
5 years, higher vocational counterattack graduate students! Wang Wuqiong, you are amazing!

author:Nine Faction Express

[Source: Nantong Daily]

Five-year higher vocational graduate

Bachelor's degree in bachelor's degree

and then to be admitted to graduate school

On the 16th, Nantong Vocational College of Science and Technology

Class of 2024 at the commencement ceremony

Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, majoring in landscape engineering

Graduate Wang Wuqiong

Spoke as a representative

5 years, higher vocational counterattack graduate students! Wang Wuqiong, you are amazing!

Looking back on the past five years

She said emotionally

"This road to counterattack is full of ups and downs

It shines with the light of perseverance and struggle"

Wang Wuqiong was born in a quiet small village in Rugao

Witnessed parents every day since childhood

From early morning toiling till late at night

Look at the parents' faces and hands

Sharpened out of the traces of time

She made up her mind

We must change the status quo through our own efforts

5 years, higher vocational counterattack graduate students! Wang Wuqiong, you are amazing!

In 2019, Wang Wuqiong was a few points behind in the high school entrance examination

Failure to enroll in high school

Entered Nantong Vocational College of Science and Technology

The failure of the high school entrance examination and the discomfort of entering the school for the first time

At one point, she was at a loss

After getting the first semester midterm exams

Not ideal after the results

Head teacher Yan Xiaoli

I deliberately talked to her for a long time

"Don't fail an exam or two

And self-pity and even "rotten"

Being young means a myriad of possibilities

The future is in your own hands

Cherish the time and have the courage to try"

5 years, higher vocational counterattack graduate students! Wang Wuqiong, you are amazing!

After a semester of hard work

She was first in her major

He won the first-class scholarship for outstanding students of the school

5 years, higher vocational counterattack graduate students! Wang Wuqiong, you are amazing!

In the days to come

Wang Wuqiong studied hard

With excellent results, it is firmly in the forefront of the profession

He has won school-level scholarships for consecutive years

"Three Good Students", "Three Good Student Pacesetters" and many other honors

He also represented his class in the House Debate Tournament

and won awards

Entering her senior year, Wang Wuqiong was faced with a choice

It is to take a college diploma to go to the society to work hard

Or do you want to go on to further your education?

When she was struggling, she learned from the head teacher

You can apply for the school and Nanjing Forestry University

This is a joint specialization

Wang Wuqiong chose to go on to higher education without hesitation

completed the first counterattack in life

5 years, higher vocational counterattack graduate students! Wang Wuqiong, you are amazing!

In order to better study professional courses and undergraduate courses

Wang Wuqiong has developed the habit of making a study plan every day

In class, she always sits in the front row of the classroom

Listen attentively

After class, she completed her homework carefully

If you encounter any problems, ask the teacher for advice in time

Free time, library and study room

It's where she frequents the most

Baht accumulates, and the day will be

In the persistence day after day

Wang Wuqiong found that her goals were becoming clearer

The dream in my heart is also becoming more and more determined

If you can be admitted to the graduate school of plant protection

I can continue to work in the field of agronomy that I love

There will also be more options for future careers

5 years, higher vocational counterattack graduate students! Wang Wuqiong, you are amazing!

However, there are never professional courses that have been studied

English with increasing difficulty, politics with a lot of memory


The "roadblock" in front of him made Wang Wuqiong a little hesitant

In the professional class teacher Zhou Xiaolin

When talking about the concerns in your heart

Teacher Zhou encouraged her

"Actually, a lot of things are not as difficult as you think

You haven't tried it yet, how do you know you can't"

A father who has always been a man of few words

I also said it to her on the phone

"Go give it a try, Mom and Dad believe you can"

5 years, higher vocational counterattack graduate students! Wang Wuqiong, you are amazing!

Starting in May 2023

Wang Wuqiong officially entered the state of "preparation" for the whole day

Erased all games and short video software on your phone

Slowly adjust the study time of each day to:


and 19:30-23:30

Almost "glued" to the seat

Immerse yourself in the sea of books, memorize, take notes, and brush up on questions

5 years, higher vocational counterattack graduate students! Wang Wuqiong, you are amazing!

Hard work pays off

Wang Wuqiong went ashore as soon as he was examined

Admitted as:

Anhui University of Science and Technology, majoring in resource utilization and plant protection


5 years, higher vocational counterattack graduate students! Wang Wuqiong, you are amazing!

Over the mountains, we finally reach a better future

Wang Wuqiong encouraged the younger students

"Yesterday's things can't be changed, tomorrow's things can still be traced

Failure in the moment does not determine the rest of life

As long as you decide to start, it's never too late

Go and chase the sunshine and dreams in your heart bravely! ”


Wang Wuqiong, the future is promising!

Written by: Gao Yang, an all-media reporter from the Southern Newspaper Industry

Photo: Courtesy of the interviewee

Editor: Zhang Mengmeng

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