
Have you been deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"? After the age of 60, how long should the best time to sleep?

author:Dr. Ying talks about health

Sleep is the premise of maintaining good health, about 1/3 of a person's life is spent in sleep, reasonable adjustment of work and rest, regular sleep is more beneficial to physical health. #爱乐养生 #

People often say: medicine is not as good as food supplements, food supplements are not as good as sleep, it can be seen that sleep is the first in the world, the quality of sleep can eliminate fatigue and protect the brain, the importance of facing human health is self-evident, and the beginning of the 8-hour sleep theory on the Internet, it is said that people only sleep for 8 hours a day to be more beneficial to health, this statement is true or false, may wish to listen to the opinions of experts.

Have you been deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"? After the age of 60, how long should the best time to sleep?


Have you been deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"?

Many people think that people of any age should sleep enough for 8 hours a day, lack of sleep, the impact on health is greater, but is the 8-hour sleep theory really suitable for everyone? After the age of 60, how long should the best time to sleep?

Blindly pursuing 8 hours of sleep will not only not have a beneficial impact on the body, but will also disturb the original biological clock and lay hidden dangers for physical health.

Have you been deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"? After the age of 60, how long should the best time to sleep?

The needs of people of different ages for sleep and the requirements for the best daily sleep time are different, the younger the person sleeps for a longer time, and those who are elderly are required to sleep for 8 hours a day, on the contrary, it will break the biological clock of the elderly and increase the physical burden on the elderly.

For middle-aged and elderly people over 60 years old, each person counts the sleep time, as long as it is controlled at 5 to 6 hours, and the noon of practice can be appropriately taken for 20 to 30 minutes to relieve the pressure and burden of the body, and not to be overly tired.

So don't be deceived by the 8-hour sleep theory anymore, because this sleep rule is not suitable for everyone who wants to know whether they should follow the 8-hour sleep theory, but also to make corresponding judgments based on their own actual situation, try not to blindly carry out.

Have you been deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"? After the age of 60, how long should the best time to sleep?


What is the best time to sleep for people of different ages?

Newborns aged 0 to 3 months - the optimal daily sleep time should be maintained at 14 to 17 hours

Infants aged 4 to 11 months – the optimal daily sleep time should be maintained at 12 to 15 hours

Children aged 1 to 2 years - the optimal daily sleep time should be maintained at 11 to 14 hours

Preschoolers aged 3 to 5 years - the optimal daily sleep time should be maintained at 10 to 13 hours

School-age children 6 to 13 years of age - the optimal daily sleep time should be maintained at 9 to 11 hours

Adolescents aged 14 to 17 years - the optimal daily sleep time should be maintained at 8 to 10 hours

Adults aged 18 to 25 years - the optimal daily sleep time should be maintained at 7 to 9 hours

Middle-aged people aged 26 to 64 years - the optimal daily sleep time should be maintained at 6 to 7 hours

Elderly people over the age of 65 - the optimal daily sleep time should be maintained at 5 to 6 hours

Have you been deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"? After the age of 60, how long should the best time to sleep?


What harm will the lack of sleep quality bring to the body?

1. Accelerate aging

If you look closely, you will find that those who stay up late for a long time generally have more sallow skin, large pores, puffy eyes, not dull, rough and easy to acne.

Long-term stay up late, the reason why there will be such a situation, is because of the lack of sleep quality caused by the villagers, the lack of time will make the body release more cortisol, cortisol excess will make a large amount of collagen in the skin loss, so that the skin aging speed is accelerated, adequate sleep is more conducive to repairing damaged skin tissue, to delay aging help.

Have you been deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"? After the age of 60, how long should the best time to sleep?

2. Weight gain

Staying up late will make the body's hormone levels in an unbalanced state, appetite doubled, so that people like to eat high-calorie and high-greasy food, resulting in daily dietary intake far more than consumption, thereby increasing the rate of body obesity, but also make the body's metabolic level slow down, can not better metabolize fat, burn fat, make the body obese.

3. Decreased vision

People who stay up late for a long time and have insufficient sleep quality, due to the long-term playing of video games at night, will make the eyes overuse and appear tired, and the long-term development will also make people's vision decline.

Staying up late will also damage liver health, Chinese medicine believes that the liver is open to the eye, after liver lesions, people's eyes will also be dry and red, red blood will increase blurred vision, vision decreased.

Have you been deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"? After the age of 60, how long should the best time to sleep?

4. The reaction becomes slower

Often stay up late, the brain will also be in a state of insufficient blood and oxygen supply, people's comprehension ability will also be reduced, attention will not be concentrated, learning ability will be reduced, memory will become weaker, and response will become slower.

5. Increase the risk of cancer

Cancer as a malignant tumor disease originating from epithelial cells, the harm to human health is extremely great, long-term staying up late will make the body's immune function reduced, immunity is insufficient, the body's ability to fight against the invasion of viruses and bacteria becomes worse, if not adjusted in time, the risk of suffering from a variety of chronic diseases and cancers in the future will also be greatly improved.

Have you been deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"? After the age of 60, how long should the best time to sleep?

6. Negative emotions increase

Insufficient sleep quality will make people's negative emotions in a state of continuous amplification, people's temper will become abnormally grumpy, depressed mood, if not timely conditioning, timely channeling, will also increase the chance of depression in the future, seriously affecting physical health.


What are the effects of sleeping too much on the body?

1, easy to get tired

Time sleep the body's metabolic speed will be weakened, blood circulation function will also reduce oxygen and nutrients, substances can not be transported to the body tissues in time with the flow of blood, various organs, the brain will also be in a state of ischemia and hypoxia, so that people appear to sleep more and more sleepy, long time will also affect memory.

2. Weight gain

Sleeping too much will make the body always in a dormant state, the rate of food breakdown in the body slows down, the number of calories needed to be consumed is reduced, and over time, it will also increase the body's obesity rate, resulting in weight gain.

3. Affect heart function

The heart as the main organ that transports blood, once the heart stops beating, it will also mean the end of life, the heart will be in a relatively rested state when the human body rests, and sleeping too long will also increase the contractility of the heart, resulting in heart weakness, and the decrease in heart function makes people panic and shortness of breath.

Have you been deceived by the "8-hour sleep theory"? After the age of 60, how long should the best time to sleep?

4. Affect blood flow

People who sleep too much for a long time, the blood viscosity increases, the blood will be in a highly coagulated state, if not adjusted in time, it will also increase the chance of thrombosis and arterioscular atherosclerosis in the future to induce serious myocardial infarction of coronary heart disease, affecting the blood flow of the whole body, so that the local blood supply and oxygen supply are insufficient.