
Wu Qiong's refusal to sing for Ma Lan and Yang Jun has nothing to do with the awakening of personal consciousness

author:Cheng Yongchi, 28 years old

Some time ago, Wu Qiong commented on the current development of Huangmei opera, to the effect that it is a state of immortality and inactivity, and Huangmei opera is better than death. Her out-of-the-box remarks were reprimanded by people who loved Huangmei opera, and everyone thought that Wu Qiong, who left across borders as soon as she became famous and returned to Huangmei opera after nothing was accomplished decades, did not say anything about Huangmei opera and people who had worked hard for Huangmei opera for decades.

Wu Qiong's refusal to sing for Ma Lan and Yang Jun has nothing to do with the awakening of personal consciousness

This topic, netizens discussed for a period of time, there is no conclusion, but people slowly turn the topic to Wu Qiong's refusal to sing this famous incident.

In the 1980s, Anhui filmed the movie "Yan Fengying" and the movie "Meng JiangNu", and at that time, Ma Lan and Yang Jun starred in these two films. In order to highlight the effect of the vocal part, the leadership decided that Wu Qiong would sing for Ma Lan and Yang Jun. What the leadership did not expect was that Wu Qiong brazenly refused the leader's arrangement, and soon after she left the province and sang popular songs across the border.

Wu Qiong's refusal to sing for Ma Lan and Yang Jun has nothing to do with the awakening of personal consciousness

When commenting on this matter, some people who returned from studying abroad flaunted Wu Qiong with the title of "the first person to awaken China's personal consciousness", believing that Wu Qiong was a great fighter who resisted unreasonable organizational arrangements and defended personal rights and interests.

I was dumbfounded when I read these comments! I would like to tell these friends who often evaluate Chinese and things in terms of Western values that value individual rights over collective interests, that China is not western, and Chinese is not a Westerner.

Wu Qiong is a famous actor cultivated by the organization, it is the organization and the people who have cultivated her, it is the organization and the people who have given her honor, and when the country's cultural undertakings require her to play the role of a supporting singer, pleasant acceptance is the normal performance. However, Wu Qiong blatantly refused to organize arrangements because of her personal interests, which was a loss of a basic sense of responsibility for the country's cultural undertakings.

Don't say that in the eighties, even now, a few years ago, the country filmed movies such as "The Great Cause of Building the Country" and "The Great Cause of Building the Party", so many first-line actors with zero remuneration to play the role of the dragon set in the movie with only one shot and one line, for so many seconds, they are always ready and waiting for the call of the crew.

Wu Qiong's refusal to sing for Ma Lan and Yang Jun has nothing to do with the awakening of personal consciousness

Patriotism is always higher than individualism, and the cultural undertakings of the country are always higher than personal interests. Moreover, the leader at that time also said that the next part would arrange For Wu Qiong to star, and other first-line actors would sing for her.

Now wu qiong, who has failed across the border, has opened a live broadcast and brought goods as a Huangmei opera actor, which is her right and freedom, and no one has the right to say anything, but since she refused to sing this matter at that time, it should be evaluated from our social system and values, and the Western set of personal more important than national thinking should not become the mainstream public opinion.

When Ma Lan, Yang Jun and Han Zaifen, who have always adhered to the ideal and career of Huangmei opera, became artists respected by everyone, when Wu Meilian and other young people grew up to pick up the girder on the stage, Wu Qiong returned to Huangmei opera and engaged in personal special performances without achieving anything on the pop song stage, but her singing voice and stage performance have been completely destroyed by herself. At this time, Wu Qiong wanted to ring the death knell for Huang Mei's play, and the people did not agree!

I would like to tell Han Zaifen, Wu Meilian and other Huangmei opera actors who have always adhered to the stage to promote national culture, and your persistence has enabled the inheritance of national culture, and the people thank you!

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