
The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA was so mad that it actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

author:Say it every day


The AFC group decided to place the national football team in a "death group", competing with the strongest teams in Asia, and there is little hope of qualifying.

FIFA originally hoped that the expansion of the World Cup would attract more countries with market influence to participate, but the AFC's grouping strategy frustrated FIFA's wishful thinking.

FIFA was disappointed by the plight of the national team, with FIFA president Gianni Infantino taking reservations about the grouping arrangement.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA was so mad that it actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

Questioning why the three top teams are grouped together in one group, calling for a more rational grouping strategy to ensure a fair and exciting match.


Infantino's doubts are not groundless, but based on an objective analysis of the strength of the Chinese team and the strength of their opponents, although the Chinese team has improved on the stage of Asian football in recent years, compared to the other three teams in Group C.

Whether in terms of technology, tactics or experience, there is a clear gap, and this disparity in strength makes the Chinese team face a huge challenge in the group stage.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA was so mad that it actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

It can even be said that their road to qualification was almost blocked ahead of schedule, and Infantino's dissatisfaction is not only a concern about the situation of the Chinese team, but also a question about the rationality of FIFA's grouping strategy.

He believes that the concentration of the three top teams in the same group not only affects the competitiveness of the competition, but also makes the whole World Cup less enjoyable.

In football, suspense and the unknown are one of the important factors in attracting spectators, when a weaker team is in the same group as three strong teams.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA was so mad that it actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

The suspense of the match was greatly reduced, and it was difficult for the audience to take a strong interest in such a match, and Infantino also mentioned FIFA's original intention to promote the expansion of the World Cup.

The expansion is aimed at getting more countries involved in the event, especially those with large populations and huge market influence.

As an important member of Asian football, the Chinese team's participation in the World Cup is of great significance to enhance the influence of Asian football and attract more audience attention.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA was so mad that it actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

Placing the Chinese team in the "group of death" undoubtedly made their participation in the game no suspense, and also greatly reduced their opportunities to exert market influence. This is in stark contradiction to FIFA's original intentions.

Infantino made his own suggestion for this grouping arrangement, and he believes that if the participating teams are divided into four groups, and a seeded team should be placed in each group.

Then such a grouping strategy may be more reasonable and interesting, under this arrangement, the strength of each group is relatively balanced, and the suspense of the game will be greatly increased.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA was so mad that it actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

This grouping method can also better showcase the strength and potential of each team, so that more teams have the opportunity to show their style on the World Cup stage.

This suggestion has also sparked widespread controversy, on the one hand, some people believe that this grouping method can indeed add suspense and spectacle to a certain extent.

When the combination of strong and weak teams does not follow the traditional model, there is more uncertainty about the outcome of the match, for example, the team that was supposed to be strong and has the chance to win.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA was so mad that it actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

There can be strong challenges due to changes in groupings, which makes the game even more turbulent, and the spectators will always be high in tension and excitement as they watch the game, because it is difficult to predict the outcome.

This grouping is not without its drawbacks, as it can lead to some relatively weak teams facing strong opponents early in the game, leading to premature elimination.

This will undoubtedly affect the experience of these teams and reduce their chances of showing their quality on the World Cup stage.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA was so mad that it actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

In the long run, it may dampen the enthusiasm of some regions where football development is relatively lagging behind, and then affect the overall level and diversified development of the World Cup.

On the other hand, it was pointed out that Infantino's proposal was too idealistic. In practice, there are many complex factors to consider.

For example, there are huge differences in football styles in different regions, and how to balance these differences in the grouping to ensure that the game is fair and exciting is a tricky problem.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA was so mad that it actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

There are many stakeholders involved in the scheduling of football events, including teams, sponsors, broadcasters, etc., and any change in the way the grouping is performed can affect their interests.

The complex landscape of international football politics may also have an impact on the implementation of the grouping approach, and football associations in different countries and regions may have their own interests.

The controversy over the grouping method reflects the high level of interest and expectations for the World Cup.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA was so mad that it actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

Everyone wants the World Cup to be competitive at a high level, but also to be spectacle and fair, and it is not easy to find the perfect balance.

Perhaps when considering changes to the way groupings are made, it is important to listen to all parties, including players, coaches, fans and relevant professionals.

Adequate research and simulations are also needed to assess the possible impacts of different groupings, and a flexible adjustment mechanism should be established.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA was so mad that it actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!

In order to be able to correct and optimize in time when problems are encountered in actual operation, this grouping arrangement has become a fact, and we cannot change it.

However, this incident has triggered us to think deeply about the fairness and suspense of football games, in which we pursue a fair, just and open competitive environment.

Let every team have the opportunity to show their strength and potential, and we also hope to see more suspenseful and exciting games, so that the audience can enjoy the joy brought by football while also feeling the charm of sports competition.

The AFC is too ignorant! FIFA was so mad that it actually divided the "death group" to the national football team!


In the future World Cup, we expect FIFA to pay more attention to the rationality and fairness of the grouping strategy, so that every participating team can have the opportunity to leave their mark on the World Cup stage.

We also hope that the Chinese team can continue to improve its strength in future competitions and contribute to the development of Chinese football.

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