
Who will win the man-ant war? Chengdu Jintang No.1 Park is suspected of being invaded by red fire ants

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Yang Bo photo report

Recently, a group of "uninvited guests" broke into the lawn of a park in Jintang County, Chengdu, encountered the "invasion" of red fire ants of exotic species, and seized the park with citizens, and the "human ant war" was about to start.

On September 24, the cover news came to the incident park, before the netizens reported that a large number of red fire ants have almost "died and injured", according to the staff of the Huaizhou New Town Management Committee, they used insecticides in the early stage of the discovery of the ant situation, but the effect was minimal. Soon, a professional ant extermination team was found, and the stage results have been achieved.

Who will win the man-ant war? Chengdu Jintang No.1 Park is suspected of being invaded by red fire ants
Who will win the man-ant war? Chengdu Jintang No.1 Park is suspected of being invaded by red fire ants


More than a dozen nests were found on the lawn

At 3 p.m. on September 24, the reporter came to an open park on Huaian Road in Jintang County, there was no guardrail around it, and many citizens passed through the park lawn. On the lawn, the reporter found more than a dozen ant nests, walked into each ant nest and saw that each ant nest was sprinkled with ant exterminators, and the surface could hardly see the ants, only a few ants crawling outside the nest.

"We also heard about red ants in the park lawn." Nearby residents said they had not heard of anyone being bitten, and recently the staff had been spraying drugs, which should have been used to remove ants.

The reporter then visited several shops around the park, and the owner said that he usually did not go to the lawn much, but he also heard the news that red ants "invaded" the park on the Internet, "Some people say that if you step on it with your feet, you will definitely not be able to finish stepping on it, and you have to take medicine to eliminate it." ”

Who will win the man-ant war? Chengdu Jintang No.1 Park is suspected of being invaded by red fire ants

The local governing committee responded

The two wars of ants also invited relevant professional institutions from Guangzhou to exterminate ants

At 4 p.m. on the same day, the reporter came to the Huaizhou New Town Management Committee. According to a staff member of the Urban Comprehensive Management Department, more than ten days ago, the park management workers found that there were ant nests on the lawn, and after the ant situation occurred, they reported the situation to the relevant departments and used general ant extermination agents. "The ant-killing effect is not obvious, and the number of ants gradually increases later."

Before the Mid-Autumn Festival, relevant professional institutions were also invited from Guangzhou to spray the entire lawn through drones, and for the ant nest, point-to-point medication was carried out, and the current treatment effect was obvious.

Regarding whether the red fire ants appeared on the lawn of the park, the staff responded that the experts judged the high degree of suspicion of red fire ants with the naked eye, but ultimately needed to be determined by the relevant departments. As for whether the ants affected the lives of the surrounding residents, he said that not a single complaint was received and no residents were bitten by ants.

Who will win the man-ant war? Chengdu Jintang No.1 Park is suspected of being invaded by red fire ants
Who will win the man-ant war? Chengdu Jintang No.1 Park is suspected of being invaded by red fire ants

Accidentally bitten by a red fire ant

Experts teach you to handle it this way

In the afternoon of the same day, the reporter sent the pictures taken at the scene to Zhao Li, director of the Huaxi Entomological Museum, for identification. "This is the red fire ant, and the nest is obvious." Director Zhao said that the biggest feature of the red fire ant nest is a small mound of finely broken soil particles with a height of 10 to 30 cm and a diameter of about 30 to 50 cm, with a beehive-like surface, and there are many such red ants in and out. Although there are some similar ants with this characteristic, only red fire ants in Chengdu will build such nests. He introduced that there are many ways to control red fire ants, such as spraying touch pesticides, releasing low-toxic agents, and boiling water to water the nest.

What if citizens are accidentally bitten by red fire ant ants? Director Zhao suggested that the bitten affected part should be washed with soap and water as soon as possible, and ice treatment can be carried out, and the affected part can generally be applied to steroid-containing ointments such as Skin Relax Ointment, Dermatitis Ping, and Skin Kang Cream; Try to avoid scratching the affected area and avoid pus bursting to prevent secondary infection of the wound. If multiple areas are injured or have systemic symptoms, or allergies, you must go to the hospital immediately. "Popularize relevant knowledge in areas where ants are active and strengthen people's awareness of prevention."

Who will win the man-ant war? Chengdu Jintang No.1 Park is suspected of being invaded by red fire ants

What is a red fire ant?

The Latin scientific name of the red fire ant is Solenopsis invicta Buren, which means "invincible" ant, which will burn after being stung by it, and is named because it is difficult to control. Native to South America, although it was only officially named in 1972, the red fire ant invaded the United States in the 1930s and 1940s or earlier, rapidly invading many countries and regions after 2001. At present, it has invaded 12 provinces such as Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Yunnan, Hainan Island, Taiwan and Jiangxi in China, and has also been found in Panzhihua City, Yanbian County, Liangshan Prefecture and Xichang City in Sichuan, and is one of the most destructive invasive organisms listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Red fire ants affect the health and quality of life of people in invasive areas, damage public facilities and electronic instruments, and cause financial losses in communications, medical treatment and pest control. Once the nest is disturbed, the red fire ant quickly leaves the nest and issues a strong aggressive behavior. The body is burned with fire after being stung by a red fire ant, and blisters like burns may appear afterwards. Most people only feel pain and discomfort, and a small number of people are allergic to the venom proteins in the venom, which will produce anaphylactic shock and risk death. In addition, it will also bring serious ecological disasters to the invaded lands, and is the enemy of biodiversity conservation and agricultural production.

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