news he had sent back was credible.

Not long after, the messenger was selected, his name was Xu Xiaoyan, and he was Zhang Shizhao's compatriot. The two people have known each other since childhood and have long become friends.

Chairman Mao also knew and understood Xu Xiaoyan and thought that this person was the perfect candidate to do this.

The people were selected, and Chairman Mao immediately wrote a letter.

In 1956, Chairman Mao wrote a handwritten letter, which Chiang read for half an hour

In the letter, he spoke earnestly. Standing on the national righteousness and talking with Dun Dun, but also putting himself in the other's shoes, even though Chiang Kai-shek was defeated and went to Taiwan Province of China, he was still a member of the Chinese mainland.

Chairman Mao sincerely invited Chiang Kai-shek to come and see what Chinese mainland look like today, even if he stayed on Treasure Island to build it better, he would still be a foreigner.

At the end of the letter, Chairman Mao also said a sentence: "The tomb of Fenghua is still there, and the flowers and grass of Xikou are unharmed," to the effect of telling Chiang Kai-shek that his former residence and ancestral tomb are now safe and sound.

Then he advised Chiang Kai-shek from the general situation that the motherland was bound to be reunified, so why not make efforts at this time to speed up the process of reunification.

This was the voice of Chairman Mao, or perhaps every chinese at that time.

Once the touching letter was written, it was handed over to Zhang Shizhao, who then sent it to Xu Xiaoyan.

At that time, Xu Xiaoyan was in Hong Kong, China, and when he learned of the seriousness of the matter, he immediately left for Taiwan.

Xu Xiaoyan clearly knew that this might be a letter delivery process that could go down in history, and he did not dare to be sloppy.

There are obstacles to Taiwan's return

After arriving in Taiwan Province of China, after several rounds of travel, he finally got Chiang Kai-shek to agree to meet him.

Therefore, Xu Xiaoyan, who shouldered the ardent expectations of many people, met Chiang Kai-shek at the Shilin Official Residence in Taipei.

In 1956, Chairman Mao wrote a handwritten letter, which Chiang read for half an hour

Chiang Kai-shek

Fearing that there would be an accident in the middle of the way, Xu Xiaoyan only knew about the letter. Therefore, when Xu Xiaoyan solemnly took out the letter, Chiang Kai-shek was full of shock.

Chiang Kai-shek, who had read the letter, was stunned for a long time, and after sending Xu Xiaoyan away, he thought about it for a long time.

The things written in the letter almost resolved the current concerns of Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang Kai-shek wanted to see the realization of one China, and the first shelling of Kinmen by the People's Liberation Army also made him see the determination of the Communist leaders.

Perhaps at this moment he really wanted to contribute to the peaceful recovery of Taiwan Province, because soon after, Chinese mainland welcomed a special guest, Cao Juren.

In 1956, Chairman Mao wrote a handwritten letter, which Chiang read for half an hour

However, this old man who was close to the age of ancient rarity finally suppressed his inner hundred turns and sent Xu Xiaoyan away with the four words "you have worked hard".

Probably he realized that he was really old, and now Taiwan Province was even more defeated by the invasion of the United States, and the people's hearts were scattered, and he was powerless to change.

Xu Xiaoyan, who came out of Chiang Kai-shek's mansion, did not delay, compiled his observations in Taiwan Province into a letter and sent it back to Beijing, and this was the real end of the matter.

Later, both sides consciously did not mention this letter, but it is a pity that Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou's heart of fist and fist for China's peaceful construction, after thousands of miles of sincerity, in exchange for the result of a mud cow into the sea!

The special guest Cao Juren who came to the mainland earlier was actually a special envoy of the Kuomintang Chiang Kai-shek's father and son, and Chiang Kai-shek told him to "find out the true intentions of the mainland." ”

In 1956, Chairman Mao wrote a handwritten letter, which Chiang read for half an hour

This was a compromise made by Chiang Kai-shek after the shelling of Kinmen, and he wanted Cao Juren to act as an intermediary to convey news about the third cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communists.

Because of Cao Juren's communication, the two sides have become more and more closely linked.

The two sides made long-term representations on the peaceful settlement of the issue of Taiwan Province, Chairman Mao's premise was that Taiwan return to the motherland and not be involved with the Americans, and in the end Chiang Kai-shek also began to believe what Chairman Mao said and had a strong willingness to negotiate with Chairman Mao.

By the time things developed in 1965, the results of the negotiations gradually appeared, which was beneficial to both parties.

Chairman Mao personally refined and revised the "one program and four items" mentioned in the previous letter to Chiang Kai-shek, so that Chiang Kai-shek could more clearly see the sincerity of the CPC.

1. Chiang Kai-shek could return to his hometown in Zhejiang to recuperate, but he was still the "president" of the Kuomintang.

