
Why did Mu Tingting, who once stood at the top of the entertainment industry, choose to retire at a young age?

author:Liangjing Entertainment

Speaking of Mu Tingting, everyone may have the deepest impression of her is the role of Bai Meiying in the drama "Every Day there is Joy", she interprets Bai Meiying's lively cuteness and heartache to the fullest, it is precisely because this drama has also won the love of the public. It was also with this drama that it was popular all over the country.

Why did Mu Tingting, who once stood at the top of the entertainment industry, choose to retire at a young age?

Some netizens once jokingly called Mu Tingting an era. Fortunately, in that era, she was already at the top of the entertainment industry. Today's Mu Tingting is gradually fading out of the audience's vision. Why did she choose to retire at a young age?

Exit the jianghu

There are many reasons for Mu Tingting's withdrawal from the entertainment industry, and the most popular versions on the Internet are the following versions.

Some people say that it is because Mu Tingting ran to get married and have children! I couldn't star again because of my family, so I chose to retire! But this news has not been confirmed, and Mu Tingting often publishes her own information on social platforms, from the pictures, Mu Tingting's figure is also very good, not like she is pregnant.

Why did Mu Tingting, who once stood at the top of the entertainment industry, choose to retire at a young age?

Secondly, there is also a saying that it is because Mu Tingting and the artist's company expired, and then did not continue to sign. In the absence of behind-the-scenes platform support, it is difficult to continue, so it has to choose to quit the entertainment industry.

There are also rumors that because Mu Tingting does not understand that the cooperation drama is narrow and always starring in costume dramas, it is difficult to continue, and finally decided to quit the entertainment industry, but in fact, the real reasons have nothing to do with these.

In fact, the most real reason is because this decision was mu Tingting's own choice.

Over the years, in the acting career, Mu Tingting has achieved impressive results, which are enough to make her proud, and the reason why she quit the entertainment industry is because she wants to live such a plain and happy life. Unlike what many netizens imagined, quitting the entertainment industry was a decision she made herself.

Why did Mu Tingting, who once stood at the top of the entertainment industry, choose to retire at a young age?

In fact, Mu Tingting's decision to make this decision is not completely unexpected. When Mu Tingting shoots various film and television works, she often attracts people with her lively personality, and she has joked with the director, and she always looks so cute with a straightforward and big grin.

But Mu Tingting herself does not like to socialize and does not like to accompany people to dinner, which is one of the reasons she describes to the public.

As an actor, it is inevitable that you will go out to socialize due to various circumstances, which is essential.

However, Mu Tingting, who likes freedom, does not want to be bound by these situations, and over the years, Mu Tingting has basically not reported any gossip.

Why did Mu Tingting, who once stood at the top of the entertainment industry, choose to retire at a young age?

Mu Tingting, who does not know how to hype and is unwilling to market herself, is completely dependent on her own acting skills and strength, although she quit the entertainment circle at the age of 30s, but it is this quiet and far-reaching life that she really needs and likes.

Mu Tingting's dream of being an actor

In fact, for Mu Tingting itself, the actor's dream is just a decision she had to make in order to achieve the counterattack of life. Then I really liked the profession and loved art.

Mu Tingting, who was born in Chongqing from childhood, had a very difficult childhood. During her childhood, the family was torn apart by disharmony, and her mother left angrily to live with her father, who soon married another wife and a child.

Why did Mu Tingting, who once stood at the top of the entertainment industry, choose to retire at a young age?

What is even more unacceptable to the young Mu Tingting is that when this child appeared, the father put most of his eyes and energy into this child and his newly formed family, which can be said to be a deaf ear to Mu Tingting, and two questions, which also made Mu Tingting very sad. Over time, I also want to get out of this sad place.

Mu Tingting graduated from the Acting Department of the Beijing Film Academy and successfully obtained a master's degree, which was very successful at that time!

Then, after his unremitting efforts, he finally starred in a TV series directed by Zhang Li, Jinyiwei, and it was precisely because of this drama that he laid the foundation for his acting career in the entertainment industry in the next few decades.

Over the years, from scratch, never to the meeting, Mu Tingting has also paid a lot of unknown heartache and pain.

Why did Mu Tingting, who once stood at the top of the entertainment industry, choose to retire at a young age?

In order to be able to make her acting skills go to a higher level, Mu Tingting has to study for a long time and ponder in detail every time she plays a role.

Just like that, she was still not satisfied. It is also because of every plot she has starred in, most of her characters are dressed in eccentric shapes, and the design is thunderous, which also makes it difficult for her to attract the love of the public.

Persistence will always see hope, the dawn will always come, and finally in 2012, she won the Annual New Art Figure Award, and in 2013, she achieved a super high record of national ratings of more than 600 million in the daily joy! Overnight hit network!

This success also made her very happy, but this happiness was not long-lasting.

Because in the entertainment industry, it is inevitable to socialize and drink because of various problems, but Mu Tingting, who likes freedom by nature, is difficult to accept such a disguised meal.

Why did Mu Tingting, who once stood at the top of the entertainment industry, choose to retire at a young age?

Over time, after getting more and more bored, he finally chose to retire from the jianghu, quit the entertainment circle, and live his own happy life.

Enjoy the charm of solitude

Today, the 37-year-old Mu Tingting has a good life after quitting the entertainment industry. For the entertainment industry, this is one of the ways of her career achievements, and she did not completely choose to retire from the jianghu, but gradually withdrew from the filming of her works.

Over the years, Mu Tingting has also remained single, although there have been rumors that Mu Tingting has a love message, but over the years, it has been proved untrue.

Why did Mu Tingting, who once stood at the top of the entertainment industry, choose to retire at a young age?

The most real thing is the love relationship with Chen Jianfeng, but a person in Hong Kong, a person in the mainland development, almost can not meet, so this love information has yet to be examined.

Over the years, 37-year-old Mu Tingting is enjoying the charm of loneliness, although retired from the entertainment industry, but over the years, she has also had many friends, although lonely but not lonely. Mu Tingting, who longed to live a free life, now she finally fulfilled her wish.


Mu Tingting's career is already unexpected, but in the era when Mu Tingting was hot, she chose to retreat from the rapids, some people do not understand, but now it seems that it is really a different kind of wisdom.

Why did Mu Tingting, who once stood at the top of the entertainment industry, choose to retire at a young age?

Everyone has heard too many torrents of courage, but they have not thought of the statement that there are still rapids retreating. When a thing is no longer suitable for you, you must consider another road, another way, blindly pursuing the so-called correct goal on a road is wrong, you must correct your mentality in time, correct your goal setting, and retreat from the rapids is also a life policy.

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