
The South China Genetic Engineering Mouse Resource Sharing Platform was launched, and major projects were added to the South China Sea

author:South Plus client

In the Guangdong biomedical industry base in the South China genetic engineering mouse resource sharing platform, the decoration work has been basically completed, the cages and cage washing machines for on-site mouse breeding have been prepared, and the industrialization base is being designed in an intensive manner.

On September 25, the largest and most technologically advanced South China genetic engineering mouse resource sharing platform in South China was officially launched. "I hope that in the future, we can start from the production base to the R&D base and form R&D characteristics, so as to grow into a listed company." Gao Xiang, chairman of Guangdong Yaokang Biotechnology Co., Ltd., said.

South China Genetic Engineering Mouse Resource Sharing Platform is jointly built by the People's Government of Nanhai District of Foshan City and Jiangsu Jicui Yaokang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jicui Yaokang Company"), aiming to build a strategic resource center for genetic engineering mouse disease model in Guangdong Province. "This is a great joy for the development of the biomedical industry in the South China Sea." Gu Yaohui, mayor of Nanhai District, said.

The South China Genetic Engineering Mouse Resource Sharing Platform was launched, and major projects were added to the South China Sea

Appearance of South China Genetic Engineering Mouse Resource Sharing Platform.

There are currently more than 14,000 mouse strains

As the core tool of biomedical research and development, laboratory animals are strategic scientific and technological resources to ensure medical research and drug development. On October 10, 2019, Nanhai and Professor Gao Xiang's team formally reached a cooperation agreement to invest in the construction of the "South China Genetic Engineering Mouse Resource Sharing Platform" in the South China Sea.

"In the past year, the two sides have shown the greatest sincerity, worked hard to overcome the impact of the epidemic, and went all out to complete the decoration and construction of the platform, and are working intensively to design the industrialization base." Gu Yaohui said that the successful launch of the project is an important result of the previous efforts, which will surely effectively promote the development of medical undertakings in the South China Sea and become a powerful engine for the innovation and development of the biomedical industry in the South China Sea.

It is reported that the South China Genetic Engineering Mouse Resource Sharing Platform will introduce core technologies, common key technologies and major strategic forward-looking technology innovation teams, forming a landmark international window for the research and development and cooperation of laboratory animals in Guangdong Province, and providing important support for innovation and creation in the fields of life sciences, clinical medicine, and new drug research and development.

The South China Genetic Engineering Mouse Resource Sharing Platform was launched, and major projects were added to the South China Sea

Cage washer for breeding mice.

"We currently have more than 14,000 mouse strains, including a variety of disease models, humanized, and will then back up and produce the existing system in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area." Gao Xiang said that this year has tens of millions of orders, and strive for more than 100 million yuan next year, and then Guangdong Yaokang is also planning to build a 40-acre industrial park in Shishan.

The South China Genetic Engineering Mouse Resource Sharing Platform was launched, and major projects were added to the South China Sea

Mice of different strains.

Build a biomedical innovation platform and an industrialization benchmarking project

The biomedical industry is an important part of the South China Sea to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system of "two highs and four new". After years of layout, the biomedical industry in the South China Sea has gradually developed into one of the pillar industries in the whole region, gathering carrier platforms such as Guangdong (Nanhai) Biomedical Industrialization Base and Life and Health Town, and cultivating a number of local biomedical leading enterprises such as Yifang Pharmaceutical and Lily Medical.

It is reported that at present, there are about 440 biomedical enterprises in the South China Sea, covering the three major fields of traditional Chinese medicine modernization, high-tech medical devices and new pharmaceutical preparations, and the biomedical industry has shown a trend of agglomeration and development.

In the prevention and control of the epidemic, the development results of the biopharmaceutical and health industry in the South China Sea have been strongly proved, and a number of anti-epidemic star enterprises such as Kang Defu, Yifang Pharmaceutical, Yusheng and Jingxing have emerged, making important contributions to the national production of anti-epidemic materials. The popularity of the South China Sea has thus increased significantly, attracting a number of large projects such as the Nanshan Health Science and Technology Park co-built by the team of academician Zhong Nanshan to settle in, attracting investment to achieve high growth, and introducing 8 projects with an investment amount of more than 1 billion yuan from January to August, with a total investment of 30.17 billion yuan, exceeding the annual target task.

The "South China Genetic Engineering Mouse Resource Sharing Platform" is an important project for the layout of the biomedical industry in the South China Sea. Gu Yaohui hopes that the project team can build the platform into an important innovation platform and industrialization benchmark project for the development of biomedicine in South China. "Next, Nanhai will continue to vigorously support the project team to carry out its work as always, and escort the platform operation and the construction of the industrialization base." Gu Yaohui said.

[Writing/Photography] Southern Daily reporter Li Huijun

【Author】 Li Huijun

【Source】 Southern Press Media Group South + client

Source: South+ - Create more value

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