2. Chiang Ching-kuo is the governor of Taiwan Province, which has a high degree of autonomy in addition to diplomatic and military powers.

3. If Taiwan Province encounters financial difficulties, the central government is its strong backing, and the United States has provided a lot of support before, and the central government will receive a lot of subsidies.

4. The Taiwan side needs to surrender the command of the air force and navy, which will be dispatched by the central authorities.

In addition, the Kuomintang Army was downsized into 4 divisions, one of which was stationed in the Kinmen area and the rest in Taiwan Province.

In 1956, Chairman Mao wrote a handwritten letter, which Chiang read for half an hour

Xiamen and Kinmen merged as a buffer and liaison area between the two sides of the strait, and the mayor was the division commander stationed here.

With regard to the appointment of the division commander, the Taiwan side must apply to the Central Committee and obtain the consent of the Central Committee before issuing a transfer order.

The ranks and salaries of the current Kuomintang officials remained unchanged, and the central government promised that the living standards of the locals would not be reduced, but only improved.

Chairman Mao's proposal was acceptable to Chiang Kai-shek and very satisfied.

But because of some special historical moments, this connection of negotiations and negotiations dissipated after 1966, and Chiang Kai-shek was once again full of doubts about Chinese mainland, adding several twists and turns to the return of Taiwan Province.

Set the fox to keep the geese

In 1949, the War of Liberation led by the Communist Party of China won a comprehensive victory, and the remnants of the Kuomintang fled to Taiwan Province with the intention of one day counterattacking the mainland.

Chairman Mao did not want the opportunity for China's reunification to slip away in vain, and let the army step up its pursuit while thinking of a battle plan to land on Taiwan, but it was trapped in the continuous conquest of the country at that time, the people's livelihood could not be guaranteed, and the civil war in Korea next door had a tendency to spread to the Chinese border.

In 1956, Chairman Mao wrote a handwritten letter, which Chiang read for half an hour

Chairman Mao

South Korea, which is on the verge of extinction, crossed the 38th Line with the support of the United States, posing a serious threat to the mainland's border security.

Under the consideration of national security, China sent troops to support North Korea, sending several major defeats to the invincible US military, forcing the US military to retreat to the 38th line.

This incident disgraced the United States, and when it came back to god, it turned its attention to Taiwan Province and gave military and economic assistance to the Kuomintang.

This hegemonic country does not want to see China stronger and poses a threat to itself.

Therefore, while aiding Taiwan Province, the United States has stirred up dissension and deliberately created a "two-China" conspiracy.

Fortunately, the leaders of the two sides of the strait at that time had an insurmountable bottom line on the principled issue of "one China" and were able to resolve this crisis.

In 1956, Chairman Mao wrote a handwritten letter, which Chiang read for half an hour

However, the "one China" in the KmT's heart is to counterattack back to the mainland on its own, and it is the "one China" under the leadership of the KmT.

The Americans grasped their minds and used hegemonism to delay the pace of China's reunification.

With the support of the Americans behind them, the Kuomintang continued to provoke and create incidents along the coast.

In order to deter Chiang Kai-shek, in early 1953, the Fujian front artillery of the People's Liberation Army continued to shell the Kuomintang troops in the Kinmen and Matsu areas;

On September 3, 1954, on the orders of the Central Military Commission, the People's Liberation Army once again carried out a large-scale punitive shelling of Kinmen, destroying many enemy artillery positions and sinking and injuring many ships.

On September 22, the People's Liberation Army shelled Kinmen again.

With the sound of extremely loud cannons, it was announced to the world that Taiwan is a province belonging to China.

In 1956, Chairman Mao wrote a handwritten letter, which Chiang read for half an hour

The mainland's courage to speak out and prove it to the world has enabled the KMT on the other side to understand that the CPC leader's ambition for Taiwan Province is bound to win, and its internal transition from resolute resistance to compromise has slowly changed.

In 1956, the mainland leaders gradually changed their policy of recovering Taiwan Province by force and began to show goodwill to the Kuomintang villains, hoping to communicate with the Kuomintang.

The letters brought by Xu Xiaoyan, who were not far away, began, but the results were not satisfactory.

In 1958, the Kuomintang once again confided in the United States, so the mainland began a second round of shelling kinmen.

In 1956, Chairman Mao wrote a handwritten letter, which Chiang read for half an hour

Since then, the international situation has been mysterious, and cross-strait relations have been circulating between tension, stability, and relaxation.

Looking back now, if there had been no interference from external forces at that time, the most elusive thing was that people's hearts were in trouble, and perhaps the two sides of the strait would have been reunified long ago, and like Macao and Hong Kong, they would have developed together with the mainland of the motherland and showed a thriving posture.

The letter brought by Xu Xiaoyan did not play a huge role in the imagination, but it inevitably evoked the homesickness of the elderly Chiang Kai-shek.

When Chiang Kai-shek came to power in his later years, even if Taiwan Province was slow to recover, the problem of putting the stage on the table was quite clear.

He turned from initial reluctance to helplessness, and even sent envoys inland to see if the ancestral graves and family homes were really intact as Chairman Mao said.

As for Lushan, where Chiang Kai-shek had stayed for 13 years, the special envoy even had Chairman Mao's personal guarantee: If the Kuomintang and the Communists cooperate for the third time and Chiang Kai-shek returns to the mainland, Lushan can be used as a place for Chiang Kai-shek to retire.

In 1956, Chairman Mao wrote a handwritten letter, which Chiang read for half an hour

After receiving the envoy's affirmative answer, the old man's homesickness suddenly arose, and perhaps he really thought about completing the reunification of the motherland in his own hands, as long as the central government could promise him enough autonomy.

In 1975, chiang kai-shek, who was in his twilight years, remembered what Chairman Mao had done, was greatly moved and shocked, and wanted to ask Chairman Mao to go to Taiwan to discuss the issue of return.

At that time, Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou were already seriously ill and inconvenient to travel far, and finally the two sides communicated that Deng Xiaoping would replace Chairman Mao in traveling to Taiwan.

All plans could never catch up with the changes, and not long after the return of the envoys sent to the mainland, Chiang Kai-shek died of illness.

In 1956, Chairman Mao wrote a handwritten letter, which Chiang read for half an hour

In his heart, the idea of the reunification of the motherland could only come to an abrupt end, and the efforts made by the Communist Party of China in the early days and the favorable conditions promised for the great cause of reunification no longer existed at this time.

After Chiang Kai-shek's death, Taiwan's leaders changed rapidly, negotiations on peaceful reunification between the two sides of the strait have been postponed again and again, and everyone has their own small calculations, hoping to maximize their own interests.

But I didn't want to think about how sacred it was for me to try my best to bring about the return of Taiwan Province as a Chinese.

In fact, when we march mercilessly along the wheel of history, we will find that the KmT, in the time when it can decide on Taiwan's affairs on its own, has gone from its original refusal to cooperate to its later vacillation, and only when it is determined to contribute to the great cause of the reunification of the motherland will it realize in hindsight that it is no longer the person in power and does not have so much ability to control Taiwan.

In 1956, Chairman Mao wrote a handwritten letter, which Chiang read for half an hour

The opportunities of the times were fleeting, and they could not grasp the situation at that time, and now the KMT side can only watch the DPP, which is backed by the United States, bark wildly.

What's more, in order to wrestle with the DPP, the KMT has reconciled with the Chinese mainland.

The Central Committee maintains the idea and principle of peaceful recovery, one China, and provides as much assistance as possible within its capacity.

Helplessly, the whip is beyond reach, and some things still need to be resolved and digested internally by Taiwan itself.

If you had known this, why would you have done so in the first place?

Honestly become an autonomous region, follow the footsteps of the mainland together, and why send people under the fence now and act in people's eyes.

Afterwards, even if the tentacles of the United States are extended, the two sides of the strait have been completely reunified, where does an outsider of the US imperialist empire have any qualifications to point fingers and feet from the side?


As mentioned earlier, all historical coincidences have their inevitability.

If Chiang Kai-shek, after reading the letter, was moved by the sincerity of Chairman Mao's letter, put aside his mustard and prejudices, and the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China, as Chairman Mao said in the letter, had a third cooperation, then together with Hong Kong and Macao, which were later returned to the motherland, China's great reunification over the past hundred years would have been realized.

In 1956, Chairman Mao wrote a handwritten letter, which Chiang read for half an hour

As Chinese people, we clearly know that the motherland will definitely be reunified, but it is only a matter of time.

However, who does not want to see the "one China" rhetoric reach the international level without any objection in their lifetime, and who does not want to witness this change left over from history?

Like the ancestors of the People's Liberation Army who saw the liberation of the whole country with their own eyes, they are eagerly looking forward to the return of Taiwan.

With regard to the "Taiwan issue," each generation has the task of each generation, and successive leaders of the Chinese mainland have proceeded from the actual situation and fulfilled their responsibilities on the issue of recovering Taiwan.

At the same time, the ties between the mainland and Taiwan's Kuomintang have also become closer and closer.

Ranking seventh in the world in terms of comprehensive national strength, it has the courage to say no to the imposition of intervention by any country, and the speed of China's current take-off has made the world look sideways, even enough to break the wrist with the United States, the black hand behind the "Taiwan issue."

Sooner or later, the reactionary rhetoric of "Taiwan independence" will completely disappear in Taiwan Province, and China should have completed reunification.

The Chinese people also firmly believe that this day will not be too long!

Reference: China News Network" Chiang Kai-shek secretly invited Chairman Mao to visit Taiwan in his later years and then interrupted communication due to his death.

CNKI "The Conspiracy of the Two Chinas"